GE GSD400Y user manual

User manual for the device GE GSD400Y

Device: GE GSD400Y
Category: Dishwasher
Manufacturer: GE
Size: 3.33 MB
Added : 10/3/2014
Number of pages: 16
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GE GSD400Y User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to GE GSD400Y. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

I contents
Air Gap 11
Use andCare of
ApplianceRegistration 2
built-in model
CareandCleaning 15
China,Crystal,Sterling 10
CycleFeatures 5
Detergent,DetergentGuide 6,7
DispenserCups 7
DoorLatch 4
EnergySaver 4,5
Energy-Saving Tips 2
Features 4
Loading 8,9
ModelandSerialNumbers 2
OperatingGuide 4,5
CycleSelection 5
ProblemSolver 12-14
RepairService 15
RinseAgent 6
‘ SafetyInstructions 3
Warranty BackCover
WaterTemperature 6
WinterStorage 11

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Helpw helpyou.*, Thepowerconsumption ofyour dishwasher canbeminimized if y(.NJ followthesesuggestions: It isintendedtohelpyouoperate ~(@rate dkhwsher Ody WhWi andmainminyournewdishwmhqr ML Letdishesaccumulate in properly. dishwasher. Whenyouputina Keepit handyforanpwers toyou! partialload,use.RINSEONLY questions, cycletorinseoffheavysoils.Be suretolatchdoorwhenwaitingfor Ifyoudon’tundtmtan? twmwt!?ing fullload.Thishelpskeepsoils or needmorehe~p,wr@(iq~lu$e moist,easiertoremove. yourphonenumber):

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

MPOaW’MTSAFETY ~STRUCTIONS ead allimtmctions beforeusingthisappliance. - —— — - — —. ,— ---- ~. . ~ “’ :- ,.,, ,.’ M ,, toplayinside,onor withthis ‘ms~~qcTroNs .—, ,, applianceor anydiscarded ~ . :.,,,,,., : .~~. , , ~DO~0~Washplasticitemsunless appliance.Disposeofdiscarded ‘ ‘~. ~,,,:.‘ marked“dishwasher safe”or the .~,,, ,, appliancesan~shippingor ‘ equivalent. Forplasticitemsnotso ,, P~C~t3 materialgiropeiily. ‘ . ., ~,, marked, checkthernanufkcturer’s Beforediscardinga dishtisher, ~~ , ~ .“

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Howto Opemk your*hWasher CycleIndicatorDial DoorLatch (TurntoStart) (Locked) STEPL Loadyourdishwasher STEP4. SelecttheCycleandstart @ForRINSEONLYcycle: withdishes,silverware,pots, dishwasher. LIGHT WASH pans,bowls,etc.accordingto If yourdishwasher drainsintoa instructions onpages8 and9. foodwastedisposer,operatethe ON @ OFF @ disposeruntilit is emptybefore STEP2. Adddetergenttothe 0 RINSE ONLY startingthedishwasher. (SeeCycle detergent dispenser.Makesure selectionhintsonnextpage.) theCycleIndica

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

cycleSE!kdioll Mm ORMALWASH—For mostloads f everyday dishes,glasses LIGHT_ WASH—For dishesthat havebeenpre-rinsedbefore loading.Also,forwashingvery lightly-soiled disheswithsoilsthat havenotdriedon. RINSEONLY—For rinsingpartial loadswhichwillbe washedlater, Donotusedefqgent. what hqqm’lsilleachcycle @Themotorstopsduringdrying. @You’ll hearoccasionalclicking sounds: @Watervaporcomesthroughthe —Softfooddisposershredding ventbythedoorlatchduring action. dryingandwhenwateris being pumpedout. —Drainv

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Gooddishwa$hi~$tarts showers,giveyourwater’heater How tochooseand use timetorecoverbefore operatingthe withHOTwater. therightdetergent. dishwasher. m Togetdishescleananddry,you First,useonlypowder orliquid Toimprovewashability ifthewater needhotwater.TO helpyougetwater deteqgerit specifically madefor islessthan120°F andyoucannot oftheproperternper@re,your useindishwashers. CNher types adjustyourwaterheater:Selecta dishwasher automatically heatsthe willcauseowwsudsbg. longercycleandfillbothdeterg

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Howtopqxwe - - the.dishesforwashing, — 3.Trytoremovefoodscrapsarid = Yiiuw find twodetergent Ifthisisyourfirstdishwasher, orif placedishesindishwasher before ~ dispensers ontheinsidedoorof you’re replacing anwchokier soilh~ a chancetodryandbecome —. yourdishwasher. TVO, because model, youmaywonder howmuch somecyclesusetwowashes. pre-preparation yourdishes WxxL hard,Disheswithdried-onsoilare ~ Actually verylittleiPro-riming of nmredifficulttowashandmay =- normal foodsoilsMnotnecessatyo requireadd

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

HowtoloadtheTOPRACK Howto!oadl yourdishwasher o Thetoprackisbestforglasses,cupsandsaucers.Cups Thisisa randommixedload,themostcommontypeyou willhave. andglassesfitbestalongthesides.Thisistheplacefor dishwasher-safe plastics,too.Makesuresmallplastic Makesuredishesareproperlyloadedto insurethat itemsarelodgedintightlysotheycan’tfallontothe watercanreachthesoiledsurfaces.Thewasharminthe Calrod@ heatingunit. bottomsprayswaterup. Thetowerthatrisesin the centersendswateroutoverthedishestowashtheitems

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

HowtohwlltheB~~M RMX Heavilysoiledpots,pansandcasserolesMUSTbe Fitplatesandsaucersbetweenthepins.Loadplatters, loadedinthebottomrack,facingdown.Propthebroiler potsandbowlsalongthesides,in cornersor in the panandrackalongtheedge.Shallowitemsmaybe back. angledprovidedthelowersidedoesnotshieldthesoiled surfaceinsidefromthewater. Don’t letany itemextend ~; ; through bottom. ‘i- Takeoutanythingthatmightfallor extendthroughthe Putflatwarein the removablesilverwarebasketwith bottomofthe silverwarebaske

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

*cEywd llt&ip&ted patterns M(2, - Gold kaf willdxkohx 1 I No [ I ‘was YES MilkGlassmayyellow. k . . I km I Ironwillrust. ~ ~ Wwter tarnishes. . No -YES ,. staink$s steel YES I Sw.’hlgSmu% YES Don’t putinsamesilvtmm’e ad mm’ basketwithstainlesssteeL pkde Contactbetweenmetalscan damagesilver, ‘ r Don’tusecopperutensilsin thesameload.Silvermaygeta brownfib-n. Adhesive usedto attachsome hollow-handle knivescanloosen. ,,, ,,, ,,. - b 7’ Non-stick -YIN Afterwhshing$ wipethenon-stickcoatingatdawith mat

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

!E?i%&” g%&l??J --— - - —. - - Bw”int dkhwashersOM’TI Notwing ymnl’tishwmher SW’? MmTENANcE _- msTRumIoNs U.lseam air gap Keepit Ck!m inwinter? Protectagainst freezing. Cleanthe controlpanelwitha ArIairgapisaplumbing device.It lightlydampenedcloth.Dry protectsyourdishwasher against If yourdishwasher isleftinan thoroughly. Doriotuseabrasives waterbackingupintoit if a drain -. unheatedlocationduringthewinter or sharpobjectsonthepanel. clogs,Theairgapis nota partof months,havea servicetechnician Th

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

.- - ~ = ——*4 Questions? -n use ThisProblemsolver POSSIBLE CAUSE ANDREMEDY A fuseinyourhomemaybeblown,or thecircuitbreakertripped,Replacefuseor resetcircuitbreaker.Remove anyotherappliances fromthecircuit+ UNUSUALNOISE Utensilsmaynotbesecureonrackpins,or something smallmayhavedroppedfrom thereck.Wateriscausingutensilstorattle.Makesureeverything is securelyplaced indishwasher. E?EMES DON’T DRY Makesureinletwatertemperature is correct.(Seepage6.) Unloadthebottomrackfirst.Waterfromdishesinthetoprac

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSEANID REI$IEDY SKITS AND FnJJ@N4 Spottingcanbecausedbyallthesethings: ONGLASSES AND @Extremelyhardwater.(Seepage6$) FLATWARE Lowinletwatertemperature.(Totest,seepage6.) Overloading thedishwasher. ~Improperloading.(Seepages8and9.) IOldor damppowderdetergent. Phosphatelevelin detergenttoolow.(Seepage6.) Toolittledetergent.(Seepage7.) Duetovaryinglocalwaterconditions andpersonalpreferences, try severalbrands ofdetergents to findonethatgivesthebestresultsforyou.A liquiddishwashin

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

D PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE ANDREMEDY amPPING OFCHIN Rough handling can. causechipping. Loadwithcare.Maim sureglassware andchina aresecure andcan’tjar 10WW. (Seepage8 forcorrect waytoloadglassware.) Make sure,tall glasses andstemware willclearthetopofthetubwhim youpushtherackinto thedishwasher. Always usethetoprackfordeiicate iteins. SMALLAMOUNT 01 Wateraroundtheoutletonthetu~bottomat.thebacktithe tubisnormal,It isckxm WKIT3R STANDING water.It’stheretokeepthewiiterseallubricated, m mm IKYrmM OFTHET

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

HYOU Needservice Toobtainservice,seeyourwarranty orIthebackpageofthisbook. llkfmproudofourserviceand - want. yiu tobepleased.If forsome - - reasonyouarenothappywiththe — —. serviceyoureceive,herearethree u stepstof’llawforfurtherhelp. - — FIRST’, contactthnpeoplewho — — servicedyourappliance, Explain —- - U4mmfr whyyouarenotpleased. Inmost —. - cases,thiswillsolvetheproblwn, - - NEXT’, ifyouarestillnotpleased, writeallthedetails-including — - ym.uphonenumber—to: Sxwr -.. Manager,ConsumerRelation

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

YOURGENERALELEmRucAuToMAT#cDISHWASHER WARRANW — Saveproofof original purchasedatesuch as yoursalesslip or canceliedcheck to establishwarrantyperiod. a FULL ONE-YEARWARRANTY This warranty is extendedto WHATIs COVERED the original purchaserand any F&one yearfrom dateof original succeeding ownerfor products purchase,we will provide,free of purchasedfor ordinary home use charge,parts and servicelabor in the 40 mainland states, Hawaii in your hometo repairor replace and Washington, D.C,In Alaskathe a

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