Printable Surface
Dual Layer
8cm Mini
D DV VD-R Br D-R Bra anded nded Slim/Jewel Cases PART # DESCRIPTION SPEED CAPACITY SURFACE PACKAGING UPC 95051 DVD-R 4.7GB 16x 4.7GB Branded 1pk Jewel Case 0 23942 95051 6 1pk Jewel Case 16x 95070 DVD-R 4.7GB 16x 4.7GB Branded 5pk Jewel Case 0 23942 95070 7 5pk Jewel Case 16x 94958 DVD-R 4.7GB 8x 4.7GB Branded 5pk Jewel Case 0 23942 94958 9 5pk Jewel Case 8x 95099 DVD-R 4.7GB 16x 4.7GB Branded 10pk Slim Case 0 23942 95099 8 10pk Slim Case 16x Spindles PART # DESCRIPTION SPEED CAPACITY SURFACE PA
D DVD-R P VD-R Printable rintable Inkjet Printable PART # DESCRIPTION SPEED CAPACITY SURFACE PACKAGING UPC 95240 DVD-R 4.7GB White Glossy IJ Wide 16x 4.7GB Inkjet, Glossy 20pk Slim Case 0 23942 95240 4 20pk Slim Case 16x White Wide 95186 DVD-R 4.7GB Silver Inkjet 8x 4.7GB Inkjet, Silver 50pk Spindle 0 23942 95186 5 50pk Spindle 8x 95137 DVD-R 4.7GB White Inkjet 16x 4.7GB Inkjet, Matte 50pk Spindle 0 23942 95137 7 50pk Spindle 16x White 95079 DVD-R 4.7GB White Inkjet Wide 16x 4.7GB Inkjet, Matte
D DVD-R Dual Layer VD-R Dual Layer ual Layer DVD media uses technology developed Djointly by Verbatim and Philips. Both companies view the development and introduction of Dual Layer technology as the next important milestone in the drive to continually improve and expand the optical data storage options available to consumers. Verbatim’s DVD-R Dual Layer media nearly doubles the storage capacity on DVD recordable discs from 4.7GB to 8.5GB on a single side while maintaining compatibility
D DVD-R LightScribe VD-R LightScribe ightScribe Direct Disc Labeling is a Ltechnology that offers consumers and businesses a simple, no-hassle way to burn professional, silkscreen-quality images direct to the surface of their DVDs. Using the same laser that burns data in their disc drives, customers burn their data as always, fl ip the disc over, reinsert it into the drive and burn a precise and permanent iridescent image directly to the discs surface. This technology requires a LightS
W Why Choose hy Choose V Ve erba rbatim? tim? Reliable Media for Every Occassion If you’re looking for the fastest speeds, highest capacities and unique options in DVD media, look to Verbatim- the industry pioneer. Perfect for DVD content distribution and archiving, Verbatim 16x DVD-R are the fastest write-once DVD media available. Need extra capacity? Verbatim’s DVD-R Dual Layer media stores up to 8.5GB or 4 hours of DVD video. If you need DVDs for your camcorder, consider Verbatim’s Mini D