Fujitsu DX440 S2の取扱説明書

デバイスFujitsu DX440 S2の取扱説明書

デバイス: Fujitsu DX440 S2
カテゴリ: コンピュータ用ドライブ
メーカー: Fujitsu
サイズ: 25.61 MB
追加した日付: 10/27/2013
ページ数: 1066



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Fujitsu DX440 S2 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2,
ETERNUS DX8100 S2/DX8700 S2


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Preface This manual provides a variety of basic information about Web GUI for the ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2, the ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2, and the ETERNUS DX8100 S2/DX8700 S2. It should be referred to when setting up and maintaining the ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2, the ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2, and the ETERNUS DX8100 S2/DX8700 S2 Disk storage systems. Knowledge of UNIX or Windows® system management is required. This manual is written for controller firmware version V10L50 or later. Some of the func


Preface ● Chapter 8 Advanced Copy Management This chapter describes Advanced Copy status and management. ● Chapter 9 Connectivity Management This chapter describes connectivity settings between the host and the ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2, the ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2, and the ETERNUS DX8100 S2/DX8700 S2. ● Chapter 10 Component Management This chapter describes component status in the ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2, the ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2, and the ETERNUS DX8100 S2/DX8700 S2 and hardware main


Preface Related Documents Other manuals for the ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2, the ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2, and the ETERNUS DX8100 S2/DX8700 S2 are as follows: • ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2 Disk storage system Overview • ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2 Disk storage system User's Guide -Site Planning- • ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2 Disk storage system User's Guide -Installation- • ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2 Disk storage system User's Guide -Operation- • ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2 Disk storage system Overview • ETERNUS DX


Preface Acknowledgments • Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, and Internet Explorer are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. • UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. • Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. • IBM, AIX, and Tivoli are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.


Preface Naming Conventions Product names The following products will be represented throughout this manual by the following abbreviations. • The following abbreviations are used for Microsoft® Windows Server®. Product name Abbreviation Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003, Datacenter Edition Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003, Enterprise Edition Windows Server 2003 Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003, Standard Edition Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Datacenter Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Enterprise Mic


Table of Contents Chapter 1 Outline 17 1.1 Outline .............................................................................................................................. 17 1.2 Features ............................................................................................................................ 18 1.3 Operating Environment .................................................................................................... 18 1.4 User Management ...........................


Table of Contents 4.3 Configuration Settings for Using Thin Provisioning Functions ........................................... 71 Chapter 5 Volume Management 73 5.1 Volume Status ................................................................................................................... 73 5.1.1 Volume (Basic Information) ........................................................................................................................... 74 5.1.2 Performance (Host I/O) ............


Table of Contents Chapter 6 RAID Group Management 160 6.1 RAID Group Status ...........................................................................................................160 6.1.1 RAID Group (Basic Information) ................................................................................................................... 161 6.1.2 Tuning ..............................................................................................................................................


Table of Contents 7.2.10 Register Thin Provisioning License ............................................................................................................... 245 7.2.11 Delete Thin Provisioning License ................................................................................................................. 247 7.2.12 Start Balancing Flexible Tier Pool ................................................................................................................ 248 7.2.13


Table of Contents Chapter 9 Connectivity Management 367 9.1 Connectivity Status .........................................................................................................367 9.1.1 Structures for Host Connection ..................................................................................................................... 368 9.1.2 Connectivity (Basic Information) ................................................................................................................


Table of Contents 10.1.18 QSFP Cable Detail ........................................................................................................................................ 678 10.1.19 Boot and Utility Device Detail ...................................................................................................................... 679 10.1.20 CM Module Management Controller Detail .................................................................................................. 680 10.


Table of Contents 11.2.12 Utility Management .................................................................................................................................... 919 11.2.13 System Management ................................................................................................................................... 927 Appendix A User Roles and Policies 948 A.1 Roles...........................................................................................................


Table of Contents E.2 Input Conditions for MWC .............................................................................................. 1007 E.2.1 Allowed Input for the MWC When Using the Default Stripe Depth Value ................................................... 1007 E.2.2 Allowed Input for the MWC when Performance is Tuned............................................................................ 1009 Appendix F Automatic Controlling CM-CPU Setting 1011 Appendix G Using RADIUS Auth


List of Figures Figure 1.1 Outline of GUI.............................................................................................................................................. 17 Figure 9.1 Basic concept of host connection (when using host groups) ..................................................................... 369 Figure 11.1 Relation between the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system and the key server.............................................. 834 Figure E.1 Basic size when creating v


Chapter 1 Outline This chapter describes the outlines, features, operating environment, user management function, and operation screens for ETERNUS DX Disk storage system Web GUI (hereinafter referred to as "GUI"). GUI is installed in controllers of the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems (hereinafter also referred to as "ETERNUS DX Disk storage system" or "the storage system"), and used for performing settings and maintenance via web browser. 1.1 Outline Use GUI to set the operating environment a


Chapter 1 Outline 1.2 Features 1.2 Features The features for GUI are as follows: ● Initial settings by the wizard The wizard provides instructions for the basic settings that are required to run the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system. ● Status Display This function displays the storage system installation image. ● Checking the extent of a failure If a drive failure occurs, host port, LUN group, volume, RAID group, and installation location can be referenced to determine the extent of the failure


Chapter 1 Outline 1.3 Operating Environment • Furthermore, when using GUI with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0, note the following: - [Automatic prompting for file downloads] and [Allow websites to open windows without address or status bars] must be enabled. Click the [Custom Level] button under the Internet Options Security tab and select the radio buttons for both of these items. - [Show friendly HTTP error messages] must be disabled. Click the Internet Options Advanced tab and clear t


Chapter 1 Outline 1.4 User Management 1.4 User Management Appropriate user management is important to ensure that security is maintained within the system. The user management function applies roles with multiple policies when user accounts are created to specify the functions that are allowed for each user. The following table shows the difference between user roles. Default role Available functions Default account Admin "Admin" is a system administrator privilege. root Functions such as st

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