Panasonic DVDRV60 user manual

User manual for the device Panasonic DVDRV60

Device: Panasonic DVDRV60
Category: DVD Player
Manufacturer: Panasonic
Size: 3.91 MB
Added : 7/25/2014
Number of pages: 77
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Panasonic DVDRV60 User manual - Online PDF
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Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

DVD Player
PM.........................South America.
O O General Output terminal: Pin jack
(Y: green, P : blue, P : red)
Power requirements: AC 110-240 V, 50/60 Hz
O O Audio output
Power consumption: 18 W (approx. 4.0 W in
STANDBY mode) Output level: 2 Vrms (1 kHz, 0 dB)
Dimensions: 430 (W)×271 (D)×82 (H) mm Output terminal:
(excluding protrusions) Mixed output (L/R): Pin jack (1 system)
Mass: 2.9 kg 5.1ch discrete output: Pin jack (1 system

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

DVD-RV60 CONTENTS Page Page 1 SAFETYPRECAUTIONS 4 11.6. Disassembling the Stepping Motor Unit 20 1.1. GENERALGUIDELINES 4 11.7. Disassembling the Optical Pickup Unit 20 2 PREVENTIONOFELECTROSTATICDISCHARGE(ESD)TO 11.8. Disassembling the Nut Unit 21 ELECTROSTATICALLYSENSITIVE(ES)DEVICES 4 11.9. Disassembling the Sub-Shaft Preload Spring 21 3 PRECAUTIONOFLASERDIODE 5 11.10. Assembling the Optical Pickup 21 4 HANDLINGPRECAUTIONSFORTRAVERSEDECK 5 11.11. Disassembling the Spindle Motor Unit 22

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

DVD-RV60 16.11. AUDIO OUT SECTION (MOTHER P.C.B. (2/3)) 17.6. FRONT SWITCH P.C.B. AND POWER SWITCH P.C.B. 58 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 49 18 EXPLODED VIEWS 59 16.12. OPERATION SECTION (MOTHER P.C.B. (3/3)) 18.1. Casing Parts & Mechanism Section Exploded View 59 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 50 18.2. Loading Mechanism Section Exploded View 60 16.13. FRONT SWITCH AND POWER SWITCH SCHEMATIC 18.3. Traverse Section Exploded View 61 DIAGRAM 51 18.4. Packing & Accessories Section Exploded View 62 17 PRINTED CIRCUIT BO

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

DVD-RV60 1 SAFETYPRECAUTIONS 1.1. GENERALGUIDELINES 1. When servicing, observe the original lead dress. If a short circuit is found, replace all parts which have been overheated or damaged by the short circuit. 2. After servicing, see to it that all the protective devices such as insulation barriers, insulation papers shields are properly installed. 3. After servicing, make the following leakage current checks to prevent the customer from being exposed to shock hazards. 1.1.1. LEAKAGE CURRENT

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

DVD-RV60 Caution Be sure no power is applied to the chassis or circuit, and observe all other safety precautions. 8. Minimizebodily motionswhenhandlingunpackaged replacement ESdevices.(Otherwisehamlessmotion suchasthebrushing together of your clothes fabric or the lifting of your foot from a carpeted floor can generate static electricity (ESD) sufficient to damage an ES device). 3 PRECAUTIONOFLASERDIODE Caution ThisunitutilizesaclassIlaser.Invisiblelaserradiationisemittedfromtheopticalpickuplen

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

DVD-RV60 5 OpticalPickupSelf-DiagnosisandReplacement Procedure Theopticalpickupself-diagnosisfunctionandtiltadjustmentcheckfunctionhavebeennewlyaddedtothisplayer.Whenrepairing, usethefollowingprocedureforeffectiveSelf-diagnosisandtiltadjustment. Besuretousetheself-diagnosisfunctionbeforereplacingtheopticalpickupwhen"NODISC"isdisplayed.Asaguideline,you shouldreplacetheopticalpickupwhenthevalueofthelaserdrivecurrentismorethan55. Note Pressthepowerbuttontoturnonthepower,andcheckthevaluebeforetheuni

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

DVD-RV60 6 Self-DiagnosisFunctionandServiceModes 6.1. ServiceModeTable Theservicemodescanbeactivatedbypressingvariousbuttoncombinationsontheplayerandremotecontrolunit. Playerbuttons Remotecontrolunitbuttons Application Note 0 Displaying the UHF display F_ _ _ Refer to section 6.2, Self- Diagnosis Function (UHF Display). 5 Jitter check, Tilt adjustment Refer to section 11.12, *Display shows JITXXX Optical Pickup Tilt The 3 digit number (JITXXX) indicates the Jitter rate Adjustment. (JIT088=8.8%)

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

DVD-RV60 6.3. ExamplesofRepairsUsingErrorCodes Refertothissectionwhencarryingoutrepairs. Errordisplay Malfunctionexample F0** Disc,IC7001 F103 Disc,IC7001 F4FF IC6001 F500 Opticalpickup,IC2001,IC5201,IC2511,IC2501 F501 IC2001,IC6201 F502 IC2501,IC2511,IC2001,IC5201 F504 IC5201,IC2001 F505 Disc,IC2501,IC2511,IC5201,IC2001 F506 Disc,Opticalpickup,IC2001 F600 Disc,IC7001,IC5201,IC2001 F601 Disc,IC7001 F602 Disc,IC5201,IC2001 F603 Disc,IC5201,IC2001 F610 IC7001 F611 IC7001,IC5201,IC2001 F612 IC7001,

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

DVD-RV60 7 ServiceToolsandEquipment 7.1. ServiceToolsandEquipmentTable Application Name Number General DVDtestdisc DVDT-S15orDVDT-S01 Tiltadjustment Hexwrench JGS0100 Adjustmenttable VFK0539 Inspection Extensioncable(powersupplyP.C.B.tomotherP.C.B.) JGS0099 Extensioncable(mechanismloadingP.C.B.tomotherP.C.B.)VUC8027 Extensioncables(moduleP.C.B.tomotherP.C.B.) JGS0116,JGS0098 Others Screwlock RZZ0L01 Grease JGS0091 JGS0092 Lubricant JZS0648 Grease JGS0101 Confirmation CDtestdisc SZZP1054C VCDtest

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

DVD-RV60 8 GeneralDescription 8.1. OperatingInstructions 1 2 3 4 56 º? ;1 OPEN/CLOSE < V.S.S. CINEMA POWER 6 ê? STANDBY :9 ê/I 7 8 9: ;< =>?@ A B ANGLE DVD PROG. 96kHz 24bit CDE F GH Buttons such as 1 function in exactly the same way as Main unit the buttons on the main unit. 1 Standby/on switch (POWER, ê/I) 1 Press to switch the unit from on to standby mode or vice versa. In standby mode, the unit is still consuming a small amount of POWER OPEN/CLOSE H < power. 3 4 STOP PAUSE PLAY 2 Disc tray º

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

DVD-RV60 9 AssemblingandDisassemblingtheCasingand CheckingP.C.B.s 9.1. DisassemblyProcedure Whenservicingtheunit,usethefollowingproceduretodisassemblethecasingandinsidepartsforinternalinspection. 11

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

DVD-RV60 9.2. CasingPartsandP.C.B.Positions 9.3. ServicePositions Note Toinspecttheloadingbaseunit,positiontheleftsideupward(asviewedfromthefront). 12

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

DVD-RV60 9.4. DisassemblingtheTopCover 9.6. DisassemblingtheFrontPanel 1. Remove the 4 screws. 1. Release the 3 tabs on the bottom. 2. Release the 2 tabs on the left and right. 2. Remove the 3 screws. 3. Release the 2 tabs. 4. Disconnect the 2 flexible cables. 9.5. DisassemblingtheTray 1. Turn the lever clockwise. 2. Move the tray in the direction of the arrow until it locks. 3. Release the tab locks on the left and right, then pull out the tray. 13

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

DVD-RV60 9.7. DisassemblingtheLoading 2. Connect the module P.C.B. to the mother P.C.B. with the BaseUnit extension cables for inspection. 1. Remove the 4 screws. · Extension cable: JGS0098 2. Pull out the loading base unit vertically. · Extension cable: JGS0116 Note Mother P.C.B. Module P.C.B. There is a danger of damaging the connectors. PP4201-PS4201 PP3201-PS3201 3. Connect the mechanism loading P.C.B. to the mother P.C.B.with the extension cable: for inspection. · Extension cable: VU

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

DVD-RV60 9.10. CheckingthePowerSupply 9.11. CheckingtheMotherP.C.B. P.C.B. 1. Remove the 4 screws. 2. Release the tab. 1. Remove the 3 screws. 2. Carefully pull out the power supply P.C.B. Note 3. Check by connecting the module P.C.B. and the mother There is a danger of damaging the connectors. P.C.B. with the extension cables. · Extension cable: JGS0116 3. Connect the power supply P.C.B. and the mother P.C.B. with the extension cable for inspection. · Extension cable: JGS0098 · Extensi

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

DVD-RV60 9.12. CheckingtheFrontSwitch P.C.B. 1. Remove the 3 screws. 9.13. CheckingthePowerSwitch P.C.B. 1. Remove the 2 screws. 16

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

DVD-RV60 10 Service Precautions 10.1. InitializingtheDVDPlayer InitializetheDVDplayerwheneveryoureplaceamicroprocessor,microprocessorperipheralparts,moduleP.C.B.ormotherP.C.B. 10.1.1. Precautions Thecustomersettingswillreturntofactorypresetsettingswhentheplayerisinitialized.Makeanoteofthesettingsandresetthem afterinitializing. · When resetting, see the Initial Settings in the Operating Instructions. 10.1.2. InitializationMethod The player will be initialized (return to the factory preset condit

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

DVD-RV60 11 Assembling and Disassembling the Optical Pickup (Mechanical Parts) The optical pickup can be damaged by static electricity from your body. Be sure to take static electricity countermeasures when working around the optical pickup. 11.1. HandlingtheOpticalPickup Theopticalpickup canbedamagedbystaticelectricityfromyourbody. Besuretotakestaticelectricitycountermeasureswhen workingaroundtheopticalpickup. 1. The optical pickup is an extremely high-precision mechanism. Do not subject it to

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

DVD-RV60 2. Release the 3 tabs on the clamper. 11.3. DisassemblingtheClamp BaseUnit 1. Remove the 2 screws. 11.4. DisassemblingtheClamper Weight,ClamperYoke,Magnet 11.5. DisassemblingtheTraverse andClamper Unit 1. Release the tab, and pull out the clamper. 1. Remove the 3 screws. Note Be sure to take static electricitiy countermeasures befer disconnecting the flexible cable.(Refer to section 4, HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR TRAVERSE DECK.) 19

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

DVD-RV60 2. Disconnect the 2 flexible cables. 11.7. DisassemblingtheOptical PickupUnit 1. Remove the screw. 2. Release the tab, then remove spring holder 1. Note Be sure not to lose the spring. 3. Remove the guide shaft. Note Be sure to adjust the optical pickup tilt after replacing the optical pickup. (Refer to section 11.12, Opitcal Pickup Tilt Adjustment.) 11.6. DisassemblingtheStepping MotorUnit 1. Disconnect the flexible cable. 2. Remove the 2 screws. Note Take care when handling the

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