Summary of the content on the page No. 6
YOURNEW TV Familiarizing Yourself with The TV TX-R276_/TX-R3264 TX-R2765/TX-R3065W/TX-R3265 Remote Control Sensor O TV/VJDEO(TX-R2676/TX-R3276} & @ S O U R C E(TX-R2765/TX-R3065W/TX-R3265} Aim the remote control towards this spot on the TV. Press to change between viewing TV programs and signals from other components. TIMER indicator 0 @ MENU When the TV isturned on, the TIMER indicator blinks five times. This indicator illuminates when Press to see an on-screen menu ofyourTV's features. the TIM
Summary of the content on the page No. 7
YOUR NEW TV Connection Jacks (Side} You can conmwt an AA7 compom,nt tha_ is lLs_'d only occasion_ll[}:, slLch as a camcord_w or video _%me. (Yor ktfommfion on connecfin 8 equipmen[ see paSe 19.) @ @ TX-R276=}/TX-R326 _} TX-R2765/TX-R3065%7/TX-R3265 0 AUDIO input S-VIDEO input Connect audio signals from a camcorder or video Connect an S-Video signal from a camcorder or video game, game, VIDEO input Co[mect a video signal from a camcorder or video game, English - 7
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
YOUR NEw TV Connection Jacks (Rear} Usc_the rear l>ami .jack'_ to co_m_'ct a_lA/?7 coml>o_m_lt that will b_' co_m_'cu'd CO_mm:LOL:LS[): suLch _s _ VCR or _ E)VD pl_yer For mor_" fnformation on conn_'cting _,q@pmcnt s_,c pagt's 11-_20. oI; e , .......... , ANT 1 IN I @ @ @ @ @ S-Video input jack O Audio-Video Output jacks Connect to the audio/video input jacks of a Connect to S-Video output jack of an S-VHSVCR recording VCR. or DVD player. @ Video input jacks 0 ANTENNA terminal Connect to the vid
Summary of the content on the page No. 9
YOURNEW TV Remote Control 7b • _c l:t can l:tse the remote control it 1) to al)octt 23 [_'et [rom the T\_ When cts[ng the remote, alwa) s point it directly at the T\,_ Yo_L can also ltse your, remote" control to olx'ratc yottr VLIR, DVD and Qd)[_' ])ox and SamsuLn S set-top }nox. %c pasts 65-65 for details. MODE O POWER @ Turns the TVon and off. SeJects a target device to be controlled by this remote control &MODE (i.e., TV, Samsung STB, VCR,CaNe Adjust the TV sound by selecting box, or DVD). on
Summary of the content on the page No. 10
YOUR NEW TV Remote Contro| TV/COMPONENT @ STILL Press to switch the TV, Press to stop the action during a COMPONENT1or 2 rhode. particular scene, Press again to @ resume normal video, Note: The still function doesn't VCR/DVD Controls operate in Component 1, 2 mode. Controls VCR/DVDfunctions: Rewind, Stop, Play/Pause, Fast @ RESET Forward, If your rernote control is not functioning properly, take out the @ SET batteries and press the reset Used daring set Lipof this remote button for about 2-3 se
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
Connecting VHF and UHF Antennas If your antenna has a s_'t of l_'ads that look like' this s_'c "Antennas with "_O()-ohm Flat T_;vmL_,ads' ]-_c[o_: If your _nt_'nFl_ h_s ore' l_'_d th;_t looks [tkc this see 'Anu'nnas with 7%ohtn Routld L_'ads' oil page" 12. If you have two antennas see 'Separate VHE ar_(:] UHF Antcr_r_as '_ or_ page 12. Antennas with 3OO-ohm F|at Twin Leads If you are usmo._ atl off-air atlu'tma (such as a roofatltetma or ' ral')bit ears) that has "_00-ohm twin flat leads, follow
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
IN_;TALLATIO N Antennas with 75-ohm Round Leads Separate VHF and UHF Antennas If you have two separate antennas tiu _yo_u_TV (one VHF and one UHY) you nn:[st combine the t_o antenna a_nals betiu_e connectm_ the antennas to the T\,: This proced m_e requdres an optDnal combiner-adaptor (available at most e[ecu_omcs shops). Connect both antenna leads to the combh_er. Hogthe Corobiner intothe Connecting CabJe TV To cotmect to a cable TV system follow the itlSQ_CtC[iOtlS }>elO_C Cab|e without a Cab|e
Summary of the content on the page No. 13
I N%TALLATION Connecting to a CabJe Bo× that |)esGrambJes AJ| ChanneJs _ This/ermit_a! mighl be labded ANT OUT'. VHF OUT" or: Findthe cane that is sit3tp!}_"OUT". connected to the ANTENNA 0UTterminal on Your cab!e box. Connect the other end this cable _othe '!ANT 1 !N" termij]al on t!}e [ear panel Connecting to a OabJe Box that DescrambJes Some ChanneJs II yocw cabh' box dcscrambh's oMy some channels (suLchas prcnm:ml channels), toHow the inst>tctions below. Yourwill need a two-way splitter an E
Summary of the content on the page No. 14
IN_;TALLATIO N ConnecI a coaxia! cane x between the ANTENNA OUTterminaJ onthe cable Incomin box a_d the BdN terminaJ gCable Splitter RF(A/B) Switch _n the RF(A!B) switch, Cable Box Connect the last caaxia! cane between terminal onthe RE(A/B) Inco_ning switch andthe "ANT I IN:' Cable Cable Box After yocL've made this connection_ set the A/B switch to the _A _position Dr normal viewing. Set the A/B switch to the _B_l_osition to vh, w scrambled chanm'ls. (When yoct sct the AiB switch to "B', youL w
Summary of the content on the page No. 15
I N_;TALLATIO N Connecting a VCR These instructions assume that yoa have already conm'cu'd your TV to aa amcaaa or a cab[c TV system (according to tM" instructions oa pages 11-_14). Rear Pane 1 Connect a coaxta_came oerween me "ANT 1 iN "terminal ont[o TV and the arl_enla out [ermmal on m_ VCR, _oaxmi c,qbh' is//sually il3cltlc[_d \_[th a \ JR _ no_ _nccK yomloo_d ®® "leg[fOllieS S[ /f_' 2 CoY m_'ta set of audio caoles oe-tween the "A / IN ! IL, R/" (or "AV iN 2/3 L Coax[alCable RI' lacks on the
Summary of the content on the page No. 16
IN_;TALLATIO N Connecting a Second VCR to Record from the TV 7 b • _c l:trT'v can send ol:tt signals of its pictctre and socmd to be recorded by a secoFld VCR To do _his, connect youtr second \TCRas follows: TVRear Pane 1 _m Con act a set of audm caeJeaaetwee_ the AUDIO OUT acks on tbe TV and tb_ @@ AUDIO f\ acks on the VCR -he VCR @@ HlpuI JACKS m W aI De eraser 3o me Tronz or ol back of the VCR, 80 @@ 2 Connect a waeo cao_eDe[wean [ne Coaxial Cable iIDEO OUT ack on the TV an Jthe ilDEO IN aCKo
Summary of the content on the page No. 17
I N _;TALLATI(_i N Connecting a DVD Player T[u' n'ar pam'l jacks on your TV m_d,u: it _'asy to coFm_'ct a DVD p[ay_u _ to your Tk: ConneGting to Y, PB, PR 1 TVRearPano ConnactasotofaL, d[ocab[esbotween [3 _1 _ @ Connect a sot of video canes between tbe "C0MPONENT !N ! (Y,P_,PR)':(oF ICOMPONENT! N2 (Y,PB,PR) 'r) jacks oJ_ the TV and tbe VIDEO OUT(Y, Pe,PR} Video Cable For a[? exRlanx_!ion oi Component llkSLTUC[IOll ii i i i Aud|o and V|deo Jacks Conriecting to £egu|ar RearParle 1 Connect a set o
Summary of the content on the page No. 18
IN_;TALLATIO N Connecting a Digital TV Set-Top Box The n'ar pane[ iacks on your TV mare it c_sy to c'ormcc't a s_'t-top box to your T_\T Connecting to Y, PB. PR TV Rear Parlel 1 C@mecta coaxi 31cadre [o me ANTENNA IN tar °" _alon me se-[-zoe oox 2 Cc nec[ a sa[ OTaualo capias eezwee! the "COMPONENT IN 1 L. RY'(or "COMPONENT IN 2 _L,RY'I acKs on me TV a id the AUDIO OUTiaeks on me se[-IO0 BOX 3 Connect a sat of vidao canes _)a[wee the "COMPONENT N 1 Y.Pe.PR or "COMPONENT IN 2 l¥. PB.PRI" ,acKs an
Summary of the content on the page No. 19
INSTALLATION Connecting a Carncorder The side panel jacks on your TV make it easy to conne( t a Camcorder to your T\_ They allow you to viess the Camcorder t_pes without l:Lsin$ a VCR TV Side Panel 1 Locale me A/V output jack,sonme Cameorder.They areusually fo JNaon me slae or rear of the Camcorder. 2 Connect a sat of audio caules oe_weeJq the "AV IN 4 (L.RF locks on ths TV and me AUDIO OUTjacks on Tue CBRIeo_Je I__ U hav4 illofio _Jl_co_0f COill!I'ut Audio Cable L(m no to Camcon[cr at 4io out _
Summary of the content on the page No. 20
IN_;TALLATIO N Connecting to an Anamog Ampmifier TV Rear Panel The "AUDIO OUT"terminaJs cannot be used for axterJ al saeakers, You must nOOKtnen Dt_ an amm fief Whel an auo_oamplifier is corn ec_ec lethe '*AUDI{ 3UT'terminals: Decrease the gain {volume} of th_ at a_oartDlifiel and adjustthe volume eveJ wl[n [!]e vc Jme controJ on the T_ !_ ©©1 Amplifier Speaker A Speaker B English - 20