Yeoman YM-CKWDWH-L user manual

User manual for the device Yeoman YM-CKWDWH-L

Device: Yeoman YM-CKWDWH-L
Category: Cooktop
Manufacturer: Yeoman
Size: 0.55 MB
Added : 4/10/2013
Number of pages: 20
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Yeoman YM-CKWDWH-L User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Yeoman YM-CKWDWH-L. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Solid Fuel Cooker
For use in Great Britain and Eire
This product is suitable for use in the stated countries. To install the
product in other countries it is essential to obtain translated
instructions and in some cases the product may require modification.
Contact Yeoman to obtain further details.
The front and top of this cooker will

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Contents Commissioning Data 3 Technical Specification 4 SITE REQUIREMENTS Solid Fuel Cooker Dimensions 5 Hearth Dimensions 5 Walls adjacent to Hearths 5 PRE-INSTALLATION CHECKS Flue or Chimney 7 Additional Ventilation 8 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Installing the Cooker 9 Commissioning 10 USER INSTRUCTIONS General 11 Care of the Cooker 11 Using the stove for the first time 11 Burning Wood 12 Burning Solid Fuel 12 Over Firing 13 Oven Temperature 13 Seasonal Use 13 Ash Removal 13 Recommended Fuels 14

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

FOR YOUR RECORDS To assist us in any Guarantee claim please complete the following information:- YEOMAN DEALER APPLIANCE WAS PURCHASED FROM Name: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Address:.......................................................................................................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Model 3 Solid fuel cooker Nominal heat output All fuels KW 7.5 mm Wg 1.00 Flue draught @ nominal heat output All fuels inch Wg 0.04 mm 125 Top inch 5 mm 125 Flue outlet size Rear inch 5 mm 125 Side inch 5 Weight Kg 120 Wood Seasoned wood (less than 20% moisture content) Recommended fuels Briquetted smokeless fuel suitable for closed appliances. Solid fuel (Ancit – Phurnacite – Taybrite – Homefire ovals) Top Flue Top Plate Fire Door Flue By-pass Ash Door Side Flue Air Cont

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

SITE REQUIREMENTS Before installation of this product please read these The Solid fuel cooker should be fitted by a HETAS (GB only) instructions fully. registered installer, or approved by your local building control officer. Your Stovax dealer should be able to arrange this It is very important to also understand the requirements of the service for you. UK Building Regulations (England and Wales – Document J / Scotland - Part F), along with any local regulations, and Your building insurance com

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

SITE REQUIREMENTS HEARTH DIMENSIONS The appliance must stand on a constructional hearth with the minimum dimensions as shown in diagram below. If you are fitting the appliance into an existing hearth setting control officer. Masonry chimney systems built with clay or check that it complies with the current construction concrete liners or pre-fabricated block systems should be regulations and is the minimum sizes shown. constructed in accordance with BS 6461 : Part 1. Factory made insulated syste

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

SITE REQUIREMENTS WALLS ADJACENT TO HEARTHS Solid, non combustible material Location of hearth or Solid fuel cooker Thickness (W) height (A) Where the hearth abuts a wall and the solid At least 300mm above the solid fuel fuel cooker is not more than 50mm from the 200mm cooker and 1200mm above the wall hearth(Use the largest value) Where the hearth abuts a wall and the At least 300mm above the solid fuel appliance is more than 50mm but not more 75mm cooker and 1200mm above the hearth than 300mm f

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

PRE-INSTALLATION CHECKS It is important that adequate ventilation exists and the Flue or 1.3 A flexible flue liner system may be used, if it is Chimney system that is to be used is in good working independently certified for use with Solidfuel systems, condition. Products of combustion that enter the room could and is installed according to the manufacturer’s be a serious health risk. Before installation of this product the instructions and the requirements of Building Flue or Chimney system and

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

PRE-INSTALLATION CHECKS 1.11 Where a hearth, fireplace, flue or chimney is provided or extended (including cases where a flue is provided as part of refurbishment work), information essential to the correct appliance and use of these should be permanently posted in the building, to meet Requirement J4 of the Building Regulations (England and Wales), F3.12 (Scotland). 2. Additional Ventilation 2.1 Additional ventilation will be required to comply with the requirements of the Building Regulation

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.5 Decide it the installation is to be top, rear or side flue Because each installation is unique to the property, it is not possible to give full details to suit every setting. However the exit, and fit and seal, with fire cement, the flue collar and blanking plate to suit. The flue collar attaches to installation should comply with the requirements of the Building Regulations and be made using “best practice” the cooker backplate or top plate with fixings supplied. T

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.11 Rear or side flue pipe installation 1.15 Connect a flue pipe 612mm long (Stovax part no 4501 (5” pipe)) by inserting it into the flue spigot and sealing using fire cement. 5” Flue Pipe (Stovax Part No. 4501) 2. COMMISSIONING 2.1 Before lighting the Solid fuel cooker, check the following items: 5” Tee a) Fit of internal parts (firegrate, firebricks, baffles, (Stovax Part No. 4516) and log retainer). b) Door alignment, seals and catch operation. c) Operation of

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 2.9 Record serial number in user instructions. This number will be required when ordering spare parts and making warranty claims. 2.10 Give the copy of the user instructions to the customer. 12

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

USER INSTRUCTIONS 1. GENERAL 2.4 Use hot soapy water and a cloth to clean the enamel surfaces and finish with a soft dry cloth to avoid 1.1 This cooker is designed for domestic use and should streaking. only be used for this purpose, and in accordance with the manufacturers operating instructions. 2.5 We recommend you allow your cooker to cool fully before cleaning and carrying out any maintenance 1.2 It should be installed by a competent installer (HETAS work. registered UK only), in accordan

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

USER INSTRUCTIONS 3.3 During this time the cooker may give off some 4.9 Allow the new logs to burn at high output for a few unpleasant odours, and we recommend that you keep minutes before adjusting the burn rate, with the air the room well ventilated during this period to avoid a control, to the desired setting. It is best to refuel little build-up of fumes. and often to maintain clean and efficient burning. 4.10 The ideal control settings to suit the particular installation and personal prefer

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

USER INSTRUCTIONS 5.5 As the fire becomes established adjust the air control to 7. OVEN TEMPERATURE give the oven temperature you require. 7.1 The oven temperature may be adjusted by changing the 5.6 Close flue by-pass control. burn rate by turning the air control on the ashdoor, or adding fuel to increase the temperature. As with all 5.7 Before re-fuelling the cooker it is advisable to first de- solid fuel cookers the response to changes in control ash the firebed, using the riddling grate sy

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

USER INSTRUCTIONS The symptoms of poor performance related to wet wood 9.2 De-ash the firebed using the operating tool to riddle the include: - grate and clear ash. • difficulty getting a fire going and keeping it burning well, • smoky fires with little flame, • dirty glass, • rapid creosote build-up in the chimney, • low heat output, • Short burn times, excessive fuel consumption and blue/grey smoke from the chimney. 10.3 It is not recommended to load large amounts of logs and burn with

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

MAINTENANCE and SERVICING 1. GENERAL CLEANING 2.2 This can be done as follows. Allow the Solid fuel cooker to cool fully, never attempt to clean hot glass. Any 1.1 We would recommend that your Solid fuel cooker be deposits can be removed using a soft cloth and Stovax Glass Cleaner. Then wipe with warm soapy water and a cleaned fully on a regular basis, according to the level of use. Attention should be given to cleaning the flueways cloth, to neutralise any remaining cleaner, and finish with a

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

MAINTENANCE and SERVICING 4.9 Lightly oil the door catch mechanism and hinge pins. Avoid getting oil on to the door seals, glass and enamel. 4.10 To refresh painted finishes it is possible to re-paint using Stovax Thermolac paint. 4.11 Use only genuine Stovax replacement parts to keep your appliance in safe and efficient working order. Your local Stovax dealer will be able to provide you with the parts you require. 4.12 This is a list of the maintenance products you may need to use. Task Produc

Summary of the content on the page No. 19


Summary of the content on the page No. 20

YEOMAN STOVES A division of Stovax Ltd Falcon Road, Sowton Industrial Estate, Exeter, EX2 7LF Tel 01392 . 474500 Fax 01392 . 219932 Email:

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