Serious Steel
Part# 6872201 1 Revision: 12/3/99
]IMPORTANT NOTES] WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF ~e~iou$ $~eet] I Please note: * Thank you for purchasing th~ Parabody 465104 Glute/Squat Option. Please read these instructions thoroughly and k~p them for fi~ture reference. This product must be assembled on a fiat, level surface to assur~ its proper function. * We recommend clemfing your product (pads and flame) on a regular basis, using warm soapy water. Touch-up paint can be purchased from your Parabody customer servi~e representative at (800) 328-97
PARTS LIST DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION KEY PART # iKEY PART # 5 6670701 NON-SKff ~IP FOOT PLATE 1 1 6733802 1 ,6 3102918 1/2 X 3/4" BOLT 6736202 SQUAT BAR 2 7 1/2" LOCKNUT GLUTE KICK 1 3102801 3 6736502 2 4 6016401 ROLLER PAD PRESS 1/2 X 3-1/4" BASE FIGURE 1 STEP 1 ¯ Swing the PRESS SEAT over 90° to install FOOT PLATE (1). See FIGURE ¯ SECURELY attachthe FOOT PLATE (1) to the PRESS BASE using two 1/2 X 3-1/4" BOLTS (6) and two 1/2" LOCK NUTS (7) shown in FIGURE 1. 1/2 I 1/2 ] 1/2 I 1/2 [ 1/2 ] 1/2
PRESS ARM FIGURE 2 STEP 2 ¯ Slide two ROLLERPADS (4) over the SQUAT BAR (2). See FIGURE 2. Space PADS out equally to support back of neck. (Optional : SQUAT BAR may be used without ROLLER PADS.) ¯ Insert SQUAT BAR (4) into the hole on the PRESS ARM as shown. PRESS ARM FIGURE 3 ITEP 3 ¯ Insert other end of SQUAT BAR (2) into the PRESS ARM. See FIGURE ¯ Rotate SQUAT BAR (2) ° tohol d SQU AT BAR (2) in P RES S ARM. See F IGUR E 3.
PRESS ARM FIGURE 4 ~TEP 4 ¯ Attach one NON-SKID STRIP (5) to the GLUTE KICK (3) as shown in FIGURE ¯ Insert GLUTE KICK(3) into the hole on the PRESS ARM as shown. FIGURE 5 STEP 5 ¯ Rotate GLUTE KICK (3) ° to hold GLU TE KIC K (3) in P RES S ARM. See FIGUR E 5. Thank you for purchasing the PARABODY 465104 GLUTE/SQUAT OPTION. If unsutre of proper use of equipment refer to the 425104 OPERATION GUIDE or call your local PARABODY distributor or call the PARABODY customer se~wice department at (800) 3