Sunplus Commercial
Outdoor patio heaters space heating
� Low capital cost as these heaters allow you to Ref: 85 822084
The new Sunplus outdoor
Technical Specification
select fewer heaters, but place them exactly where
heater provides a safe,
the heating need is
� Element - 2kW gold quartz halogen lamp
efficient and easy answer for
� When used with PIR sensors, further energy
� Finish - high quality aluminium case in silver
outdoor heating.
savings are available
� Reflector - high performance
Commercial Sunquartz space heating Shortwave infra-red radiant heaters Control options Instant heat right where Technical Specification PIR automatic controller senses movement it’s needed. Sunquartz detected within its range and automatically � Tungsten halogen lamps, 230/240V with ruby red “ short wave infra-red switch on the heater which will remain quartz outer sleeve heaters warm people, switched on for a preset time. � Reflectors bright rolled, specular 99.8% not the air. aluminium, ele
Ceramic Emitters Commercial Long wave infra-red heaters space heating � Fitted with wire safety guards Long wave infra-red heaters Technical Specification � Robust fitting brackets offer highly efficient, silent, “ � Element - ceramic emitter space heating. � Ideal for commercial and industrial application where glare free heat is required � Grey painted steel casing � Supply - 230/240V AC single phase ” These heaters incorporate dual ceramic emitters to rapidly convert electrical energy into h
Sunslim Commercial Commercial radiant heaters space heating � Corrosion resistant Sunslim is a low cost, Technical Specification � Suitable for bracket or chain mounting robust and easy to install � Element - ‘black heat’ type “ radiant heater. Its tilt � Easy to install � Zinc coated steel body/matt black end caps mounting allows heat to be � Ideal for localised heating in large covered � Chrome plated steel guards areas such as factories and workshops localised, or directed to a � Anodised alu
Suntube Commercial Tubular heaters space heating Optional accessories Suntubes are the perfect Technical Specification answer where a steady � Elements metal sheathed throughout “ energy efficient source of � Polyester epoxy powder coated aluminium body heat is needed, providing � High temperature glass filled nylon end caps gentle background warmth and brackets and frost protection for � Supply - 230/240V AC single phase both domestic and commercial applications. Dimensions Interlinking kit Ava
Sunfan Commercial High level fan heater space heating Sunfan is a robust 3kW Technical Specification high volume air throughput � Flame retardant polycarbonate/glass filled “ commercial/industrial wall nylon body mounted fan heater � Single phase, 4 pole motor designed to provide highly � Two tone grey (neutral colours) efficient heating in winter, � Protection - Two thermal cut-outs or cool air circulation Thermostatic controller (included) � Supply - 230/240V AC single phase in summer. For rem
Sunscreen Commercial Warm air curtains space heating Sunscreen and Sunspot Technical Specification heaters provide the ideal “ � Element - open coil supported by solution for draught exclusion ceramic insulators on external doors. � Zinc coated steel, powder coated body white/grey � Shaded pole motor When mounted on the inside of an ” external door they create a ‘hot air curtain’ � Protection - thermal safety cut-out to prevent cold draughts entering a � Supply - 230/240V AC single phase buil