Whirlpool DU1098XL user manual

User manual for the device Whirlpool DU1098XL

Device: Whirlpool DU1098XL
Category: Dishwasher
Manufacturer: Whirlpool
Size: 1.17 MB
Added : 6/27/2013
Number of pages: 16
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Whirlpool DU1098XL User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Whirlpool DU1098XL. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

OVeflS. MIcrowave Ranges. Unlls. Surface and Ovens BullI-In DIshwashers. Makers, Refrlgeralor-Freezers. Freezers, rs,
Dehumldl Condltloners. Air Room Compaclors. Trash

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

8 2 9 2 or : : : : : : : : 9 3 9 a : : : 4 : : : : 10 4 11 5 : : 12 5 IF 14 6 I. for 14 6 2. If 15 7 3. If 15 8 4. If a 15 Before It to l a l from l on a floor to l to @ l not or to l for information. comalete instructions installation -See maintained. properly Is properly. it operate unable anyone children by used Is grounded.* electrically properly been Has drain- and water electricity, connected properly been Has weight. its support enough strong installed been H

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

-.. I LOWER (not to too from When or a 1. (from 2. from a no to for and 3 service. in-warranty Number Telephone Company Service required is that all is Proof-of-purchase return. registration warranty is place.There handy Dote Purchase in together Slip Sales and Warranty your book, this Keep spaces. these in information this Copy slip. sales date Purchase Number Serrol shown). as located plate the Numbers Serial and Model Complete Number Model ready: information this hav

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

a of hot, of When a fills to of food out a of on food from erful from system It not to of food food out of out. for 1. Walt 20 a for to 2. 3. of to 4. Lift out 1. [on In 2. on 3. front. Water For 140°F (60°C). 1. on hot run hot 2. a or of hot to 3. If too a setting. thermostat heater water the raise person qualified have low, is temperature the temperature. the measure water stream the in meatthermometer candy Hold possible. as as is it until water Let dish

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

loading from to off for to rack loading l for to l for l l l not for not l l l l or foods spray. the facing surfaces soiled with rack bottom the in loaded be should dried-on cooked-on with Items rack. bottom the in melted be can items Plastic recommended. are safe” “dishwasher marked items plastic Only rack. top the in placed be rack. top the in only items plastic Load can utensils other and pans bowls, Small occur. may Damage operation. washer occur. may dish- during

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

l l do not of or l \- \ or out of In front of k forks In of l front from l not or l When forks, rn front do not from turning arm spray upper the stop items long sure Make down. point in put are etc.) skewers, bumpers with (knives, items sharp sure Make replace removed, is rack lower rack. bottom the in Items plastic cups glasses, load Do NOTE: dispenser. detergent reaching section. any in put be can - etc spray water keep may in items such lids, jar caps, bottle b

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Adding of of detergent dispenser a too too to l l of different of rus on door If or to or a a or not to for a much detergent use l 1 or to of to if 8 or of on of If too if too l to soft if 5 to 7 Of to Find out l to or hardness. agent. extension county lineifwaterisOto4grainsof company softener water ment, bottom sections both Fill - SOFT depart- water local your asking by hardness watefs your hardness. etch. begin grainS is water line middle will

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

make OFF . WASH Cycle... marked WASH 8 / RINSE Cycle. the start to out Knob trol Con- Cycle the pull it, turning Without 3. option. Select 2. START. dot to points Knob Control Cycle sure Make 1. START dishwasher your Starting door. the latch and Close 2. freely. off. it Turn hot. is it until washer turning from it stop will nothing sure dish- nearest sink at water hot Run 3. to Arm Spray Upper the Spin 1. dishwasher your starting Before Switch Selector Option \

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

WASH A for to on 60 If not of turn to OFF. If to not of If door to add dish 4. door. not Wait 30 1. for to of not from 2. doorto 5. door. 3. door from 9 stopped. it where dish. the add and the Open start will dishwasher The the Latch cycle. the ing cycle. the stop the Unlatch restart- when vent the come can that WASH passed has Knob Control Cycle the sure make rinsed, moisture amount the reduce helps This up. warm dishwasher the in air onds and washed is item added

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

lf 2. a 1. Wash full a of hot a 4. 3. for In- of to or of 5. hours, to of of 10 day. times certain at energy usage heavy avoid this recommend utilities Local off-peak during dlshwasher your Use rinsing. hand without load. results washing good provide will loading the part all rewash need the and proper and detergent amount mended washing poor cause may loading correct recom- the with Cycle WASH the Using results. washing best correctly Load dishes. soiled normally pre-ri

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Special for It to do. not or Aluminum: to of If front of Colored aluminum: not to to hot for of to if glasses: -to a to force of from tom foods if to on if not to Wash A film form on a film a of It not Cast utensils: finish Wash fat a for hour or Plastics: on If Non-stick Wood: or finish. not or of a Dishwasher care cleaning: soft or a In to of of a film to on If 11 water. and detergent dishwasher with inside clean needed, surfaces inside the up build w

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Common problems a Items a 1 2 Items 3 Put 2 ml] a 4 a a Items In IS 140 F a IS 140 F a Items Items a time Alumrnum In alumlnum a mild them. will not be supported and chip 12 break or may prongs glassware over loaded Glasses over not prongs, between breaklng Load only. rack top the in glasses Load overload not Do loading Improper or Chlpplng cleanser abrasive and pad scouring plastic with marks black Remove dishes. washrng durrng utensils touch not do they so Plac

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

a Items o IS - much A tllmlng 0 & In 1 2 Add 1 z 240 ml) 3 - put milk In a In plumbing a up a o dishwasher. the of draining proper insure to clean kept be should gap air drain The warranty dishwasher the by covered NOT is and dishwasher the of part NOT is gap air drain The drain. plugged to due dishwasher the into drain the from backing water of possibility the prevent to dishwasher the near counter the of top the on or sink the above located usually is gap air The ho

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

often from l or find of l cord (if . IF l If motor of a If motor not for l door l out)? IF l l A of of l IF l front.) l fresh l on? l 14 completed? cycle the Is turned water Is lumps? without dry and detergent dishwasher the Is the at be should bumpers rack (The backwards? in rack bottom the Is CUP: DETERGENT COVERED THE IN REMAINS DETERGENT clogged? gap air drain Is filter. the section guard pump removable the in remain may water amount small completed? cycle th

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

service”‘... Whirlpool ’ Whirlpool a from: of -. . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 253-1301 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 632-2243 & . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 253-l 121 of our to trom or, if a our 2) or a quality this !fPA quality a R have fit right and right, our the 2) of used build our or if to: Mr. Whirlpool 2000 49022 ‘If or of a of infor- to to for assistance. request your respond better order in needed is mation This problem. the descriptio

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Whirlpool A a 303382 Ice C Clothes Washers. Automatic Oehumldlfiers. Condltloners. Air Room Compactors, Trash Ovens. MIcrowave Ranges, Units. Surlace and Ovens Bwlt-In Dishwashers, Makers. U.S.A in Printed No. Part easier llttle world your Maklng /Appliances Home

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