Jackson 600 3 15 06401-003-10-33 user manual

User manual for the device Jackson 600 3 15 06401-003-10-33

Device: Jackson 600 3 15 06401-003-10-33
Category: Dishwasher
Manufacturer: Jackson
Size: 3.32 MB
Added : 12/5/2013
Number of pages: 5
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Jackson 600 3 15 06401-003-10-33 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Jackson 600 3 15 06401-003-10-33. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Rack Conveyor Dishmachine
Maintenance Instructions
Heater Replacement
07610-003-12-01 A
October 14, 2005

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

www.jacksonmsc.com Jackson rack conveyor machines come equipped with STEPS heaters to ensure proper ware washing results. Occasionally, some of these components may need replacing to maintain opti- 1. Remove the front dress panel. mum performance. Jackson offers all of the repair parts necessary for per- 2. Remove the heater box cover to expose the heater. Set the forming this task. cover and hardware to the side. The instructions provided here are for maintenance per- sonnel only. Unauthor

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

www.jacksonmsc.com 9. Remove the gasket. Removing silicone from thermostat well Removing the gasket 7. With the thermostat probe out of the way, use the 1/2” socket 10. Before proceeding any further, it is important to verify that the and ratchet to remove the nuts holding the heater to the tub. tub wall is free of any excess debris so that when the new gasket Remove all nuts and lockwashers. is applied, there are no gaps that could lead to leaking around the heater. 11. Apply the new heater gas

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

www.jacksonmsc.com Putting the thermostat probe in the heater well Three phase wiring 16. Using the torque wrench or a torque nutdriver (if available) 14. Apply silicone to seal the well and hold the thermostat probe in torge the nuts holding the wires, jumpers and bus bars to 16 in-lbs. place. Tightening the nuts holding the power lines Applying silicone to the heater well 15. Reattach the incoming power lines to the heater, ensuring that 17. Ensuring that all non-essential personnel are clear

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

www.jacksonmsc.com CONTACT INFORMATION 22. Replace the heater box cover. Jackson MSC Inc. provides technical support for all of the 23. Replace the front dress panel. dishmachines detailed in this manual. We strongly recommend that you refer to this manual before making a call to our technical sup- AFTER MAINTENANCE ACTIONS port staff. Please have this manual with you when you call so that our staff can refer you, if necessary, to the proper page. Technical Service perosnnel may want to drain th

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