MetroLinks Distribution Cabinet
User Manual 131220 A0
Contents 1. Description MDC-CB Without Rear Compartment Splicing................................................................................................ 1-3 MDC-CB With Rear Compartment In-Cabinet Splicing .................................................................................. 1-4 Front Compartment Cross Connections ......................................................................................................... 1-5 Features ............................................
Telect, Inc. • USA +1.509.926.6000 • Mexico + Poland +1.48.713.239.100 • UK +1.44.1489.889500 • www.telect.com Copyright © 2006 Telect, Inc., All Rights Reserved Page iv
1. Description Telect’s MDC-CB is an indoor/outdoor fiber telecommunication distribu- Cabinet tion cabinet. The cabinet houses Telect’s bulkhead-style Patch Modules to handle optical signal distribution between a CO and the network edge. A single MDC-CB cabinet with up to six Telect Patch Modules can provide distribution service to 432 homes, offices and/or nodes. The weather-tight, heavy-gauge, light-weight aluminum cabinet is almond with two lockable doors — both doors have wind stays. OSP
Distribution Adapters Feeders to Front Model MDC-SPLC Compartment Splice Box Feeder & Distribution Cable Entrances Lances for Anchoring Cable, Subunits, and Loose Tubing MDC-CB With In-Cabinet Splice Box (Rear Corner View) Parking for Unassigned Feeders from Rear Distribution Compartment to Splitters Splitters in Splitter Adapters for Assigned Distribution Bulkhead Front Corner View With Door Open Telect, Inc. • USA +1.509.926.6000 • Mexico + Poland +1.48.713.239.100 • UK +1.4
.MDC-CB WITHOUT REAR COMPARTMENT SPLICING Cabling without in-cabinet splicing involves an aerial or below-ground splice box for splicing the distribution and feeder cables to connectorized cabinet cabling. • At the cabinet, the OSP distribution cable is clamped at the floor of the rear compartment and then routed along the cabi- net’s compartment partition. The connectorized 250 µm strands break out here into subunits/buffers and then connected to one of the six possible, 72-channel Patch Mod
Each of the six possible patch modules (Model MDC-P72N) features 72 SC/APC cross-connect adapters for a total of 432 possible subscriber cross connections. Model MDC-P72N-F100D includes the Model MDC-P72N connected to 100 ft (~30.5 m) of Dri-Flex™ OSP cable containing 250 µm fiber furcated to 900 µm loose tubing with an SC/APC connector. The following illustration shows a deployed cabinet along with a partially cabled rear compartment. Rear of Patch Module Bar for Grounding Single-Armored Cabl
Each cassette normally accommodates 24 splices. If all feeder and distribution fiber requires splicing, a total of 18 cassettes are needed to accommodate all 432 subscribers. For the distribution splices, each pod would hold 6 splice cassettes plus one additional cassette on one of the pods for up to 16 feeder splices. Feeder and distribution strands are spliced to connectorized fiber protected by 3-mm, radius control loose tubing. All tubing from the cassettes to the feeder interface and pat
Up to 18, 1x4, 1x8, 1x16, or 1x32 Telect Splitter Modules can be installed in the splitter bulkhead at the bottom of the front compart- ment. Each splitter module consists of the splitter, one blue “input” jumper, and either 4, 8, 16, or 32 yellow “output” jumpers. All are 2 mm jumpers, 2.1 m in length. Splitter module installation and all of the distribution changes (patching) occur in this front compartment: • Unassigned jumpers are routed via spools and arcs to a parking station for later su
• Fiber Signals: 16 feeder signals, max.; 432 distribution signals, max. • Adapters: SC/APC at cabinet end of fibers • Cross-Connect Bulkhead Positions: 6, max. Each bulkhead accommodates 72 X-connects (6 x 72 = 432) • Splitter Module Positions: 18, max. Each accommodates a 1x4, 1x8, 1x16 or 1x32 Telect Splitter Modules with front access installation and cabling. “Inputs” and “outputs” are 2-mm jumpers, 2.1 m long with SC/APC connectors • Parking Positions: 72, max., to accommodate unassigned
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2. Cabinet Installation INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS WARNING ! WARNING! Fiber cables transmit invisible infrared light. To avoid eye damage or blindness, never look directly into fibers or connectors. WARNUNG! Faserkabel übertragen unsichtbares Infrarotlicht. Um eine Schädigung der Augen oder Blindheit zu vermeiden, schauen Sie nicht direkt in die Fasern oder Stecker. ADVERTENCIA ! Los cables de fibra transmiten luz láser o infrarroja invisible. Para evitar lesiones oculares o ceguera, nunc
22.09 [561.0] NOTE: Dimensions are in in. (mm) 19.90 [505.5] 17.72 [450.0] Cable Clamp 15.53 [394.5] Positions (16) 11.89 [302.0] 9.70 [246.5] 7.52 [191.0] REAR 5.33 [135.5] 1.75 [44.5] 1.28 [32.5] 2.79 [70.8] Ø1.20 [Ø30.5] 14.29 [363.0] 16.85 [428.0] Max. Cable Dia. 10.79 [274.0] Footprint 5.41 [137.5] Ø0.50 [Ø12.7] Anchor Holes 1.28 [32.4] 1.75 [44.5] FRONT 1.99 [50.6] 23.52 [597.4] 1.99 [50.6] 27.50 [698.5] Footprint 20.99 [533.2] 18.81 [477.7] Conduit Positions 16.62 [422.2] Vs Cable Clam
Tools & Equipment — No special tools required for installation. INSPECTION Telect is not liable for shipping damage. Keep the container until you have checked equipment operation. If you experience any kind of problem, call Telect’s Customer Ser- vice Department. Use the original, undamaged container if you are instructed to return a panel to Telect. If a shipping container is damaged, keep it for the carrier’s inspection. Notify the carrier and call Telect’s Customer Service Depart- ment at 1-
b. The front versus rear of the base are dimensionally alike and interchangeable. The top versus bottom are not. c. Place square washer from the anchor kit over the studs. d. If using a regular L-shaped concrete anchor, use a suitable nut and tighten all four corner anchors evenly to 38 ft-lb for ½- 3 in. low-carbon steel studs and fasteners or 83 ft-lb for /8-in. hardware. If using a Telect anchor kit, tighten breakaway torque nut until it shears off plastic-encased holding nut. At shear point,
Adapter Base Vault Telect, Inc. • USA +1.509.926.6000 • Mexico + Poland +1.48.713.239.100 • UK +1.44.1489.889500 • www.telect.com Copyright © 2002 Telect, Inc., All Rights Reserved Page 2-5
Telect, Inc. • USA +1.509.926.6000 • Mexico + Poland +1.48.713.239.100 • UK +1.44.1489.889500 • www.telect.com Copyright © 2002 Telect, Inc., All Rights Reserved Page 2-6
3. Cabling Without In-Cabinet Splicing WARNING ! WARNING! Fiber cables transmit invisible infrared light. To avoid eye damage or blindness, never look direct- ly into fibers or connectors. WARNUNG! Faserkabel übertragen unsichtbares Infrarotlicht. Um eine Schädigung der Augen oder Blindheit zu vermeiden, schauen Sie nicht direkt in die Fasern oder Stecker. ADVERTENCIA ! Los cables de fibra transmiten luz láser o infrarroja invisible. Para evitar lesiones oculares o ceguera, nunca mire direc
Distribution Tie-Down Wall Feeder Tie-Down Wall Cable Entrance Dock Chock Bar Cover Plates Preferred Locations of Feeder Cable Clamps Tie-Down Lance on Feeder Tie-Down Wall Top View of Cabinet's Rear Floor 4. Use the next illustration to calculate the length of cable(s) required between the splice box (vault or aerial enclosure) and the feeder adapters near the top of the cabinet’s rear compartment. Use heat-shrink tubing to secure the loose tubing at the end of the cable(s). The illustration