Module No.2080
• If the digital display of your watch is continually changing, see “About Auto Display” for information on how to stop it.
• Press C C C C C to change from mode to mode. After you perform an operation in Countdown Alarm Mode or Stopwatch Mode, pressing C C C C C returns to the Timekeeping Mode.
• In the Timekeeping Mode, press D D D D D to illuminate the display for about two seconds.
Timekeeping Mode Moon Data Mode Sunrise/Sunset Mode Countdown Alarm Mode A
2080-2 • The moon up time indicates when the moon will BACKLIGHT reach its highest point relative to your current lo- The backlight uses an EL (electro-luminescent) panel that Auto light switch cation (upper transit), while the moon down time Moon Moon-UP on indicator cause the entire display to glow for easy reading in the indicates when it will reach its lowest point (lower dark. The watch's auto light switch automatically turns on transit). Note that moon up and moon down times the backlight
2080-3 D D 3. While the hour, minutes, or seconds digits are flashing, press D D D to increase the • To set a date alarm B B value or B B B to decrease it. Holding down either button changes the value at high Set the month, day, hour and minutes for the alarm time. This type of setting causes the alarm to sound at the specific time, on the specific date you set. speed. D D 4. While the auto repeat indicator is flashing, press D D D toggle auto repeat on and off. • To set a 1-month alarm The auto
2080-4 • At Level 5, all functions are disabled. Functions are enabled once again after the storage battery is charged, but anything previously stored in memory is lost. Be- cause of this, you must set the current time and alarms, and re-input point data after the storage battery is charged. • Leaving the watch under strong direct sunlight to charge can cause the battery indicator to show a battery capacity reading that is higher than the actual level. Check the level after leaving the watch in
2080-5 TIME ZONE CHART THE DIFFERENCE THE DIFFERENCE North America NO. CITY FROM GMT FOR LONGITUDE LATITUDE NO. CITY FROM GMT FOR LONGITUDE LATITUDE STANDARD TIME STANDARD TIME 180° 165° 150° 135° 120° 105° 90° 75° 60° 45° 1. PAGO PAGO –11 171°W 14°N 15. DALLAS/ 4 2. HONOLULU –10 158°W 21°N FORT WORTH –6 97°W 33°N . 3. ANCHORAGE –9 150°W 61°N 16. NEW ORLEANS –6 90°W 30°N .3 4. NOME –9 165°W 65°N 17. WINNIPEG –6 97°W 50°N 60° 5. LOS ANGELES –8 118°W 34°N 18. MEXICO CITY –6 99°W 19°N . 6. SAN FRAN
2080-6 PRESET LOCATION CHART Baja California n Tokyo Bay n n Bahamas n Guam n Hawaiian Islands n Palau n n Christmas Island Maldives Great Barrier Reef n n Mauritius GMT Lunar Tide Point name Longitude Latitude differential Interval TOKYO 140 E36 N 9 5:20 PALAU 134 E7 N 9 7:30 GUAM 145 E13 N 10 7:40 GBR 146 E17 S 10 9:40 CHRISTMS 157 W2 N 14 4:00 HAWAII 156 W20 N –10 4:00 BAJA CA 110 W23 N –7 8:40 BAHAMAS 77 W25 N –5 7:30 MAURITIS 57 E20 S 4 0:50 MALDIVES 74 E4 N 5 0:10 Di