Summary of the content on the page No. 1
Quickly and Professionally Edit Photos and
Create Digital Artwork with Natural Pen Control
31 ilrpA - 13 hcraM etivcffee seicrp hceT-iH
Easy to use
2048 levels of pen pressure
eis cerp rfo iytitivsnes
Wacom Intuos4
pressure control
telba T nePll a mS
With a new design and features inspired by members
of the professional creative community, Intuos4 redefines the pen tablet experience. Featuring the new
Wacom Tip Sensor and 2048 levels of pen pressure sensitivity, the Intuos4 pen ca
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
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Summary of the content on the page No. 3
31il rpA - 13 hcraM etivcffee seicrp hceTi-H .tsnetmraped smtesyS oeidV-ioduA ithw sertost a lebilaavA D V D liate D de d netx E a bi hs o T XDE delivers a new level of near HD video quality from standard DVD reyalP DVD glinacspU p0801 ynoS raelc a secu d or per yg ol onhcet esi on deta mitse dna n oit o m lexiP .scsi d p 0 8 0 1 g nil a c s p u n a h ti w s D V D r u o y f o k o ol e h t e v o r p mI neerg dna eul b secnahne gni p pa mer ru ol oc tnegilletnI .ega mi p0801 o t I M D H g ni
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
® hctap siD:1- 1T-R9ELA s recdnneogp rsyeemre .ncoaix tc torlueao oyt ® tseuq eR:P L REKOHSFA dsndane imr ofprlfeh cax t rueo t yylaimaf eluaTl SskaT &yma0 Psu1n Mg2 .noitcola Keep it simple with the Samsung M210. The Samsung M210 -eci ov ,en oh prekae ps :slaitnesse eht lla hti w de p piu qe se m oc s wo llA:SSERG OKRCPART kcc a aorstt nttroucoy o t t e g r of t’ n o D . k o o b e n o h p y r t n e 0 0 5 a d n a g nill ai d d e t a vi t c a g n isssuerg orrupoy ! ti d e r c e mi t ri a
Summary of the content on the page No. 5
a c . l a e 31il rpA - 13 hcraM etivcffee seicrp hceTi-H d e d ul c ni t o n d o Pi senohpdaeH zlmiS cinosanaP ni ht- artl u n a hti w t h gi e wt h gil r e p u S e s e ht , g ni s u o h p a c m ui ni m ul a fiel or p meht gni w olla levi ws sen oh p daeh d n a yl t a e n d e r o t s e b d n a t fla dl of o t el yt s- D C d e d ul c ni e ht ni ylt n ei n e v n o c S05 X HPR# .esac yrrac . sk ceh cinar on, yrroS. stitienauq dite imL .lsedo m ylapisd e moS mtesy S d n u o S d oiP X2 sre V a
Summary of the content on the page No. 6
: efer lyetluosba eivecer dna revo ro 8.999$ aremacl itaigd yna esahcruP rttaspmuJ ruo y • New London Drugs Jumpstart Guide to Better Photography 2nd edition - 2 DVD set !e cnierepxe are macl itaigd • Includes over $475 in coupons for accessories and 24 free 4x6 prints RO EMOH HGIH DEPSE SSEINSUB YITR U CES evaS 03$ sretliFl atiig D detceleS a mgiS Designed specifically for DSLR camera and made itK aremaC etirbixaM nnawS exclusively in Japan. Sigma lenses offer superior • 1 Working and
Summary of the content on the page No. 7
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Summary of the content on the page No. 8
0n.o3isre ™ 0Vn6or3otN y adreyvE vo enrps ™063 neiVNerfos3 .0ooonfrr t performance, delivering a fast and light " 3 .e3h1T g nitupmoc i CP ruoytcetogn -l eion ons prnfiolro-utla Cmp n yluealein ltat dniliotrcoesio.ay lve thgiewthgil dn eireviled automated and easy to use, it protects koobelyts against viruses, worms, hackers, and elyts ilaestsniagnn od afaS .stentobgreu identity theft, protects important files, gninn uat our PCsdre n nupnkedda tay e k perfoemance.rap kCoPobe t so®eNO