~~erious Steel
Revisiort: 02/24/97
Part # 6678501
[IMPORTANT NOTES[ There is a risk assumed by individuals who use this type of equipment. To minimize risk, please follow these rules: 1. Consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. 2. Inspect equipment daily. Tighten all loose connections and replace worn parts immediately. Failure to do so may result in serious injury. 3. Do not allow minors or children to play on or around this equipment. 4. Exercise with cm’e to avoid injury. If unsure of proper use of equipment, call your l
PARTS LIST DESCRIPTION QTY KEY PART # DESCRIPTION QTY (EY PART # 4 PLATE BUSHING 10 COUNT 1 7 6382301 1 6284501 WEIGHT STACK SHAFT 2 GUIDE R~)D BUSHING 2 8 6595201 GUIDE ROD 2 6523401 1 9 3202401 3/8X 1 "BISI~ON HEAD CAP SCREW 1 HEAl) PLATE 6628401 3 ’WASHER I 3/8" LO( 1 10 3114502 SELECTOR PIN 4 6214401 1 11 6189501 WEIGHT SI.’ACK LABELS WF_,IGHT PLATES 20 6214501 5 2 WEIGHT STACK CUSHION 6 3108002 FIGURE 1 STEP 1: Snap two WEIGHT PLATE BUSHINGS (7) into the "PARABODY" side of all twenty WEIGHT
3/8" X 1" STEP 3: A. Insert the two GUIDE RODS (2) into the base the TOWER as shown in FIGURE 3. Lubricate the GUIDE RODS with a slicon or teflon spray that is available at most hardware stores. B. Slide two WEIGHT STACK CUSHIONS (6) down over the GUIDE RODS (2). See FIGURE C. Using EXTREME CARE slide twenty WEIGHT PLATES (5) down over the GUIDE RODS (2) the "PARABODY" side up and the key-hole fac- ing as shown in FIGU-RF, 3. rOWER Do Securely assemble the WEIGHT STACK SHAFT (1) to the HEAD P
TOWER X 4" BOLT BRACE (EXISTING) FIGURE 5 STEP 5: Place TOWER BRACE over the GUIDE RODS (2) and securely fasten TOWER. BRACE to TOWER using previously remow~d 1/2" X 4" BOLTS, 1/2" WASHERS, AND 1/2" NUTS as shown in FIGURE 5. TOWER BRACE ,TOP BOOM CABLE’ FIGURE 6 STEP 6: Route threaded end of CABLE (part # 6671601) around pulleys in TOP BOOM and PULLEY BLOCK ASSEMBLY. Route CABLE (part # 6671601) down through hole in TOWER and TOWER BRACE shown in FIGURE 6.
CABLE-, ~,, FIGURE 7 STEP 7: A. Screw the treaded end of the CABLE (part #66716001) approximately 3/4" into the end of the WEIGHT STACK SHAFT (1) and tighten jam nut securely. B. Apply one WEIGHT STACK LABEL (11) to each WEIGHT PLATE (5) as shown. Labels 1 through 20 should be appled from top to bottom of the WEIGHT STACK and close to the key-hole. 6 6
BLOCK PULLEY BOLT FIENCH FRAME FIGURE 8 STEP 8: A. Remove the BOLT, WASHERS, and LOCK NUT below the PULLEY in UPRIGHT. See FIGURE 8. B. Insert the threaded end of CABLE (part #6671001) under the PULLEY in UPRIGHT and around the bottom PULLEY of the PULLEY BLOCK. See FIGURE 8. C. Fasten end of CABLE (part #6671001) into threaded housing on the base of BENCH FRAME and tighten jam nut securely. Securely fasten previously removed BOLT, WASHERS, and LOCK NUT. (NOTE: The CABLE D. (part #667100 l) shou
;116" SNAP HOOK LAT BAR 5/16" SNAP HOOK D RING FIGURE 9 STEP 9: A. Attach CHROME LAT BAR & DOUBLE D CHROME HANDLE to ball ends of cables using 5/16" SNAP HOOKS. See FIGURE 9. B. If the HEAD PLATE (3) does not sit on top of the first WEIGHT PLATE (5), push the head plate down, insert the SELECTOR PIN (4) and perform several repetitions on the machine. This will relax the cable system and prevent the HEAD PLATE (3) from lifting up. If after completing ’,STEP B the HEAD PLATE (3) still does not sit