A Sierra Monitor Company
Driver Manual
(Supplement to the FieldServer Instruction Manual)
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus
Effective for all systems manufactured after May 1, 2001
Driver Version: 1.02
Document Revision: 6
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ENVIROTRONICS SYSTEMSPLUS DESCRIPTION........................................................5 2. DRIVER SCOPE OF SUPPLY..........................................................................................6 2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver ..................................................6 3. HARDWARE CONNECTIONS......................................................................
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Table of Contents 4.4.39. Map Descriptor Example 36 - stop program .......................................................21 4.4.40. Map Descriptor Example 37 - stop system .........................................................21 4.4.41. Map Descriptor Example 38 - alarm reset...........................................................21 4.4.42. Map Descriptor Example 39 - alarm acknowledge..............................................21 4.4.43. Ma
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Table of Contents 4.4.90. Map Descriptor Example 86 - edit read number steps........................................36 4.4.91. Map Descriptor Example 87 - edit read duration.................................................37 4.4.92. Map Descriptor Example 88 - edit read events...................................................37 4.4.93. Map Descriptor Example 89 - edit read aux........................................................38 4.4.94. Map Des
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 5 of 49 1. Envirotronics SystemsPlus Description The Envirotronics SystemsPlus driver allows the FieldServer to transfer data to and from devices over RS-232 using Envirotronics SystemsPlus protocol. The FieldServer can only emulate a Client. Max Nodes Supported FieldServer Mode Nodes Comments Client 1 Only 1 Client node per port allowed The Envirotronics SystemsPlus driver allows for direct interfacing to a SystemsPlus Programmer/Co
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 6 of 49 2. Driver Scope of Supply 2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver FieldServer Technologies Description PART # FS-8915-10 UTP cable (7 foot) for RS-232 use FS-8917-02 RJ45 to DB9F connector adapter FS-8917-01 RJ45 to DB25M connection adapter FS-8700-88 Driver Manual. FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldServer.com Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 7 of 49 3. Hardware Connections The FieldServer is connected to the SystemsPlus Controller as shown below. Configure the SystemsPlus Controller according to manufacturer’s instructions. #& ! $ ! %! " & "!! " ! ( ') & '"! $ # ! #& !
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 8 of 49 4. Configuring the FieldServer as a Envirotronics SystemsPlus Client For a detailed discussion on FieldServer configuration, please refer to the FieldServer instruction manual. The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the FieldServer (See “.csv” sample files provided with the FieldServer). This section documents and describes the parameters necessa
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 9 of 49 4.2. Client Side Connection Descriptions Section Title Connections Column Title Function Legal Values Specify which port the device is connected 1 Port P1-P8 to the FieldServer Protocol Specify protocol used SystemsPlus 300 – 19200, standard baud Baud* Specify baud rate rates only Parity* Specify parity Even, Odd, None Data_Bits* Specify data bits 7, 8 Stop_Bits* Specify stop bits 1, 2 Handshaking* Specify hardware handshaking
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 10 of 49 4.4. Client Side Map Descriptors 4.4.1. FieldServer Related Map Descriptor Parameters Column Title Function Legal Values Name of this Map Up to 32 alphanumeric Map_Descriptor_Name Descriptor characters Name of Data Array where One of the Data Array names Data_Array_Name data is to be stored in the from “Data Array” section FieldServer above Starting location in Data 0 to maximum specified in Data_Array_Offset Array “Data Array”
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 11 of 49 4.4.4. Map Descriptor Example 1 - read event event_num // Client Side Map Descriptors Map Descriptors Map_Descriptor_Name, Scan_Interval, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, SysPlus_Data_Type, Address, Length Event_States_00, 0s, Event_States, 0, rdbc, SYSPLUS_01, Event, 0, 1 The event_num is specified by the “Address” field. The state of the event will be stored as 1 for “ON” or 0 for “OF
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 12 of 49 4.4.8. Map Descriptor Example 5 - read setpoint channel // Client Side Map Descriptors Map Descriptors Map_Descriptor_Name, Scan_Interval, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, SysPlus_Data_Type, Address, Length Setpoints_00, 0s, Setpoints, 0, rdbc, SYSPLUS_01, Setpoint, 0, 1 The channel is specified by the “Address” field. 4.4.9. Map Descriptor Example 6 - set setpoint channel = value //
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 13 of 49 4.4.12. Map Descriptor Example 9 - read initial setpoint channel // Client Side Map Descriptors Map Descriptors Map_Descriptor_Name, Scan_Interval, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, SysPlus_Data_Type, Address, Length Init_Setpoint_00, 0s, Init_Setpoint, 0, rdbc, SYSPLUS_01, Init_Setpoint, 0, 1 The channel is specified by the “Address” field. 4.4.13. Map Descriptor Example 10 - set init
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 14 of 49 4.4.15. Map Descriptor Example 12 - read remaining step cycles // Client Side Map Descriptors // Map Descriptors Map_Descriptor_Name, Scan_Interval, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, SysPlus_Data_Type, Length Rm_Stp_Cy, 0s, Rem_Stepcycles, 0, rdbc, SYSPLUS_01, Rem_Step_Cyc, 1 4.4.16. Map Descriptor Example 13 - read selected program // Client Side Map Descriptors Map Descri
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 15 of 49 4.4.19. Map Descriptor Example 16 - read remaining step time // Client Side Map Descriptors Map Descriptor Map_Descriptor_Name, Scan_Interval, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, SysPlus_Data_Type, Length Rm_Stp_Tm, 0s, Rem_Steptime, 0, rdbc, SYSPLUS_01, Rem_Step_Tim, 3 The retrieved remaining step time will be stored as follows in Data_Array_Name: Offset from Data_Array_Offset Description
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 16 of 49 4.4.23. Map Descriptor Example 20 - set start time enabled = Boolean // Client Side Map Descriptors Map Descriptor Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, SysPlus_Data_Type, Length Start_Time_Ena, Start_Time_Ena_0, 0, wrbx, SYSPLUS_01, Start_Time_Ena, 1 A Boolean value of 1 for “Enabled” or 0 for “Disabled” must be written to Data_Array_Name at Data_Array_Offset to trigger this
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 17 of 49 4.4.26. Map Descriptor Example 23 - read start time // Client Side Map Descriptors Map Descriptor Map_Descriptor_Name, Scan_Interval, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, SysPlus_Data_Type, Length Start_Time, 0s, Start_Time, 0, rdbc, SYSPLUS_01, Start_Time, 4 The retrieved start time will be stored as follows in Data_Array_Name: Offset from Data_Array_Offset Description 0 Month 1 Day 2 Ho
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 18 of 49 4.4.29. Map Descriptor Example 26 - set audible alarm = Boolean // Client Side Map Descriptors Map Descriptor Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, SysPlus_Data_Type, Length Audible_Alarm, Audible_Alarm_0, 0, wrbx, SYSPLUS_01, Audible_Alarm, 1 A Boolean value of 1 for “on” or 0 for “off” must be written to Data_Array_Name at Data_Array_Offset to trigger this command. 4.4.3
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 19 of 49 4.4.32. Map Descriptor Example 29 - read auxs // Client Side Map Descriptors Map Descriptor Map_Descriptor_Name, Scan_Interval, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, SysPlus_Data_Type, Length All_Aux_States, 0s, All_Aux_States, 0, rdbc, SYSPLUS_01, All_Auxs, 10 The retrieved aux states will be stored as follows in Data_Array_Name: (A value of 1 will be stored for “on” or 0 for “off”) Offset fr
FS-8700-88 Envirotronics SystemsPlus Page 20 of 49 4.4.35. Map Descriptor Example 32 - hold program // Client Side Mao Descriptors Map Descriptor Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, SysPlus_Cmd, Length Hold_Program, ProgSysControl, 1, wrbx, SYSPLUS_01, Hold_Program, 1 Triggger this command by writing any value to Data_Array_Name at Data_Array_Offset. 4.4.36. Map Descriptor Example 33 - resume program // Client Side M