Mobile Phones
3.1 21.04.99
Nokia 9110 Communicator
Setting Up Dial-In Service
Copyright©Nokia Mobile Phones 1999
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 2 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. ABOUT THE CONNECTION.............................................................................................................................. 3 2.1. Requirements ......................................................................................
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 3 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 1. OVERVIEW This document explains the basic requirements for supplying Internet or Intranet connection for the Nokia 9110 Communicator, and can be used by Internet Service Providers as well as companies planning Intranet access for the Nokia 9110 Communicator. This document does not cover all the possibilities for providing dial-in services for the communicator, but it can be used as a guide when setting up these services. All trademar
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 4 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 Figure 2.2, ISDN modem access with the communicator. ISDN modem pool Internet/ Intranet GSM Network cellular network ’s ISDN modem pool Dial-in system DaCS (Data Communication Server) in figure 2.3, below, enables the direct DDA (Direct Digital Access) connection from the GSM network to the Internet or to an Intranet. DaCS also provides a possibility to use ISDN connection instead of DDA. Nokia Telecommunications has a family of product
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 5 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 The communicator also supports PPP Stac LZS Compression Protocol (and its following modes: LCB, CRC, Sequence Number and Extended Mode) (RFC1974) and Microsoft Point-to-Point Compression (MPPC). To use these compressions the dial-in system must be configured properly for the usage. 2.4. Secure Authentication and Connections Secure connections and password protection help to prevent unauthorised access to sensitive information. The comm
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 6 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 where the "Password:" is what the server sends and "MyPassword" is what the user is supposed to input. Unless the string which the communicator sends ends with /c, a carriage return character (ASCII 0x0d) is sent after the string. If words contain spaces, they must be surrounded by "" quotation marks, e.g. "This word contains spaces". There must not be any characters outside of the quotation marks. Chat scripts are: expect send expect s
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 7 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 There are several special character sequences which can be used with scripts. The table below will describe them. Sequence Description "" Expect or send nothing. The sequence will be followed by a carriage return. /s Send or receive a space character (ASCII 0x20) /t Send or receive a horizontal tab character (ASCII 0x09) /n Send or receive a line feed character (ASCII 0x0a) /r Send or receive a carriage return character (ASCII 0x0d) //
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 8 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 First the user has to send a carriage return to the server, to start the whole sequence. Then a domain has to be set and after that a username and a password. First the abort and time out values. ABT "NO CARRIER" ABT BUSY TOUT 25 Then the communicator will start the script and send a carriage return, with out expecting anything from the server. "" /r After that the communicator waits for "Domain:" word coming from the server and when it
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 9 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 User Myusername IAP Password: User 2secret4u IAP (begins PPP) # Great Access service login script # In case the line is busy ABT "NO CARRIER" ABT BUSY # Timeout should be set if there are problems TOUT 25 # If the server sends a string with ':' the communicator will send the username ":" Myusername # If the server sends a string with ':' the communicator will send the password ":" 2secret4u # End of script, PPP starts Case 2: Th
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 10 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 A more elaborate session. The user must execute the following dialog with the IAP to start PPP negotiations: Sender Message IAP Login: User Myusername IAP Password: User 2secret4u IAP # User ppp IAP Your IP address is and please use as your DNS server. IAP (begins PPP) The following script will establish the connection: Script sample for Case 2. # Great Access service login script # In cas
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 11 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 003 CTRL-C ETX (End of text) 004 CTRL-D EOT (End of transmission) 005 CTRL-E ENQ (Enquiry) 006 CTRL-F ACK (Acknowledge) 007 CTRL-G BEL (Bell) 008 CTRL-H BS (Backspace) 009 CTRL-I HT (Horizontal tab)O 010 CTRL-J LF (Linefeed) 011 CTRL-K VT (Vertical tab) 012 CTRL-L NP (New page) or FF (Form feed) 013 CTRL-M CR (Carriage return) 014 CTRL-N SO (Shift out) 015 CTRL-O SI (Shift in) 020 CTRL-P DLE (Data link escape) 021 CTRL-Q DC1 (X
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 12 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 051 ) Right Parenthesis 052 * Asterisk 053 + Plus Sign 054 , Comma 055 - Hyphen 056 . Period 057 / Slash (Virgule) 060 0 061 1 062 2 063 3 064 4 065 5 066 6 067 7 070 8 071 9 072 : Colon 073 ; Semicolon 074 < Left Angle Bracket 075 = Equal Sign 076 > Right Angle Bracket 077 ? Question Mark Octal Character Remark 100 @ "At" Sign 101 A 102 B 103 C 104 D 105 E 106 F 107 G 110 H 111 I 112 J 113 K 114 L 115 M 116 N 117 O 120 P 121 Q 122 R 1
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 13 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 124 T 125 U 126 V 127 W 130 X 131 Y 132 Z 133 [ Left Square Bracket 134 \ Back Slash 135 ] Right Square Bracket 136 ^ Caret 137 _ Underscore 140 ' Back Quote 141 a 142 b 143 c 144 d 145 e 146 f 147 g 150 h 151 i 152 j 153 k 154 l 155 m Octal Character Remark 156 n 157 o 160 p 161 q 162 r 163 s 164 t 165 u 166 v 167 w 170 x 171 y 172 z 173 { Left Curly Brace 174 | Vertical Bar 175 } Right Curly Brace 176 ~ Tilde Copyright©Nokia Mobile P
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 14 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 4. EXAMPLE SYSTEMS The dial-in system to the ISP or Intranet should be chosen carefully. Several manufacturers (such as Ascend, Cisco, Hewlett Packard, Shiva, Digital, Sun and Morning Star) provide hardware and software dial-in solutions which can be used with the communicator. Local computer dealers and manufacturers’ web sites may provide additional information regarding dial-in solutions. The following examples of dial-in system con
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 15 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 From the Remote Access Setup window, by choosing Network, one can find the Encryption settings in the Network Configuration window. The communicator-supported settings for the encryption are illustrated in the Network Configuration window (Figure 4.2). The Encryption settings are configured so that RAS does not require encrypted password authentication. The dial-in client should support password encryption if encrypted passwords are re
SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 16 (16) Mobile Phones 3.1 21.04.99 • Switch type: Euro-ISDN • Mode: Asynchronous With these settings in the Shiva terminal server end, and AT+CBST=71 in the communicator’s modem initialisation, the ISDN connection with Shiva works. 5. KNOWN PROBLEMS This section presents the settings needed to solve some known connectivity problems. In some cases, it is necessary to explain the situation further so that the problem case can be solved. 5.1. ISDN Connections ISDN dial-in