Renesas Stub Generator REJ10J1822-0101の取扱説明書

デバイスRenesas Stub Generator REJ10J1822-0101の取扱説明書

デバイス: Renesas Stub Generator REJ10J1822-0101
カテゴリ: コンピュータハードウェア
メーカー: Renesas
サイズ: 0.91 MB
追加した日付: 11/3/2013
ページ数: 142



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Renesas Stub Generator REJ10J1822-0101 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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Stub Generator
User’s Manual
Renesas Microcomputer Development Environment System

Revision Date: Mar. 17, 2008



Notes regarding these materials 1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriate Renesas products for their use. Renesas neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any other rights of Renesas or any third party with respect to the information in this do



Preface This manual describes how to use the stub generator. Read this manual and understand it well before using the stub generator. Notes on Descriptions RPCGEN Abbreviation for the stub generator Prefix Prefix 0x indicates a hexadecimal number. Numbers with no prefix are decimal. \ ‘\’ is the directory delimiter. [Menu -> Menu item] ‘->’ leads to the menu item (e.g. File -> Save). $(xxxx) Custom placeholder in the High-performance Embedded Workshop i


Trademarks All trademarks and registered trademarks belong to their respective owners. 1. TRON is an acronym formed from "The Real Time Operating system Nucleus". ITRON is short for "Industrial TRON" and µITRON is short for "Micro Industrial TRON". TRON, ITRON, and µITRON are the names of computer specifications and do not indicate specific products or groups of products. The µITRON4.0 specification is an open realtime-kernel specification defined by the TRON Association. The µITRON4.0


Contents Section 1 Overview..................................................................................................1 1.1 Overview............................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Operating Environment......................................................................................................... 2 Section 2 Installation......................................................................


5.4.3 CLNT_INCFILE................................................................................................. 30 5.4.4 SVR_INCFILE ................................................................................................... 31 5.5 Server Information..............................................................................................................32 5.5.1 SVR_NAME....................................................................................................... 32


6.7 Optional Keywords............................................................................................................. 83 6.7.1 SVRSTUB (Server Stub) .................................................................................... 84 6.7.2 SVRFUNC (Server Function Name) .................................................................. 85 6.7.3 CLNTSTUB (Client Stub) .................................................................................. 86 6.7.4 UNACK (Asynchron




Section 1 Overview Section 1 Overview 1.1 Overview The stub generator (hereafter referred to as RPCGEN) is a tool used to generate the source code of the client and server stubs that are required whenever the remote procedure call (RPC) facility of the HI7200/MP realtime operating system is to be used. A config file is created by using a text editor and then input to RPCGEN, which creates the source code of the client and server stubs. Config file RPCGEN Source code of the client and


Section 1 Overview 1.2 Operating Environment RPCGEN is provided as a Perl script file. Table 1.1 shows the operating environment. Table 1.1 Operating Environment Item Operating Environment Realtime OS HI7200/MP V.1.00 Release 00 or later Perl environment We have confirmed correct execution of RPCGEN by ActivePerl (for Windows ® (x86)) produced by ActiveState Software Inc. ActivePerl is available for free download from the following Web site:


Section 2 Installation Section 2 Installation 2.1 Downloading RPCGEN can be downloaded for free from the Renesas Web site at the following URL. 2.2 Installing RPCGEN The file for downloading has been compressed in the zip format. Expanding the zip file generates the files listed in table 2.1. These files must be stored in a suitable folder. Table 2.1 Files Provided as RPCGEN Filename Description Main body of RPCGEN Package modules fo


Section 2 Installation Rev. 1.01 Mar. 17, 2008 Page 4 of 128 REJ10J1822-0101


Section 3 Functions and Files Generated by RPCGEN Section 3 Functions and Files Generated by RPCGEN 3.1 Functions Generated by RPCGEN Figure 3.1 shows the functions generated by RPCGEN. Client Server Client- Server- initialization initialization function function Client-stub Server-stub functions functions Client- Server- shutdown shutdown function function Figure 3.1 Functions Generated by RPCGEN Rev. 1.01 Mar. 17, 2008 Page 5 of 128 REJ10J1822-01


Section 3 Functions and Files Generated by RPCGEN 3.1.1 Client (1) Client-initialization function This function initiates the connection with the server. Specifying CLNT_NOINIT prevents the creation of the client-initialization function. (2) Client-shutdown function This function ends the connection with the server. Specifying CLNT_NOSHUTDOWN prevents the creation of the client-shutdown function. (3) Client-stub functions Each of these functions makes an RPC call and has the same API


Section 3 Functions and Files Generated by RPCGEN 3.2 Files Generated by RPCGEN RPCGEN generates the files listed in table 3.1 in accord with the name of the config file. Table 3.1 Files Generated by RPCGEN Filename Description Definition of the File Location _clnt.c Client-stub source file CLNTS option or CLNT_SOURCEPATH in the config file _clnt.h Client-stub header file CLNTI option or CLNT_INCPATH in the config file _private.h Internal header


Section 3 Functions and Files Generated by RPCGEN (3) _private.h (internal header file for the client stub) This is a header file included by _clnt.c only. (4) _svr.c (server-stub source file) This file contains the server-stub functions, server-initialization function, server-shutdown function, and server-stub function table. (5) _svr.h (server-stub header file) This file contains definitions required for use of the server-initializat


Section 4 Executing RPCGEN Section 4 Executing RPCGEN 4.1 Executing RPCGEN RPCGEN must be executed from the command prompt as follows. perlΔ-IΔ\ Δ


Section 4 Executing RPCGEN 4.2 Options 4.2.1 PUBI Format: PUBI="" Description: This option is used to specify the path for output of _public.h. If this option is used, a definition of PUB_INCPATH in the config file is ignored. 4.2.2 CLNTS Format: CLNTS="" Description: This option is used to specify the path for output of _clnt.c. If this option is used, a definition of CLNT_SOURCEPATH in the config file is ignored. 4.2.3 CLNTI Format: CL

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