Marathon Excel Phire 255 user manual

User manual for the device Marathon Excel Phire 255

Device: Marathon Excel Phire 255
Category: Door
Manufacturer: Marathon
Size: 0.11 MB
Added : 4/18/2014
Number of pages: 2
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Marathon Excel Phire 255 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Marathon Excel Phire 255. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Marathon Excel
Data Sheet
Single Sliding Horizontal Cleanroom Door
Model 245- Manual
Manual or Power Operated
Model 255 - Power
Shown with Optional Vision Panel
� Unitized high strength 1-3/4" thick 16 gauge stainless � U.L. 10B classification 90 minute rating.
steel panel for easy cleaning. Stainless steel (20
� Stainless steel fusible link.
gauge) edge capping for added strength and
� Spring closure with adjustable closing speed to close
door upon release of fusible

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Model 255 Power DESIGN AND WARRANTY CONSTRUCTION � One year limited warranty on all DOOR SIZES components. Min: 5’ x 7’ Max: 8’ x 9’ OPTIONS (Other sizes available - � Galvanized steel TOTAL LENGTH (2)WIC + 30" Consult factory.) clad panel. (MANUAL DOOR -TOTAL LENGTH (2)WIC + 16-1/2") PANEL � Flat shroud CONSTRUCTION (requires 14” � Unitized design. headroom). � 16 gauge stainless � Vision panel - wire steel continuously mesh or clear fire welded panel. MOUNTING HARDWARE lite (optional sizes)

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