Air Purification
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June 2007
® UV-AIRE Air Purification System The UV-500C and UV-1500C provide concentrated UV The Whole House Solution germicidal protection in bedrooms, living rooms, and Field Controls offers a complete line of UV-Aire products offices… where it’s needed most. Each portable model for any home or business, with a variety of duct-mounted utilizes a motorized fan with multi-speed control to quietly UV-Aire models designed for forced-air heating and and efficiently circulate and treat indoor air. The UV-500C
® UV-AIRE Air Purification System Indoor Air: High Concentrations of Biological Contaminants With tighter building construction in recent years, the quality of indoor air has declined dramatically. The air circulating in the ductwork of the average home or office can be concentrated with contaminants including molds, bacteria, viruses, and dust mites. We fill our lungs up to 20,000 times each day. Over time, these contaminants can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes, upper respiratory
® UV-AIRE Air Purification System Facts About Indoor Air • According to the Environmental Protection Agency, • Health effects may show up immediately, or after the air in homes can be up to 100 times more years of exposure to poor indoor air quality. These 1 polluted than outdoor air. symptoms include some respiratory diseases, heart disease, and cancer. They may be severely 3 debilitating or fatal. • The National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine reports that exposure to indoor pollutan
® UV-AIRE Air Purification System How The In-duct UV-Aire Works UV-Aire uses the energy from a specially designed, high-intensity UV-C lamp to reduce microorganisms in Best Installation the entire home as they cycle through the HVAC system. Location (down- Mounted inside the ductwork, the UV-Aire sterilizes or Ultraviolet Treatment Zone stream of the A-coil) kills most contaminants as they pass the lamp. Coils and filters are breed- ing grounds for mold and The process requires very little maint
® UV-AIRE Air Purification System (In-duct Models) STANDARD MODELS EXTERNAL MODELS UV-12, UV-18, UV-28, UV-12HP, UV-12E, UV-18E, UV-28E UV-18HP, UV-28HP • For outdoor installations • Hinged cover for easy accessibility • Ideal for any external • Includes patent pending angle package systems bracket and duct board mounting kit • For rooftop applications • Installs easily and plugs into a • Hard wired for 120V, standard 120V outlet 208V, or 240V • All UV-HP (heatpump) models are 240V REMOTE MODEL
® UV-AIRE Air Purification System (Portable Models) UV-500C PORTABLE MODEL • Uses UV germicidal light, carbon, and high efficiency filtration • Quiet fan with three speed control • Purifies air in areas up to 500 square feet • Circuit board monitors lamp and filter life • Visual lamp and filter replacement alerts • Plugs into any standard 120V outlet UV-500C Features 1 Built-in handles 5 4 2 10”x10” high-efficiency/carbon filter 3 3 8” germicidal UV lamp 1 4 Adjustable fan control 5 Visual lamp
® UV-AIRE Air Purification System Independent Lab Testing For many years, ultraviolet light has proven effective in Greenville, NC, has conducted three separate tests to sterilizing medical equipment, purifying water, and examine UV’s effect on indoor air quality. The test processing food. Currently, the use of UV lights is results conclude that UV is an integral part of a whole gaining industry acceptance in HVAC applications. house approach to improving Indoor Air Quality. Microbe Management,
® UV-AIRE Air Purification System Single Pass Test: UV Deadly for Airborne Microbes This study introduced a common bacterium into a 2250 cfm in an 18” x 18” duct. The UV lamp yielded at galvanized air duct equipped with a UV light to least a 90% reduction of the test bacteria with a single determine how effective the lamp would be in reducing airflow pass at 1125 cfm, and at least 71% reduction at the bacteria with one exposure, or a “single pass.” The 2250 cfm. tests were conducted at two speed
® UV-AIRE Air Purification System UV Energy Required To Kill Bacteria Correlating The Lab Test With Other Bacteria Most, if not all bacteria can be destroyed by the Use the chart below to estimate the effectiveness of use of UV light. The main factors in disinfection are the UV-Aire with other bacteria. the amount of UV power the lamp produces and Harder–to–kill bacteria and molds require greater the length of time the bacteria is exposed to the UV energy or exposure time to be as effective. For
® UV-AIRE Air Purification System Installation 1. Insert the unit downstream from an A-coil in the supply plenum or downstream from the air filter in the return plenum. Mount base on duct Return Air Plenum using the enclosed Supply Air Plenum mounting screws. 2. Insert lamp through Best Location hole. Place bracket over end of tube and A-Coil tighten wing nut. Optional 3. Replace cover on unit Location ALWAYS wear protective goggles to shield your eyes from UV and tighten damage when installi
Models & Specifications Minimum Circuit Recommended Lamp Intensity at Product 2 Model Duct Width Voltage Amps Hz Watts Board Max. Sq. Ft. 1 meter µW/cm Warranty UV-12 9 120 0.5 60 30 no 1500 37 5 yr UV-18 14 120 0.5 60 30 no 2000 73 5 yr UV-28 22 120 1.1 60 60 no 3000 105 5 yr UV-12E** 9 120/208/240 0.5 60 30 no 1500 37 5 yr UV-18E** 14 120/208/240 0.5 60 30 no 2000 73 5 yr UV-28E** 22 120/208/240 1.1 60 60 no 3000 105 5 yr UV-12HP 9 240 0.5 60 30 no 1500 37 5 yr UV-18HP 14 240 0.5 60 30 no 2000