Summary of the content on the page No. 1
Digital Production Environment
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
The TASCAM SX-1 Vision The SX-1 of f e r s The Vision Several years ago, the SX-1 design team envisioned a machine that not only an would combine the power and flexibility of computer - b a s e d i n c redibly recording and editing, MIDI sequencing, hardware surface control, p o w e rful dynamic mix automation, on-board and plug-in effects, stereo and f e a t u re set, but surround mixdown, data backup - all of which would be accessible also a car e f u l l y via a powerful and intuitive user
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
The TASCAM SX-1 Vision disk recorder for slating or funky tracking. Also, if you own high- The SX-1 is: end analog outboard processors (maybe a pair of 1176’s or a Fairchild 670), you could easily patch them into inserts on any mixer • A sophisticated channel. 40 input, 32x8x8 digital The SX-1 takes the digital console concept even further with pres- mixing console tige, name brand, onboard effects by TC Works and Antares. It also possesses one of the best surround mixing interfaces on the ma
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
The TASCAM SX-1 Vision When all components of the SX-1’s digital console are consid- When all e red…40 input/8 bus ar c h i t e c t u re, touch-sensitive motorized components of 100mm faders, name brand onboard effects, highly sophisticated the SX-1’s automation, extremely flexible signal routing, surround mixing, etc. digital console - the SX-1 is clearly a remarkable value. a re consider e d … 40 input/8 bus ____________________________________________________________ architecture, A Professi
Summary of the content on the page No. 5
The TASCAM SX-1 Vision The SX-1 can A Professional Hard Disk Recorder The SX-1’s hard disk recorder is derived from the same technology play back 16 in the TEC award-winning MX-2424 and Emmy award-winning MM uncompressed Series film dubbers. The SX-1 can play back 16 uncompressed tracks tracks of of pristine 24-bit audio at one time, but it’s capable of far more. pristine 24-bit With 999 virtual tracks per project that can be freely assigned to audio at one any track, anywhere, the SX-1 makes c
Summary of the content on the page No. 6
The TASCAM SX-1 Vision If you’ve ever Waveform Editing Many industry pros would used audio a rgue that the wavefor m - editing softwar e , based display has been the the SX-1 will most significant new feature feel right at i n t roduced over the past home. decade to improve the profes- sional audio re c o rding and editing process. The SX-1’s designers saw the possibilities for a custom, full color graph- ic interface that would take advantage of the SX-1’s speed. As such, the SX-1 has a graphi
Summary of the content on the page No. 7
The TASCAM SX-1 Vision SX-1 Summarized V1.0 features • 40x8 digital console…32 channels with 3-band fully variable EQ, comp/gate and DSP insert point each, 8 identical return channels without the DSP insert point; 8 busses with DSP insert point; touch sensitive 100mm motorized faders; and powerful on-board dynamic mix automation. • Onboard effects…TC Works Reverb, Antares mic/speaker modelers, and a proprietary suite of TASCAM effects. • 16 track HDR with additional 6-track stem recorder that
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
The TASCAM SX-1 Vision Options • FP-MSX black flat-panel VGA monitor • ADAT 8-channel I/O card • TDIF 8-channel I/O card • AES/EBU 8-channel I/O card • Analog 8-channel I/O cards