Pioneer DVD-V8000 user manual

User manual for the device Pioneer DVD-V8000

Device: Pioneer DVD-V8000
Category: DVD Player
Manufacturer: Pioneer
Size: 1.36 MB
Added : 4/14/2013
Number of pages: 111
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Pioneer DVD-V8000 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Pioneer DVD-V8000. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Industrial DVD Player


Manual Version 1.01

Jun 26, 2006

Pioneer Corporation
Pioneer Electronics (USA), Inc.

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

This manual is copyrighted with all rights reserved. No part of this document may be reprinted, produced, translated or utilized in any form or by any means now known or hereafter invented including, but not limited to, any electronic, mechanical, photocopying and recording or information storage and retrieval system means, without the express written permission from Pioneer Electronics (USA), Inc. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. Pi

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

FCC INFORMATION The equipment described in this manual has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC rules. These specifications are designed to provide reasonable protection against radio and television reception interference in a residential installation. There is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. To determine if your player is causing interference, t

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................1 2. INTERFACE.........................................................................................................................2 2.1 Interface Connector ...................................................................................................2 2.2 Serial Interface Pin Specification ..............................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Introduction 5.10 Scan Forward ..........................................................................................................20 5.11 Scan Reverse ..........................................................................................................20 5.12 Scan Stop ................................................................................................................20 5.13 Multi-Speed Forward (DVD, VCD)................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Introduction 6.2 Title/Track Number Request....................................................................................52 6.3 Chapter Number Request (DVD).............................................................................53 6.4 Time Code Request.................................................................................................53 6.5 Block Number Request (CD) ...................................................................................53 6.6 Frame Number

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Introduction 7.4 Random Access.......................................................................................................76 7.5 Reject.......................................................................................................................77 8. DVD-V8000 INTERNAL REGISTERS ...............................................................................78 8.1 Current Time/Frame ...........................................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Introduction 1. INTRODUCTION This document defines the RS-232C command protocol for the Pioneer DVD-V8000 Industrial DVD Player. The DVD-V8000 is capable of playing DVD, CD and VCD discs. The device has three control methods, front panel, remote control or computer interface through the RS-232C serial port. This manual addresses the various commands and precautions required when using the Pioneer DVD-V8000 player with a computer. Please refer to the DVD-V8000 Operating Instructions

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Computer Control 2. INTERFACE 2.1 Interface Connector A computer may be connected to the DVD-V8000 using a 15-pin D-Sub connector (e.g., a JAE DALC-J15SAF connector with suitable plug such as the JAE DA-15PF-N) to the RS-232C serial port or to the parallel port. This unit is also equipped with 9pin connector for serial control. In advanced setup user can choose which port to be used for serial control depends on the cable availability. Either 9pin cross cable or conventional 15pin cab

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Computer Control Refer to the instruction manual about ‘STOP ST’. 9-pin D-Sub connector Pin # Terminal Input/Output Function 1 NC 2 RxD Input receive data 3 TxD Output send data 4 DTR Output data terminal ready 5 GND -- ground 6 NC 7 RTS Output CTS is returned to RTS as it is. 8 CTS Input 9 NC 2.3 Computer Control Functions 2.3.1 Serial Control (see Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6) The player and computer are based upon the RS-232C protocol and are connected through the TxD, R

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Computer Control Power ON mode Power OFF more than 100 msec Check the Key Lock condition. If the Key Lock mode is active, the player ignores the control (refer to the Key Lock command description). Do not operate the POWER pin while the player is switching to Power ON mode and the STANDBY indicator is still umber. - 4

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Computer Control 3. SERIAL CONTROL 3.1 Serial Interface Specifications 3.1.1 Signal Interface The signal interface is a standard RS-232C connection. 3.1.2 Data Type Data Length: 8 bit Stop Bit: 1 bit Parity bit: No Parity 3.1.3 Data Transfer Speed (Baud Rate) The data transfer speed may be set to either 4800, 9600 or 19200 baud through the Advanced Setup Menu screen or with the Advanced Feature Menu Set command (refer to the DVD-V8000 Operating Instructions for command descriptio

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Computer Control 3.3 Command and Status During normal operation, when a computer transmits commands to a DVD- V8000, the player responds with the status message, ‘execution complete’. Example COMPUTER DVD-V8000 (1) “Search to Frame 1000” ⇒ (2) Search Execution ⇐ (3) Complete (4) “Play to Frame 2000” ⇒ (5) Play Execution ⇐ (6) Complete NOTE: The length of a command string is limited to 32 characters. Please refer to COMMAND STRUCTURE for additional information. When using a

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Computer Control or (line feed) which have no affect on the player. NOTE: Some commands, sent after a specialty command which includes an AUTOSTOP setting, (PL, MF, MR, etc.), cause the player to execute the new command before the AUTOSTOP is enacted (see Chapter 5, Command Descriptions). When all the commands in a string have finished executing, the player transmits or returns the "complete" message that is represented by the capital letter R. The player returns an R after a

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Computer Control 3.4 Error Messages If an error occurs during a command execution, the player returns an error code. The table below lists each code with a description of the error: Code Message Description E00 Communication error Communication Line Error due to framing error or buffer overflow E04 Feature not available Non-Usable Function has been tried – either the command mnemonic is wrong or the command can not be used in this mode E06 Missing argument Correct parameter is not spe

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Operating Modes 4. COMMAND STRUCTURE The DVD-V8000 supports the commands listed below. COMMAND SUPPORTING FORMATS No. Page Name Mnemonic DVD- DVD- CD VCD Video VR 5.1 P15 Open OP X X X X 5.2 P15 Close CO X X X X 5.3 P15 Reject RJ X X X X 5.4 P16 Start SA X X X X 5.5 P17 Play (adrs) PL X X X X 5.6 P18 Pause PA X X X X 5.7 P18 Still ST X X X 5.8 P19 Step Forward SF X X X 5.9 P19 Step Reverse SR X X 5.10 P20 Scan Forward NF X X

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Operating Modes 5.43 P48 Output Select arg OS X X X X 5.44 P48 DVD VR Play Mode arg VP X X 5.45 P49 Repeat Mode arg RM X X X 5.46 P49 General Purpose Parameter arg >A,>B,,,>Z X X X X arg _A,_B,,,_Z X X X X arg

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Operating Modes 4.1 Command Mnemonic Each command is expressed as two (2) ASCII characters. There is no distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters except when the Character strings are in a PR command. 4.2 Argument An Argument, expressed in either ASCII characters or ten digits, consists of either an address or an integer. A Control Register uses an integer value to set a specified value or condition. If a command requires an argument, it is always placed before the co

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Operating Modes • Print Character [PR] • Stack Data Upload [BU] • Stack Data Download [BD] • Memory Data Upload [MU] Once the termination command is added to the string, the command string is executes from left to right in sequential order. If an error occurs during the execution of a String, the remainder of the string following that command is ignored. If a new command string is input before the current string executes completely, the current string is aborted and the rema

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Operating Modes If multiple commands are sent within the same String, the player returns a separate status value upon completion of each command. A status value is a character string with a termination code. Example: ?C?F ⇒ 02 10260 When the command is at the end of the command string, the R within the completion message is omitted. Example: ST?F ⇒ 23005 (completion omitted) Example: ?FST ⇒ 23005R (not omitted) 4.7 Timing A player needs a

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