Washer Washer _- c high high but a match It a sort I 1. & l for Informa- 3; of l to for 2. to l on 6 of IS I: l or LSW In mu (not if c IS a 3. h A l put lhr.y plug tLb a on l for 4. 9 5 of for 5. to l com- or to on fabrics stains greasy make detergent soap with bine can softeners Fabric WASH. THE TO SOFTENER FABRIC ADD NOT DO Cycle. Rinse Deep the only Softener Fabric Diluted Add informatlon. more Guide Laundry the sectlon Aids” Laundry the an
3. a l l IS l IId l Whe? IS l a l a push In l r b e DC eat happe-s ,&hot show e-11 “ages washer ‘he start tc zclt i~b the Pull want ‘vou settlrg the to [cNock:~ise) rlght the to Knob Control the turn Trlen washer the stop to Knob *rJ Cor- t?e setting, change To ticsqer the restart to out it Pull in. Knob Control the push cycle, during time any at washer the stop To stop ~111 vljasher the ob’er, cycle the out Knob Control Cvcle the pull swasher, the start To the under ar
Dispenser It Water It WIII l but l a l 1 (250 for a full 76 295 137 520 205 776 !ocd a a to fill It i v to i!!trrF In Watch An Item a In mddle l not run up 11 - 13 WIII sizes ‘oad and loading on InformatIon fabric. more find You Guide Laundry your any damage will bleach trated in pages recc tc sure 3e Concen- basket. washer the into outside the on later down bleach any let Do come and the sink should *w sock) (like rollover for water the freely move should
tubs Important 1 2 3 4 IS It 5. IS In high, In In much a I1 2 ? 8 5 5 cm] cr for infor- 14-22). ml] 112 ml) mL) 13~cups[425mL) 212cups(600mL] 3cups(700mL) 2 mL) 3 mL] 2 mL) ’ 3 3 325 ml], * l In l In limiting a For a In high a a and rinse needs only that laundv for spin low-speed and or rinse extra an for setting the Use only agitation want you if PRESS NENT rinse to set be can was?er Your PERMA- in dot ihe Use GENTLE KNITS dot the use sDin. low-sDeed and O
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number s mat .I : :I d 5: WHAT IN 3 l . I l . Items In a l l l . . . l . START TO OUT PULL TIME AND CYCLE TO TURN KNOB, IN PUSH TEMPERATURES WATER SET SIZE LOAD SET results cleanrng best for set pre- are speeds spin and agrtatron High clothes work heavy for and tons, cot colorfast and white sturdy for Use CYCLE HEAVY REGULAR START TO OUT PULL TIME AND CYCLE TO TURN KNOB, IN PUSH TEMPERATURES WATER SET SIZE LOAD SET bag laundry net hose oantv or hose nylon Wash
WA’EQ Items Delicate ard ts I+ ‘3r r;lNSE COLD use Alwavs VOTE ,~I,~,~,~,~
IS It r a f IS . . . ,pl#q,~j, . Items a When a + . l l . Service or We suggest These Three l l a l 1. for l th l S IF FILL: . ~ i ~ leaks the check and faucets the on Turn connections. tIghten and hoses the Replace water running under screens the Clean screens in? plugged csrd SIJ~XYV po:ver t-e Ii the check and hoses -Remove NOT DOES WASHER YOUR faucets. the off -Turn screens the check To #ze .J ser clean7 for call vou befcre this 2eck ioolj scre
1 d I1 IF 2. If : l l l a c IF l IS a In IF In l just a 2 In a IF l r l 7 11 InstructIons lnsiallatlor (See out siphon can Water condltlon peak in appliance cycles nse and wash during WHIRLPOOL your keeD to rrlaimtenance draining be to seem may washer The and service after-warranty provide and ISN’T... IT warranty your fulfill to companies vice WASHER. THE IN LEVEL WATER THE THAN ser- TECH-CARE franchised of network HIGHER IS HOSE DRAIN THE SURE MAKE nationwide
- not find a Whirlpool time. up number (800) 253-1301. When from: 3. If a : (800) 632-2243 & (800) 253-l 121 number If IS E. ’ 2000 33 a 49022 must ) number, number, a number IS Ice In U S A 383153 luo Part PrInted Systems Condltaonlng Air and Heating Central Oehumadlfws, Condltloners, AN Room Compactors. Ovens, Microwave Ranges. Umls, Surface and Ovens I” Butlt Olshwashers, Makers, Freezers. Refrigerator Freezets, Dryers, Clothes Washers. Automatic Mlchlgan Har