NI USB-6008/6009
This guide describes how to use the National Instruments USB-6008/6009
data acquisition (DAQ) devices and lists specifications.
The NI USB-6008/6009 provides connection to eight analog input (AI)
channels, two analog output (AO) channels, 12 digital input/output (DIO)
channels, and a 32-bit counter with a full-speed USB interface.
Note This manual revision updates naming conventions to reflect the conventions used in
NI-DAQmx. Table
1 Analog 16 Table 2. Differences Between the NI USB-6008 and NI USB-6009 Feature NI USB-6008 NI USB-6009 AI Resolution 12 bits differential, 14 bits differential, 11 bits single-ended 13 bits single-ended Maximum AI Sample Rate, 10 kS/s 48 kS/s * Single Channel Maximum AI Sample Rate, 10 kS/s 48 kS/s * Multiple Channels (Aggregate) DIO Configuration Open collector Open collector or active drive * System dependent. 1 NI USB-6009 8 Inputs, 14-bit, Multifunction I/O 1 USB Cable Strain Relief Fi
Safety Guidelines Caution Operate the hardware only as described in these operating instructions. The following section contains important safety information that you must follow when installing and using the NI USB-6008/6009. Do not operate the NI USB-6008/6009 in a manner not specified in this document. Misuse of the device can result in a hazard. You can compromise the safety protection built into the device if the device is damaged in any way. If the device is damaged, contact National I
1 Operate the device at or below the Measurement Category I . Measurement 2 circuits are subjected to working voltages and transient stresses (overvoltage) from the circuit to which they are connected during measurement or test. Measurement categories establish standard impulse withstand voltage levels that commonly occur in electrical distribution systems. The following is a description of measurement categories: � Measurement Category I is for measurements performed on circuits not direc
Software Software support for the NI USB-6008/6009 for Windows 2000/XP/Vista is provided by NI-DAQmx. The NI-DAQmx CD contains example programs that you can use to get started programming with the NI USB-6008/6009. Refer to the NI-DAQmx for USB Devices Getting Started Guide, that shipped with your device and is also accessible from Start»All Programs»National Instruments» NI-DAQ for more information. Note For information about non-Windows operating system support, refer to ni.com/info and e
Hardware The following block diagram shows key functional components of the NI USB-6008/6009. External Vbus Power +5 V/200 mA Supply PFI 0 USB USB Microcontroller P1.<0..3> P0.<0..7> +2.5 V/CAL 8 Channel 12/14b ADC AI <0..7> 12b DAC AO 0 12b DAC AO 1 Figure 3. Device Block Diagram NI USB-6008/6009 User Guide and Specifications 6 ni.com Full-Speed USB Interface SPI Analog I/O Terminal Block Digital I/O Terminal Block
Setting Up Hardware Complete the following steps to set up the hardware: 1. Install combicon screw terminal blocks by inserting them into the combicon jacks. 2. Figure 4 illustrates the signal labels that ship in the NI USB-6008/6009 kit. You can apply the signal labels to the screw terminal blocks for easy signal identification. 3 4 ANALOG DIGITAL 1 2 1 Terminal Number Labels (Use Both Together) 3 Single-Ended Label (Use Either) 2 Digital I/O Label 4 Differential Label (Use Either) Figure 4
1 Analog 16 4 3 2 1 2 3 1 Overlay Label with Pin Orientation Guides 3 Signal Labels 2 Combicon Jack 4 USB Cable Figure 5. Signal Label Application Diagram Note Once you label the screw terminal blocks, you must only insert them into the matching combicon jack, as indicated by the overlay label on the NI USB-6008/6009 device. 4. Connect the wiring to the appropriate screw terminals. NI USB-6008/6009 User Guide and Specifications 8 ni.com NI USB-6009 8 Inputs, 14-bit, Multifunction I/O 17 32 D
123456789 10111213141516 I/O Connector The NI USB-6008/6009 ships with one detachable screw terminal block for analog signals and one detachable screw terminal block for digital signals. These terminal blocks provide 16 connections that use 16 AWG to 28 AWG wire. Table 3 lists the analog terminal assignments, and Table 4 lists the digital terminal assignments. Table 3. Analog Terminal Assignments Signal, Signal, Module Terminal Single-Ended Mode Differential Mode 1 GND GND 2 AI 0 AI 0+ 3 A
Table 4. Digital Terminal Assignments Module Terminal Signal 17 P0.0 18 P0.1 19 P0.2 20 P0.3 21 P0.4 22 P0.5 23 P0 6 24 P0.7 25 P1.0 26 P1.1 27 P1.2 28 P1.3 29 PFI 0 30 +2.5 V 31 +5 V 32 GND NI USB-6008/6009 User Guide and Specifications 10 ni.com 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
Signal Descriptions Table 5 describes the signals available on the I/O connectors. Table 5. Signal Descriptions Signal Name Reference Direction Description GND — — Ground—The reference point for the single-ended AI measurements, bias current return point for differential mode measurements, AO voltages, digital signals at the I/O connector, +5 VDC supply, and the +2.5 VDC reference. AI <0..7> Varies Input Analog Input Channels 0 to 7—For single-ended measurements, each signal is an analog
LED The NI USB-6008/6009 device has a green LED next to the USB connector. When the device is connected to a USB port, the LED blinks steadily to indicate that the device is initialized and is receiving power from the connection. If the LED is not blinking, it may mean that the device is not initialized or the computer is in standby mode. In order for the device to be recognized, the device must be connected to a computer that has NI-DAQmx installed on it. If your device is not blinking, m
PGA The progammable-gain amplifier provides input gains of 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, or 20 when configured for differential measurements and gain of 1 when configured for single-ended measurements. The PGA gain is automatically calculated based on the voltage range selected in the measurement application. A/D Converter The analog-to-digital converter (ADC) digitizes the AI signal by converting the analog voltage into a digital code. AI FIFO The NI USB-6008/6009 can perform both single and multi
The differential input mode can measure ±20 V signals in the ±20 V range. However, the maximum voltage on any one pin is ±10 V with respect to GND. For example, if AI 1 is +10 V and AI 5 is –10 V, then the measurement returned from the device is +20 V. 20 15 10 5 AI 1 0 AI 5 Result –5 –10 –15 –20 Figure 8. Example of a Differential 20 V Measurement Connecting a signal greater than ±10 V on either pin results in a clipped output. 20 15 10 5 AI 1 0 AI 5 Result –5 –10 –15 –20 Figure 9. Exceed
Connecting Reference Single-Ended Voltage Signals To connect reference single-ended voltage signals (RSE) to the NI USB-6008/6009, connect the positive voltage signal to the desired AI terminal, and the ground signal to a GND terminal. When no signals are connected to the analog input terminal, the internal resistor divider may cause the terminal to float to approximately 1.4 V when the analog input terminal is configured as RSE. This behavior is normal and does not affect the measurement w
Analog Output The NI USB-6008/6009 has two independent AO channels that can generate outputs from 0–5 V. All updates of AO lines are software-timed. Analog Output Circuitry Figure 11 illustrates the analog output circuitry for the NI USB-6008/6009. +5 V REF(+) REF(–) 50 Ω Output 12-Bit AO Buffer DAC GND Figure 11. Analog Output Circuitry DACs Digital-to-analog converts (DACs) convert digital codes to analog voltages. Connecting Analog Output Loads To connect loads to the NI USB-6008/6009, co
Minimizing Glitches on the Output Signal When you use a DAC to generate a waveform, you may observe glitches in the output signal. These glitches are normal; when a DAQ switches from one voltage to another, it produces glitches due to released charges. The largest glitches occur when the most significant bit of the DAC code changes. You can build a lowpass deglitching filter to remove some of these glitches, depending on the frequency and nature of the output signal. Refer to ni.com/suppor
Caution Exceeding the maximum input voltage ratings or maximum output ratings, which are listed in the Specifications section, can damage the DAQ device and the computer. National Instruments is not liable for any damage resulting from such signal connections. Source/Sink Information The default configuration of the NI USB-6008/6009 DIO ports is open collector, allowing 5 V operation, with an onboard 4.7 kΩ pull-up resistor. An external, user-provided, pull-up resistor can be added to increa
6. Select a static resistor value for your pull-up resistor that is greater than or equal to the ideal resistance. 7. Re-connect the load circuit and the pull-up resistor. I/O Protection To protect the NI USB-6008/6009 against overvoltage, undervoltage, and overcurrent conditions, as well as ESD events, you should avoid these fault conditions by using the following guidelines: � If you configure a DIO line as an output, do not connect it to any external signal source, ground signal, or power
Reference and Power Sources The NI USB-6008/6009 creates an external reference and supplies a power source. All voltages are relative to COM unless otherwise noted. +2.5 External References The NI USB-6008/6009 creates a high-purity reference voltage supply for the ADC using a multi-state regulator, amplifier, and filter circuit. The resulting +2.5 V reference voltage can be used as a signal for self test. +5 V Power Source The NI USB-6008/6009 supplies a 5 V, 200 mA output. This source can