Star Trac 6400 Seriesの取扱説明書

デバイスStar Trac 6400 Seriesの取扱説明書

デバイス: Star Trac 6400 Series
カテゴリ: フィットネス用トレッドミル
メーカー: Star Trac
サイズ: 0.17 MB
追加した日付: 10/4/2014
ページ数: 26



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Star Trac 6400 Series 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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Star Trac Pro Partner – Training Partner
Operations Manual
Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Selecting Workout Partner
a. Creating a Custom Workout
III. Creating a Pro or Elite Treadmill Custom Workout
a. Naming Your Workout
b. Entering Weight/Time
c. Designing Your Incline Profile
d. Designing Your Speed Profile
IV. Creating a Pro Bike Custom Workout
a. Naming Your Workout
b. Entering Weight/Time
c. Designing Your Resistance Profile
V. Accessing a Custom Workout
VI. Bea


I. Introduction Thank you for choosing Star Trac for your fitness needs. Are you ready to take your clients’ workout to a new level? The Star Trac Pro Partner software program will make your Palm-powered PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) an integral part of your personal training experience when using a Star Trac Pro or Elite Treadmill or Pro Bike. Personalized workouts and tracking client workout data are now all in the palm of your hand! In this manual you will learn how


II. Selecting Workout Partner To enter the Workout Partner Program, tap on the Pro-TP (Training Partner) icon on the main menu of your PDA. Image #1: Palm OS Main Menu Once the Pro-WP icon is selected, the Workout Partner home page will be displayed on your PDA. It will look like one of the following screen(s): Image #2: Home Page (high resolution) Image #3: Home Page (low resolution) a. Creating a Custom Workout Creating a custom workout will allow you to enjoy a mor


To create a custom workout, tap the Custom Workouts icon on the main menu. Image #4: Home Page The program will allow you to choose one of the following pieces of Star Trac equipment. • Pro Bike • Pro Tread Image #5: Custom Workouts NOTE: If this is the first custom workout you have created, the screen will read “No Custom Workouts Available” and your screen will look like the following. Image #6: No Custom Workouts Available 4


III. Creating a Pro or Elite Treadmill Custom Workout In order to create a workout on the Pro or Elite Treadmill, tap on Pro Tread. Image #7: Custom Workouts Note: If you have already created other custom workouts, your screen will look similar to the following: Image #8: Pro Tread Custom Workout List To create a new Custom Workout, tap on the New Custom Workout icon at the bottom of the screen. Once the icon has been selected, the Create Custom Workout screen will appear


1. NAMING YOUR WORKOUT At the top of the screen, there is a space provided to name your workout. Tap in the blank area adjacent to Workout Name and name your workout using standard text entry methods (graffiti or keyboard). This is illustrated below. Image #10: Custom Workout (Naming) 2. ENTERING WEIGHT AND TIME Once you are finished naming your workout you then must enter your Weight in the blank field adjacent to weight using standard text entry methods (graffiti or keyboard).


Image #12: Custom Workout (Incline) Note: You may also select your incline by tapping on the % symbol (start by clicking on the segment you want to adjust). A dialog box (see image #9 below) will appear which will allow you to manually select your desired incline % for the segment selected in the profile window. Highlight the box you would like to change and tap on the up/down arrows to manually adjust the incline. Once you are satisfied with your selection, tap OK and your incline


Note: For safety reasons, during a treadmill workout, you can always override the incline and speed by manually adjusting the speed and incline keys directly on the treadmill. 4. DESIGNING YOUR SPEED PROFILE Once you have finished selecting your incline profile, you must select your speed profile. Tap on the Speed box adjacent to the incline box. The Speed box is now highlighted and you may now select your speed profile by moving the individual sliders up and down to select your desir


Now that you have finished creating your own custom workout, tap on the SAVE box. Your custom workout is now saved and ready to use with the Pro or Elite Treadmill! Image #16: List of Custom Workouts IV. Creating a Pro Bike Custom Workout Starting from the home page, tap on the Custom Workouts image. In order to create custom workouts for the Pro Bike Series (Upright or Recumbent), tap on Pro Bike. Image #17: Home Page Image #18: Custom Workouts NOTE: If this is the f


If you have already created other custom workouts, your screen will look similar to the following: Image #20: Custom Workout List (Pro Bike) To create a new Custom Workout, tap on the New Custom Workout icon at the bottom of the screen. Image #21: Custom Workout List (Pro Bike) Once the icon has been selected, the Create Custom Workout screen will appear as follows: Image #22: Create Custom Workout (Pro Bike) Note: You may tap o


Image #23: Pro Bike Custom Workout 2. Entering Weight/Time Once you are finished naming your workout you then must enter your Weight in the field provided using standard text entry methods (graffiti or keyboard). You may enter your weight using the default English method in pounds (lbs) or in metric by tapping on the Metric symbol. You must also enter your desired length of your workout next to Time (in minutes). This is illustrated below in Image #16. Image #24: Custom Worko


Note: You may also select/change your resistance level for the selected segment by tapping on the displayed resistance level for the desired segment. The following dialog box will appear and you may adjust the resistance level by tapping on the up/down arrows. Image #26: Custom Resistance Level Once you have created your personal workout profile, tap on the Save button. Your custom workout profile is now saved (see image below) and ready to use with the Star Trac Pro Bike. Im


Previously saved workouts will now appear. Now tap on the workout you wish to access. Image #30: List of Custom Workouts Once you have retrieved a custom workout, there are four options to choose from: (1) Beam a workout to a Star Trac Pro or Elite Treadmill or Pro Bike to begin using a customized workout (2) Beam the workout to another PDA (3) Edit the workout (4) Delete the workout Follow one of the four steps below for the option you wish to utilize. VI. To Beam a Cu


To begin your workout, tap Beam. The Select Client box will pop up and ask you to “Please select a client.” Choose a client’s name from the drop down list and press OK. If a client’s name has not been stored, select New and a pop up box will display for you to enter the client’s name. Use the PDA’s graffiti text entry or select individual letters by tapping Keyboard to enter a client’s name. Once finished entering the name, press OK. (Tap on Delete to remove a client’s name or Cancel at an


the top treadmill display screen will read, PALM PC IR DETECTED immediately followed by PALM PC PROFILE. At this point, you will have the option to press START/ENTER on the treadmill display. If you press START/ENTER, you may be asked to step on the weight scales (on Elite model treadmills only) or confirm your weight entry. The programmed time will be displayed. Press ENTER to confirm your program profile and your workout will begin. If the treadmill is unable to pick up a signa


Image #35: Custom Workout List (Pro Bike) Image #36: List of Custom Workouts Select your desired workout by tapping on the workout name and it will bring up the workout profile. Image #37: Beaming Custom Workouts To begin your workout, tap Beam. The Select Client box will pop up and ask you to “Please select a client.” Choose a client’s name from the drop down list and press OK. If a client’s name has not been stored, select New a


Equipment Palm Cancel Image #39: Pop-Up Dialog Box In this example, tap on the Equipment button and start pedaling. Once the bike display lights up, immediately place your PDA in the left cup holder of your Star Trac Pro Bike. Once you place your PDA in the left cup holder, look at the bike display for confirmation that the workout is being received. NOTE: You must continue pedaling in order to keep the bike powered up. If the manual program on the Pro Bike has all re


left cup holder in the on position BEFORE your workout session is complete so that the details of your workout can be beamed back to your PDA. When your workout is complete, remove your PDA from the bike and tap on DONE to close the screen. 3. Beaming to a PDA Device Begin by tapping on Custom Workouts on the main menu. Tap on the exercise product you wish to choose your custom workout program from Pro Bike or Pro Tread. Tap on your desired workout program and when the program profile


Image #44: Select Client A pop-up dialog box will appear that asks, “What are you beaming to?” You must choose from the following three options: Equipment Palm Cancel Image #45: Enter Pop-Up Dialog Box Image #46: Searching Dialog Box In this example, tap on Palm (image #45) and face the IR port of your PDA directly at the IR port on the PDA you are beaming to. This will take a few moments and the screen will display “Searching…” (Image #46). When the program is done


Image #47: Home Page Image #48: Custom Workouts Image #49: List of Custom Workouts Note: If you do not change the Workout Name, a pop-up icon will appear that asks “Do you want to overwrite this workout?” You may press OK to save and overwrite the workout, or press Cancel and save the workout under another name. Image #50: Overwrite Workout NOTE: You may hit Cancel at any time to exit the editing mode and return to the previous screen. VIII

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