LSI Application Note Excerption
PanaXSeries is a trademark of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. The other corporation names, logotype and product names written in this book are trademarks or registered trademarks of their corresponding corporations. Request for your special attention and precautions in using the technical information and semiconductors described in this book (1) An export permit needs to be obtained from the competent authorities of the Japanese Government if any of the products or technologies descr
Table of Contents About This Manual ■Composition of this book This LSI application note explains in order of the sample program which used the program collection which uses the circumference circuit of MN103S65G loading, and 3-phase PWM. ■Composition as a manual This book is roughly divided and consists of a title, the text, a sample program, an inclusion directory, cautions information, and reference information. Next, the layout and definition of each portion are shown.
Table of Contents Chapter1 Power supply injection 1 (power-onboot)Initialization of the memory at the time Chapter2 Each peripheral initial by C 2 Chapter3 The sample program in a 3 sample circuit Chapter4 Appendix 4 VII
Table of Contents Chapter1 Initialization of the memory at the time of a power supply injection (power-on boot) Chapter2 Each peripheral initial by C 2-1 About description of C and an assembler............................................................................................................2-2 2-2 Interruption, a peripheral initial............................................................................................................................2-4 2-2-1 Interrupti
Table of Contents Chapter 3 The sample program in a sample circuit 3-1 The outline of a sample circuit.............................................................................................................................3-2 3-2 Composition of a sample program......................................................................................................................3-2 3-2-1 Sample program specification .................................................................
2-4 A 8-bit 16-bit timer, a peripheral initial 2-4 A 8-bit 16-bit timer, a peripheral initial 2-4-1 The various registers of a 8-bit timer Book LSI contains eight 8-bit timers, and is an interval timer, an event timer counter, and a clock output. It can be used as the standard clock of a serial interface, and start timing of A/D conversion. These timers can perform cascade connection use of a maximum of four. ●Timer register It is the 8-bit register which counts a timer. A c
2-4 A 8-bit 16-bit timer, a peripheral initial 110: Timer 1 underflow 111: TMIN0 terminal input TM1MD: Timer 1 mode register Bit7 : Count operation permission 0: A stop of operation 1: Permission of operation Bit6 : Base register setup 0: Usually, operation 1: Initialization The value of a base register is loaded to a binary counter. The timer pulse output 1 is reset on a low level. Prohibition (0 fixation) Bit 2-0: Clock source selection 000:IOCLK 001:IOCLK/8 010:I
2-4 A 8-bit 16-bit timer, a peripheral initial 101: Timer 1 underflow 110: Prohibition of a setup 111: TMIN2 terminal input TM3MD: Timer 3 mode register Bit7 : Timer operation permission 0: Stop of operation 1: Initialization Bit6 : Timer initialization 0: Usually, operation 1: Initialization The value of a base register is loaded to a binary counter. The timer pulse output 3 is reset on a low level. Bit5-3: Prohibition (0 fixation) Bit2-0: Clock source selection 000:I
2-4 A 8-bit 16-bit timer, a peripheral initial 110: Timer 6 underflow 111: TMIN4 terminal input TM5MD: Timer 5 mode register Bit7 : Timer operation permission 0: Stop of operation 1: Permission of operation Bit6 : Timer initialization 0: Usually, operation 1: Initialization The value of a base register is loaded to a binary counter. The timer pulse output 5 is reset on a low level. Bit5-3: Prohibition (0 fixation) Bit2-0: Clock source selection 000:IOCLK 001:IOCLK/8 010
2-4 A 8-bit 16-bit timer, a peripheral initial TM7MD: Timer 7 mode register Bit7 : Timer operation permission 0: Stop of operation 1: Permission of operation Bit6 : Timer initialization 0: Usually, operation 1: Initialization The value of a base register is loaded to a binary counter. The timer pulse output 7 is reset on a low level. Bit5-3: Prohibition (0 fixation) Bit2-0: Clock source selection 000:IOCLK 001:IOCLK/8 010:IOCLK/32 011: Cascade connection with a tim
2-4 A 8-bit 16-bit timer, a peripheral initial ●Various setup of a 8-bit timer It is a setup when using it as an interval timer. /******************************* * Register address *******************************/ /* Timer 0 register address declaration */ #define TM0BC (*((volatile unsigned char *)0x0000A150)) #define TM0BR (*((volatile unsigned char *)0x0000A148)) #define TM0MD (*((volatile unsigned char *)0x0000A140)) /* Timer 1 register address declarati
2-4 A 8-bit 16-bit timer, a peripheral initial #define TM0_COUNT4 3 /* cycles/min ratio setup (4 cycles/min -1) */ #define TM0MD_LOAD1 0x07 /* TMIN0 Terminal input setup */ #define TM0MD_STABLE1 0x00 /* stabilization */ #define TM0MD_START1 0x40 /* timer start */ #define TM0MD_ENABLE1 0x80 /* timer permission*/ #define PS0MD_STOP 0x00 /* pre-scaler stop */ #define PS0MD_START 0x80 /* pre-scaler start*/ #define TM1MD_STOP 0x00 /* timer s
2-4 A 8-bit 16-bit timer, a peripheral initial data1 &= ~TM1MD_START1; TM1MD = data1; /* Timer 1 start LDE=0 */ data1 |= TM1MD_ENABLE1; TM1MD = data1; /* Timer 1 permission CNE=1 */ data0 |= TM0MD_ENABLE1; TM0MD = data0; /* Timer 0 permission CNE=1 */ TM03PSC = PS0MD_START; /* Pre-scaler start */ TM0MD = TM0MD_START2; /* Timer start*/ TM1MD = TM1MD_START2; /* Timer start */ } The sample of a 8
2-4 A 8-bit 16-bit timer, a peripheral initial /* Timer 7 register address declaration */ #define TM7BC (*((volatile unsigned char *)0x0000A175)) #define TM7BR (*((volatile unsigned char *)0x0000A16D)) #define TM7MD (*((volatile unsigned char *)0x0000A165)) /* Pre-scaler register address declaration */ /* timer 0-3 */ #define TM03PSC (*((volatile unsigned char *)0x0000A158)) /* timer 4-7 */ #define TM47PSC (*((volatile unsigned char *)0x0000A178)) /* Pre
2-4 A 8-bit 16-bit timer, a peripheral initial /* A port 0 is set as TM0IO (input). */ TM0BR = TM0_COUNT4; /* cycles/min ratio setup */ data |= TM0MD_LOAD1; TM0MD = data; /* count source setup input TMIN0*/ data |= TM0MD_START1; TM0MD = data; /* initialize timer LDE=1 */ data &= ~TM0MD_START1; TM0MD = data; /* Timer start LDE=0 */ data |= TM0MD_ENABLE1; TM0MD = data; /* Timer permi
MN103S65G LSI Application Note Excerption March, 2004 1st Edition Issued by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
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