Ver.3.10 AD12-16(PCI)E
PCI-bus Analog Input Multi-Function Board
T his b oard is interface board of t he PCI bus conformit y
which input s ana log signal and perform s conversi on (AD
t ranslat ion) t o a digit al signal.
A gene ral-purpose type is Conversion spee d: 10µsec/ ch,
resol ut ion: A/D conversion is performed by 12 bits.
By using at t ached API funct i on library API-PAC(W32 ), t he
application software for Wi ndows can b e creat ed by t he
various p rogramming language
AD12-16(PCI)E Ver.3.10 Specification Support Software Attached support software Item Specification API Function Library API-PAC(W32) Digital I/O TTL Level 4 channels It is the library software which offers the command to the Number of Output Channels (One is shared by counter output) hardware of our company in standard Win32API function (DLL) TTL Level 4 Channels (Two of these are Number of Input Channels also used as counter control signals) form for Windows. Counter By th
Ver.3.10 AD12-16(PCI)E External Connection Connection method with a connector Connec t ion betwe en t his board and ext ernal apparat us is made by t h e interfac e connect or on board (CN1 and CN2). Int erf ace connect or has two, t he obje ct for ana log I/O (C N1: D-SUB 3 7p in Femal e), and t h e object fo r cont rol signals, s uch as digital I/O and counter control, (CN2: 16pin Pin-header). I nter face connector(CN1) 37 19 - Connector used A 37pin D type connector [F (female)type]
AD12-16(PCI)E Ver.3.10 Connector Pin Assignment < Single-Ended Input > < Differential Input > CN1 CN 1 19 +5V DC fr om PC 19 +5V DC from PC Digi tal Gr ound 37 Di git al Ground 37 18 Simultaneous Hold Output 18 Simul taneous Hol d Output Analog Ground 36 Analog Gr ound 36 17 Anal og Output 17 Analog Output Analog Ground 35 Analog Gr ound 35 16 Anal og Input 15 16 Analog Input 7 [-] Analog Ground 34 Analog Gr ound 34 15 Anal og Input 7 15 Analog Input 7 [+] Analog Ground 33 Analog Gr ound 33 14
Ver.3.10 AD12-16(PCI)E Analog Input Connection T he input form o f analog si gnal has a single and input , and different ial input , and t he co nnect ion met hods wit h a signal differ, respect ively . He re, t he example in t h e case of connect ing using a f lat cable o r a shield cable is shown. Single-ended Input It is examp le of connect io n when usin g cables, such as optional flat cable (PC A37P). T he source of a signal and a ground a re connect ed t o 1 t o 1 t o each a nalog input c
AD12-16(PCI)E Ver.3.10 Analog Output Connection T he example in t h e case of connect ing an analog o utput signal using a flat cable or a shiel d cable is shown. It is example of connection when usin g cables, such as optional flat cable (PC A37P). T he an alog output and anal og ground of CN1 are connect ed t o t he input and ground of external apparat us. BOARD CN 1 Cabl e Target Analog Output Analog Ground It is t he exampl e of connect ion which used t he s hield cable . Please use it t o e
Ver.3.10 AD12-16(PCI)E Block Diagram 16 single-ended / Analog Outputs Simultaneous 4 Digital Input / Counter 8 differentia l Hold 4 Digital Output / signals A nalog Inputs control signals CN 1 CN2 8/16 channel D/A multiplexer convert er with over voltage pr otection Instrument amplifier Sample & Hold amplifier Counter 8254 ASIC 1 6-bi t counter 2 A/D 1 6-bi t counter 1 converter 1 6-bi t counter 0 DC/D C On board PCI Bus interface converter memory PCI Bus All data subject to change without notic