The Goodman GHEPA/GDMHEPA Whole-House
True HEPA Air Cleaners have been designed to
help protect and prolong the operating effi ciency
of your heating and cooling equipment.
Standard Features
• Certifi ed true HEPA (High-Effi ciency Particulate Air) fi lter
is 99.97% effi cient at removing particles down to 0.3
• Activated carbon pre-fi lter removes lint and
unpleasant odors to extend life of HE
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS Whole-House Air Duct Fitting Diameter Changes per Day Weight Model CFM* (lbs) 1,500 ft² 2,500 ft² Outfl ow Reversible Intake Outfl ow home home Openings GHEPA350 245 30 18 8” 6” 1 38 GHEPA450 330 40 24 8” 6” 2 51 GHEPA550 560 67 41 12” 8” 2 88 GHEPA650 540 65 39 12” 8” 2 57 GDMHEPA400 320 39 29 8” 8” 2 38 * All standard fi lters installed ELECTRICAL DATA DIMENSIONS Power Plug-in Model D W H Model Power Voltage Hz Watts GHEPA350 18¼” 18¼” 19¼” Cord GHEPA450
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS HOW IT WORKS Millions of airborne particulates and gases travel through the heating/cooling system 4-5 times every hour. The HEPA air cleaner connects to the return air duct and diverts ⅓ to ½ of this dirty air through a tightly sealed three-stage fi ltration system. A home can reach as many as 67 whole-house air changes ® per day, depending on the house size and model chosen. When a Goodman brand high-effi ciency air cleaner is added to the return air, the home can a
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ACCESSORIES GHEPA GHEPA GHEPA GHEPA GDMHEPA Model Description 650 550 450 350 400 W6-0840 True HEPA Filter Cylinder X W6-0855 Carbon Pre-fi lter Blanket X W6-0810 Inner Carbon VOC Blanket X W5-0860 True HEPA 6” Filter X W5-0860-3 True HEPA Filter 6” Square X W5-0810 Carbon Pre-fi lter 1” X W5-0820 Carbon VOC After-fi lter X W5-0885 Carbon / Potass. VOC Filter X W4-0840 True HEPA Filter Cylinder X W4-0855 Carbon Pre-fi lter Blanket X W4-0810 Inner Carbon VOC Blanket X W3-0840 T