model t24631
8" spiral cutterhead
installation instructions
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introduction inventory (figure 2)
The Model T24631 spiral cutterhead is designed
a. spiral Cutterhead w/inserts ........................ 1
to replace the straight-knife cutterhead on the
b. Torx drivers T20 ........................................ 2
Model G0656/G0656P 8" Jointer.
c. Torx L-Wrenches T20 ............................
6. Wearing heavy leather gloves, carefully installation remove the cutterhead from the casting (see 1. disConneCT JoinTer FroM PoWer! figure 5). 2. remove the jointer fence and cutterhead note: Your cutterhead may have paper shims guard. stuck to the bearing block or where the bear- ing block rests. These were included at the 3. remove the V-belt from the pulleys. factory when they calibrated your cutterhead to be even with the outfeed table. Your new 4. Lower both beds to make enough r
9. remove the bearings and bearing blocks 15. Using the straightedge and feeler gauge set, from the cutterhead. There are numerous inspect the cutterhead parallelism with the ways to do this, but avoid prying on them— outfeed table as shown in figure 7. With the they must be pulled off evenly and with care. straightedge in position, raise or lower the if you are unsure about how to proceed, seek outfeed table until the cutterhead body (not help from a mechanic/machinist, or numer- the carbi
19. Place a straightedge on the outfeed table rotating inserts so it extends over the cutterhead, and rotate The cutterhead is equipped with 40 indexable car- the cutterhead pulley until one of the carbide bide inserts. each insert can be rotated to reveal inserts is at top-dead-center (TdC), as shown any one of its four cutting edges. Therefore, if one in figures 8 & 9. cutting edge becomes dull or damaged, simply rotate it clockwise 90˚ to reveal a fresh cutting edge (f igure 10). Top
g9644—12" precision straightedge accessories h2675—16" precision straightedge t 21348—10 pack of indexable c arbide inserts if you don't have a good straightedge for preci- r eplacement carbide inserts for T24631 sion setup work, order one from us. These grade cutterhead. 00 heavy-duty stainless steel straightedges are manufactured to din874 standards for profes- sional results in setup and inspection work. figure 14. Precision straightedges. g9615—15-pc feeler gauge set figure 11. T21348 ind
t 24631 parts breakdown and l ist 4 1 2 3 REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1 P0452Z001 DRIVER BIT TORX T20 2 P0452Z002 INDEXABLE INSERT 14 x 14 x 2 3 PFH35M FLAT HD TORX SCR T20 M6-1 X 15 4 P0452Z009 L-WRENCH TORX T20 -6- T24631 6" s piral Cutterhead