Designed for internal use in
specialty air handling equipment
NORTEC MES Series humidifiers resolve demanding OEM needs. AxAir NORTEC is a world leader in state-of-the-art humidification technology. Our focus is concentrated exclusively on designing and building better humidification systems. MES Electrode Steam Humidifiers employ the most advanced technology yet devised to reliably maintain computer rooms interior environments at critical humidity levels. They hi-tech provide the best of both worlds — top quality design telecommunications and con
operating advantages Precise control MES installations handle the most demanding challenges. Each unit is controlled by its own integral electronics. Just preset your humidification requirements. Economy Installation Flexibility Unlike older systems that are often difficult and MES Series humidifiers offer unprecedented costly to maintain, the MES electrode steam installation flexibility. They can be configured for system produces pure, uncontaminated moisture both small and large system
technology Electrode Steam System Features ▶ Clean and hygenic steam Disposable steam cylinder ▶ Energy efficient Compact size ▶ Adjustable output Two year limited warranty ▶ Adjusts to varying water conditions Patented auto-adaptive control ▶ Easily installed in air handlers Automatic drain water tempering C_UL-US Recognized ▶ Wide range of models and capacities On/off or modulation control ▶ Cylinder replacement is quick and easy Primary voltage connections on models H and I Optional RS485 2-
system configurations NORTEC offers a choice of product configurations in the MES Series. Units offer capacities from 5 to 0 pounds of moisture per hour from 1.7 to 10. kW. See technical data for compatibility details. A style B style C style D style E style F style G style H style I style 5
technical data Electrode Steam SPECIFICaTION 05 10 15 15 20 20 25 30 Capacity: lbs/hr* 2-5 2-10 3-15 3-15 4-20 4-20 5-25 6-30 Capacity: kg/hr* 0.9-2.3 0.9-4.5 1.4-6.8 1.4-6.8 1.8-9.1 1.8-9.1 2.3-11.34 2.7-13.6 Input kW max 1.79 3.4 5.1 5.1 6.8 6.8 8.5 10.2 208/230/277 208/230/277 208/230/277 208/230 208/230/277 208/230 208/230 208/230 Voltage 380/460/575 380/460/575 380/460/575 380/460/575 380/460/575 380/460/575 380/460/575 380/460/575 Phase 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 Cylinder 100 200 300 300 300 300 400
U.S.a. AxAir Nortec Inc. 8 Proctor Avenue Ogdensburg, NY 19 CaNaDa AxAir Nortec Ltd. 70 Fenton Road Ottawa, Ontario K1T T7 TEl: 1.8.NORTEC1 FAx: 1 .8.79 EMAIl: nortec@humidity.com WEBSITE: www.humidity.com www.norteconline.com www.nortecparts.com Certificate No. 002419 electric steam — atomizing nozzles — high pressure nozzles — steam injection — steam exchange — gas steam Form 07-10 Printed in Canada Printed on Recycled Paper