Polaris Outlaw 9920783の取扱説明書

デバイスPolaris Outlaw 9920783の取扱説明書

デバイス: Polaris Outlaw 9920783
カテゴリ: オフロード車両
メーカー: Polaris
サイズ: 5.32 MB
追加した日付: 4/18/2014
ページ数: 202



私たちの目的は、皆様方にデバイスPolaris Outlaw 9920783の取扱説明書に含まれたコンテンツを可能な限り早く提供することです。オンラインプレビューを使用すると、Polaris Outlaw 9920783に関してあなたが抱えている問題に対する解決策の内容が素早く表示されます。


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Polaris Outlaw 9920783 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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WARNING The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. A card containing important ATV safety information should be attached to the owner’s manual on the next page. If you cannot locate this card, or if it has been removed, please call 1-800-342-3764 for assistance.




POLARISandPOLARISTHEWAYOUTareregisteredtrademarksofPolarisIndustriesInc. Copyright2006PolarisSalesInc.Allinformationcontainedwithinthispublicationisbasedonthelatestproduct informationatthetimeofpublication. Duetoconstantimprovementsinthedesignandqualityofproduction components,someminordiscrepanciesmayresultbetweentheactualvehicleandtheinformationpresentedinthis publication. Depictionsand/orproceduresinthispublicationareintendedforreferenceuseonly.Noliabilitycan beacceptedforomissionsorinaccuraci


WELCOME ThankyouforpurchasingaPolarisvehicle, andwelcometoourworld-widefamilyof Polarisowners. Weproudlyproduceanexcitinglineofutilityandrecreational products. S Snowmobiles S All-terrainvehicles(ATVs) S RANGERutilityvehicles S Victory motorcycles 3


WELCOME WebelievePolarissetsastandardofexcellenceforall utilityandrecreational vehicles manufacturedintheworldtoday. Manyyearsofexperiencehavegoneintotheengineering, design, anddevelopment ofyourPolarisvehicle, makingit thefinest machinewe’veever produced. Forsafeandenjoyableoperationofyourvehicle, besuretofollowtheinstructionsand recommendationsinthisowner’smanual. Yourmanual containsinstructionsforminor maintenance, but informationabout majorrepairsisoutlinedinthePolarisServiceManual andshould


TABLEOFCONTENTS KNOW YOUR VEHICLE ........................................... 6 SAFETY ......................................................... 8 FEATURES AND CONTROLS ..................................... 48 OPERATION .................................................... 67 EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS .................................. 90 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION ............................... 92 ADJUSTMENTS ................................................ 146 CLEANING AND STORAGE.............


KNOWYOURVEHICLE As theoperatorofthevehicle, youareresponsibleforyourpersonal safety, thesafetyof others, andtheprotectionofourenvironment. Readandunderstandyourowner’smanual, whichincludesvaluableinformationabout all aspectsofyourvehicle, includingsafe operatingprocedures. VehicleIdentification Numbers Record yourATV’s identification numbers and key numberin thespaces provided. Removethesparekey and storeit in asafeplace. An ignitionkeycanbeduplicatedonly byorderingaPolariskeyblank(usingyourkeyn


KNOWYOURVEHICLE VehicleIdentification Numbers 31XX 3 1 2 VehicleModelNumber: FrameVIN (1)(leftside): EngineSerialNumber(2)(rightside): Key Number (3): 7


SAFETY SafetyDecalsand Locations Warning decals havebeen placed on theATVforyourprotection. Readandfollowthe instructions ofthedecals on theATVcarefully. Ifany ofthedecals depicted in this manual differfrom thedecals on yourATV, always readand followtheinstructions ofthedecals on the ATV. Ifany decal becomes 2 illegibleorcomesoff, contact yourPolaris dealerto purchasea replacement. Replacement safety decals areprovided byPolarisat no charge. Thepart numberisprinted 1 4 on thedecal. 3 8


SAFETY SafetyDecals and Locations General Warning (1) WARNING ALWAYS: S use properriding techniques to avoid vehicle ImproperATVuse can resultin SEVERE overturns on hills and rough terrain and in turns INJURY orDEATH S avoid paved surfaces -- pavementmay seri- ALWAYS USE AN APPROVED HELMET AND ously affecthandling and control PROTECTIVE GEAR LOCATE AND READ OWNER’S MANUAL. NEVER USE ON PUBLIC ROADS FOLLOWALL INSTRUCTIONS AND NEVER CARRY PASSENGERS WARNINGS. NEVER USE WITH DRUGS OR ALCOHOL IF OWN


SAFETY SafetyDecalsand Locations Age16Warning(2) Discretionary Warning(4) WARNING WARNING S Neveroperate this vehicle on HILLSsteeper Operating this ATVifyou are underthe age of16 than 25 degrees 25 °.To preventflipover increases yourchance ofsevere injury ordeath. on hilly terrain,when going up ordown,use NEVERoperate this ATV ifyou are underage throttle and brakes gradually. 16. S REVERSE operation can be dangerous,even SportATV Warning(3) atlowspeeds.Steering becomes difficult.To WARNING prev


SAFETY SafetyDecals and Locations NoPassengerWarning(5) Tire Pressure/LoadWarning(6) WARNING IMPROPER TIRE PRESSURE OR OVERLOADINGcan cause loss ofcontrol NEVERride as a passenger. resulting in SEVERE INJURY ORDEATH. Passengers can cause a loss ofcontrol, TIREPRESSUREINPSI(KPa):FRONT 5 resulting in SEVERE INJURY orDEATH. (34,5)REAR5 (34,5) MAXIMUMWEIGHTCAPACITY (Gross Vehicle Weight)INCLUDINGMACHINE,DRIVER AND CARGOIS 660 LBS.(299 kg). Reduce speed and allowgreaterdistance for braking when carry


SAFETY SafeRiding Gear Always wearappropriateclothingwhenridinganATV. Wear protectiveclothingforcomfort andtoreducethechanceofinjury. 1. Helmet 1 Wearingahelmet canprevent asevereheadinjury. Whenever riding aPolaris vehicle, always wearahelmet that meets or exceeds established safety standards. Approved helmets in theUSAand CanadabearaU.S. 2 Department ofTransportation(DOT)label. 3 Approved helmets in Europe, Asiaand Oceania beartheECE22.05label. TheECEmark 4 consistsofacirclesurroundingthelette


SAFETY SafeRiding Gear 2. Eye Protection 4. Clothing Donot dependoneyeglasses orsunglasses Always wearlongsleeves andlongpants to foreyeprotection. Wheneverridinga protect armsandlegs. Ridingpantswith Polarisvehicle, alwayswearshatterproof kneepadsandajerseywithshoulderpads gogglesoruseashatterproofhelmet face providethebest protection. shield. Polarisrecommendswearing 5. Boots approvedPersonal ProtectiveEquipment Thebest footwearis apairofsturdy (PPE)bearing markings such as VESC 8, over-the-ca


SAFETY OperatorSafety WARNING Failure to follow the warnings contained in this manual can result in serious injury or death. A Polaris ATV is not a toy and can be hazardous to operate. This vehicle handles differently than other vehicles, such as motorcycles and cars. A collision or rollover can occur quickly, even during routine maneuvers like turning, or driving on hills or over obstacles, if you fail to take proper precautions. Read and understand your owner’s manual and all warnings before o


SAFETY OperatorSafety Safety Training ATVsafetytrainingisatoppriorityfor IfyoupurchasedausedPolarisATV, you sm Polaris. Whenyoupurchasedyournew cantaketheATV RiderCourse bycalling ATV, yourdealerinstructedyouonthe ATVEnrollment Express at (800)887-2887 sm authorized ATV RiderCourse availableto orbyvisitingwww.atvsafety.org. youandyoureligiblefamilymembers. PurchasersofausedPolarisATVwill be Thistrainingisincludedinthepurchase chargedforthistraining. priceofyourATV. Polarisstrongly APolaris ATVis


SAFETY OperatorSafety Thefollowingtwopagesidentifysignal wordsandsymbolsthat appearinthismanual. Yoursafetyisinvolvedwhenthesewordsandsymbolsareused. Becomefamiliarwith theirmeaningsbeforereadingthemanual. The safety alert symbol, on your vehicle or in this manual, alerts you to the potential for personal injury. WARNING The safety alert warning indicates a potential hazard that may result in serious injury or death. 16


SAFETY OperatorSafety CAUTION The safety alert caution indicates a potential hazard that may result in minor personal injury or damage to the vehicle. CAUTION A caution indicates a situation that may result in damage to the vehicle. NOTE: A note will alert you to important information or instructions. 17

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