Sterling SSPET 5の取扱説明書

デバイスSterling SSPET 5の取扱説明書

デバイス: Sterling SSPET 5
カテゴリ: 海洋バッテリー
メーカー: Sterling
サイズ: 1.9 MB
追加した日付: 4/2/2013
ページ数: 50



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Sterling SSPET 5 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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Op er at ing In struc tions
Sin gle Con ve yor Unit
For Powder
Ster li ng Ma te ri al Pro cess ing
S M4-630


Please note that our address and phone information has changed. Please reference this page for updated contact information. These manuals are obsolete and are provided only for their technical information, data and capacities. Portions of these manuals detailing procedures or precautions in the operation, inspection, maintenance and repair of the products may be inadequate, inaccurate, and/or incomplete and shouldn’t be relied upon. Please contact the ACS Group for more current information


SSPET5 Ster li ng Ma te ri al Pro cess ing 5200 West Clinton Ave. Mil wau kee, WI 53223 Tele phone: (414) 354-0970 Fax: (414) 354-6421 Tech ni cal ser vice: Ser vice de part m ent Tele phone: (800) 423-3183 Edi ti on: 02/01 Ster ling or der con fir ma ti on no.: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The se ope ra ting in struc t ions are for: * (* Plea se fill in per so nal ly) Se ri al num ber: Built in: Date of de li very: Num ber of de li very: Date of com mis sio ning: Lo ca ti on: Group


SSPET5 Ster ling Ma te rial Pro cess ing re tains all rights to change the in for ma tion in these op er at ing in struc t ions at any time with out no tice. We as sume no li a bil ity for any er rors or di rect or in di rect dam age re sult ing in con - text with these op er at ing in struc t ions. Copying, trans la tion or pub li ca tion in any form ex cept for per sonal use of pur - chaser re quires ap proval from Ster ling Ma te r ial Pro cess ing. All rights re served. 3 SM4-630


SSPET5 Tab le of con tents 1. Sa fe ty in struc t ions ............................................ 6 1.1. War nings and sym bols .................................. 7 1.2. Ex pla na tions and in for ma t i on ............................. 8 1.3. For your sa fe ty ........................................ 9 1.4. For the ope ra ting sa fe ty of the equip ment.................. 12 2. As sem bly in struc t ions ........................................ 13 2.1. As sem bly ..............................


SSPET5 5. Main t en an ce ................................................. 35 5.1. Main ten an ce in ter vals .................................. 37 5.2. Ser vi cing the con vey or ................................. 38 5.2.1. Clea ning/re pla cing the fil ter cartrid ges of the clea ning unit. 38 5.2.2. Chan ging the sea ling ring of the out let flap ............. 40 5.2.3. Ad ju sting the flap switch ............................ 41 5.3. Re pla cing car bon brus hes at tur bi ne ................


SSPET5 1. Safety in stru c tion s These safety in struc tions ap ply to all per sons within the range of ac tion of the equip ment. » Please in form all per sons within the range of ac tion of the equip - ment of the di rect and in di rect haz ards con nected with the equip ment. These op er at ing in struc tions are to be used by all per sons as - signed ac tiv i ties con nected with the equip ment. Knowl edge of the Eng lish lan guage is pre req ui site. En sure in each case that the op er at


SSPET5 1.1. Warn ings and sym bols The fol low ing warn ings and sym bols are used in these op er at ing in struc tions: This sym bol in di cates dan ger to life! Fa tal or se ri ous in jury is pos si ble if the cor re spond ing in struc t ions, reg u la tions or warn - » ings are not ob served. This sym bol in di cates that se ri ous in jury is pos si ble if the cor - L re spond ing in struc t ions, reg u la tions or warn ings are not ob - served. This sym bol in di cates that ex ten sive dam a


SSPET5 1.2. Ex pla na tions and in for m a tion Var i ous terms and des ig na tions are used in these op er at ing in struc tions to en - sure clar ity. There fore please note that the terms used in the text stand for the cor re spond ing ex pla na tions listed be low. Equip ment · “Equip ment” can mean an in di vid ual unit, a ma chine or an in stal la tion. Op er at ing per son nel · The “op er at ing per son nel” are per sons op er at ing the equip ment on their own re - spon si bil ity or ac


SSPET5 1.3. For your safety The op er at ing per son nel of this equip ment must be at least 16 years old. · Please read these op er at ing in struc t ions care fully be fore tak ing into op er a tion for · the first time. Con tact us should ques tions arise. This avoids in jury and dam age to equip ment! These op er at ing in struc tions must be kept avail able at all times at the place of op - · er a tion of the equip ment. Im pr oper op er a tion re sults in dan ger of ac ci dents! Please no


SSPET5 Do not mod ify, add other equip ment or change the de sign of the equip ment with - · out the ap proval of the man u fac turer. Cau tion: Dan ger of ac ci dents! Com pile de tailed op er at ing in struc t ions based on these op er at ing in struc t ions for · the se quence of pro ce dures to be car ried out on this equip ment. Im pr oper op er a tion re sults in dan ger of ac ci dents! Ap point an equip ment fore man to be re spon si ble for the equip ment. · En sure that the op er at ing


SSPET5 This equip ment is not suit able for foods pro cess ing. · Ob serve that sound in ten sity lev els over 85 dB(A), may cause pro longed dam age · to health. Use suit able ear muffs. This avoids im pair ment of hear ing! At tach ments not sup plied by Ster ling must be man u fac tured in ac cor dance with · safety reg u la tion EN 294. Cau tion! Dan ger of ac ci dents! Check all lines, hoses and screwed con nec tions reg u larly for leaks and ob vi ous · dam age. Re pair dam age im me di a


SSPET5 1.4. For the op er at ing safety of the equip ment Never change set tings if the con se quences are not pre cisely known. · Use only orig i nal Ster ling spare parts. · Please ob serve the main te nance in ter vals. · Keep re cord of all main te nance and re pair pro ce dures. · Please note that elec tronic sub-as sem blies can be dam aged by static dis - · charges. Check all elec tri cal con nec tions for proper fit be fore the equip ment is taken into · op er a tion for the first time a


SSPET5 2. As sem b ly in stru c tion s The se in stal la ti on in struc t ions are in ten ded for per sons with skills in elec tri cal and me cha ni cal are as due to their trai ning, ex - » pe rien ce and re cei ved in struc t ions. Per son nel using the se in stal la ti on in struc t ions must be in struc - ted in the re gu la tions for the pre ven ti on of ac ci dents, the ope ra - ting con di tions and sa fe ty re gu la tions and their im ple men ta t i on. En su re in each case that the per


SSPET5 2.1. As sem bly The sin gle con veyor unit is in sen si tive to shocks and can be mounted di rectly onto the pro cess ing ma chine, on a ma chine hop per, a dry ing hop per or a dos ing and blend ing unit. The equip ment is de liv ered as a com plete as sem bly. Un pack the equip ment. Re move the plas tic stop per from the ma te rial in let noz zle. Re move the ad he sive tape from the exit flap. The con trol ler must be freely ac ces si ble. F As sem bly in struc t ions 14 SM4-630


SSPET5 Mount ing on fixed ma chine throats or in ter me di ate con tain ers is done by means of strap re tain ers. Please check dur ing as sem bly that the ad mis si ble bear ing loads are not ex - ceeded. Mount the con veyor in such a way that the out let flap swings in a right an gle to the di rec tion of ma chine move ment . Please check that all con nect ing points are tight to en sure that the con vey ing per - for mance is not im paired. J L Assembly As sem bly in struc t ions 15 SM4-630


SSPET5 2.2. Moun ting the suc ti on pipe MV The suc tion pipe con sists of an in ner pipe (A) and an outer pipe (B) which can be off set against each other. Con nect the in ner pipe with the straight end to a flex i ble hose: Push the free pipe end into the flex i ble line to a depth of approx. 4-5 cm (167-1.97in.) Con nect both parts by means of a hose clamp. Please ob serve that the length of the hose should not ex ceed 3 m (9.84 in.) Please check that the outer pipe is not cov ered as it pro


SSPET5 2.3. Elec tri cal con nec tion Elec tri cal con nec tion of the equip ment must be car ried out by qual i fied per son nel only. » En sure that the reg u la tions of the lo cal elec tric sup ply com pany are ob served. The op er at ing volt age is 230 V/50 Hz. Spe cial volt ages on re quest. The con nected load is ap prox. 1200 W. The equip ment is con nected to mains sup ply by a de vice plug. Sep a rate fuse pro tec tion of the wall socket is re quired (max. 16 A). As sem bly in struc t


SSPET5 2.3.1. In stal la tion of the “flap switch” sig nal line In sert the ap pli ance plug of the “flap switch” sig nal line into the “flap switch” con - nec tor (A) on the lower side of the con trol ler. 2.3.2. In stal la tion of the sig nal line of the SKW (op tional) In sert the ap pli ance plug of the “SKW (= Two Com po nent Pro por tioning Valve)” sig nal line into the “SKW” con nec tor (B) on the lower side of the con trol ler. As sem bly in struc t ions 18 SM4-630


SSPET5 2.3.3. In stal la tion of an alarm in di cat ing de vice at the SSE con trol ler (op tio nal) This work must be car ried out by qual i fied per son nel only. » Dis con nect the unit from mains sup ply by the de vice plug be fore you be gin with works on the con trol ler. Dan ger to life! The con nec tion is po ten tial-free and rated for no more than 5 A. An ad di tio nal alarm in di ca ting de vi ce (e.g. horn, sig nal light) & can be con nec ted. You need an “ack nowled ge m

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