Model No.
The wheel bearings are not prelubricated.
The wheel hubs must be filled with grease after the wheels
are assembled to the axle.
Read Rules for
Safe Operation
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and Instructions
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PRINTED IN USA FORM NO. 40757 (08/24/07)
sAFETY RuLEs Remember, any power equipment can cause injury if operated improperly or if the user does not understand how to operate the equipment. Exercise caution at all times when using power equipment. CAu TION: VEHICLE BRAKING AND LOOK FOR THIs sYMBOL TO POINT OuT sTABILITY MAY BE AFFECTED wITH THE IMPORTANT sAFETY PRECAuTIONs. IT ADDITION OF AN ACCEssORY OR AN MEANs — ATTENTION! BECOME ALERT! ATTACHMENT. BE AwARE OF CHANGING YOuR sAFETY Is INVOLVED. CONDITIONs ON sLOPEs. Exercis
HARDWARE SHOWN FULL SIZE F E D B A C G J H L I Not Shown Full Size K M N P O HARDwARE PACK REF. qTY . DEsCRIPTION REF. qTY . DEsCRIPTION A 1 Hex Bolt, 5/16" x 3-3/4" I 2 SEMS Nut, 5/16" B 2 Hex Bolt, 1/4" x 3/4" J 2 Cotter Pin, 1/8" x 1-1/2" C 4 Hex Bolt, 3/8" x 1-1/4" K 4 Flat Washer, 1" D 2 Truss Head Bolt, 5/16" x 3/4" L 1 Extension Spring E 8 Flat Washer, 1/4" M 1 Spring Puller Tool F 4 Nylock Nut, 1/4" N 1 Hitch Pin G 4 Nylock Nut, 5/16" O 1 Hair Cotter Pin H 11 Nylock Nut, 3/8" P 2
4. Hook the short end of the spring into the hole in the AssEMBLY INsTR uCTIONs latch lock lever. Use the spring puller tool to hook the long end of the spring into the square hole in the tongue. The spring puller tool can be stored when TOOLs REu q IRED FOR AssEMBLY finished. See figure 2. (1) Screwdriver (1) Pliers (2) 7/16" Wrenches (2) 1/2" Wrench (2) 9/16" Wrenches SPRING PULLER TOOL 1. Remove the hardware pack and all loose parts from the carton. Be sure the carton is empty befo
7. Place the drawbar tongue onto the axle and latch 9. Assemble the latch stand plate and the latch stand stand bracket then slide the axle through the wheel bracket to the bottom of the poly tray using four 1/4" x support and drawbar tongue. See figure 4. 3/4" hex bolts, 1/4" flat washers and 1/4" nylock nuts. The aligning tab on the bottom of the latch stand bracket must be towards the rear of the cart. Tighten. AXLE See figure 6. 1/4" x 3/4" HEX BOLT DRAW BAR TONGUE 1/4" FLAT WASHER L
OPERATION MAINTENANCE CAu TION: VEHICLE BRAKING AND 1. At the beginning of each season, using a light machine sTABILITY MAY BE AFFECTED wITH THE oil, lubricate the latch, the latch pivot bolt, and the area ADDITION OF AN ACCEssORY OR AN of the axle where the draw bar tongue pivots. ATTACHMENT. BE AwARE OF CHANGING CONDITIONs ON sLOPEs. 2. At the beginning of each season, grease the wheel bearings. Apply grease through the grease fitting until grease if forced out through the ends of the
REPAIR PARTs FOR POLY CART MODEL 45-01754 21 18 15 1 5 19 6 7 3 8 13 12 23 12 17 26 20 17 16 2 B 20 26 2 10 4 11 B 9 22 14 25 24 8
REPAIR PARTs FOR POLY CART MODEL 45-01754 REF. PART NO. qTY . DEsCRIPTION 1 47019 1 Poly Tray 2 25636 1 Axle, 1" 3 40758 2 Wheel 4 24758 1 Draw Bar Tongue 5 24386 1 Latch Stand Plate 6 24497 1 Latch Stand Bracket 7 24527 1 Wheel Support 8 24498 1 Latch Lock Lever 9 47407 1 Hex Bolt, 5/16-18 x 3-3/4" 10 23475 1 Hitch Bracket 11 43093 2 Cotter Pin, 1/8" x 1-1/2" 12 43601 4 Washer, Flat 1.59" O.D. x 1" I.D. 13 47453 2 Spacer Tube, 3-1/8" Lg. 14 HA21362 1 Nylock Nut, 3/8-16* 15 43088 4 Flat Washer
sLOPE GuIDE (Keep this sheet in a safe place for future reference.) use this guide to determine if a slope is safe for the operation of your tractor and cart. Refer also to the instructions in your vehicle owners manual. FOLD ALONG DOTTED LINE, REPRESENTING A 10 DEGREE SLOPE SIGHT AND HOLD THIS LEVEL WITH A VERTICAL TREE A POWER POLE A CORNER OF A BUILDING OR A FENCE POST CAuTION: DO NOT OPERATE YOuR TRACTOR AND CART ON A sLOPE IN EXCEss OF 10 DEGREEs. BE suRE OF YOuR TRACTOR's TO wING AND B
the fastest way to purchase parts www.speedepart.com REPAIR PARTs Agri-Fab, Inc. 809 S. Hamilton Sullivan, IL. 61951 217-728-8388 www.agri-fab.com This document (or manual) is protected under the U.S. Copyright Laws and the copyright laws of foreign countries, pursuant to the Universal Copyright Convention and the Berne convention. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by an means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any i