Observe the following safety guidelines when connecting and using your monitor:
Be sure your monitor is electrically rated to operate with the AC power available in your location.
Locate your monitor near an easily accessible electrical outlet.
Place the monitor on a solid surface and treat it carefully. The screen can be damaged if dropped, sharply hit, or
touched with a sharp or abrasive implement.
Put your m
%)RU$QDORJ,QSXW 2 3 4 5 1. Turn off your computer and unplug your computer’s power cord. 2. D-Sub cable (with blue connector) has to be connected to the back of your monitor. 3. Attach the other end of Analog signal cable to analog output port on the back of your computer for analog video connection. 4. Connect power cord of your monitor to the power port on the back of the monitor. 5. Plug power cords of your computer and your monitor into a nearby outlet. 6. Turn on your monitor and compu
'ULYHU,QVWDOODWLRQ Use the monitor CD to install the appropriate monitor driver for your operating system. 0LFURVRIW :LQGRZV 2SHUDWLQJ6\VWHP Windows 98 automatically detects the new monitor and displays the Add New Hardware Wizard dialog box if the monitor driver is not already installed. 1. Insert the monitor CD into the CD-ROM drive, and click Next> twice when the Add New Hardware Wizard dialog box appears. 2. Click the CD-ROM drive box to install the drivers from the CD and th
7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ7LSV 0RQLWRU+DV1R3RZHU If the monitor’s power indicator is off and no image appears on the display, perform the following checks: Ensure that the power cable is fully inserted in the monitor’s power port and the electrical outlet. Test the electrical outlet by plugging in a working electrical device such as a lamp. Ensure that the power button has been depressed, and wait for the power indicator to light. Try another power cable on the monitor. Use the computer’s powe