Vermont Casting 2547CEの取扱説明書

デバイスVermont Casting 2547CEの取扱説明書

デバイス: Vermont Casting 2547CE
カテゴリ: 暖炉
メーカー: Vermont Casting
サイズ: 1.39 MB
追加した日付: 11/3/2013
ページ数: 28



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Vermont Casting 2547CE 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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Multi-Fuel Heater
Model 2547CE
Installation and
Operating Manual


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater Welcome Congratulations on your choice of a Vermont Castings Encore Multi-Fuel Heater. With this purchase you have made a commitment to make the hearth a place of warmth, beauty, and comfort in your home. At CFM Corporation, we share that joy and appreciation for the hearth. You may be assured that your cast-iron Vermont Castings stove has been made with the utmost care and will provide you with many years of service. At Vermont Castings, we are equally committed to y


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater Specifications Encore Multi-Fuel, Model 2547CE Width (leg-to-leg) ..................................... 685 mm (27”) 2 Wood Smokeless Fuel Depth (leg-to-leg) .................................... 380 mm (15”) 1 1 Nominal heat output 12.3 kW 7.7 kW Height to top of flue collar, 152 or 203 mm (6” or 8”) (42,000 BTU/hr) (26,270 BTU/hr) Top exit .............................................. 640 mm (25 ¹⁄₄”) Minimum flue draught 12 Pa 12Pa Rear exit ...................


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater Installation SAFETY NOTICE: IF YOUR ENCORE IS NOT PROP- Outside Air ERLY INSTALLED, A HOUSE FIRE MAY RESULT. In some modern, super-insulated homes, there is TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, FOLLOW THE inadequate air for combustion because of insufficient INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. CONTACT LOCAL air infiltration into the building. Such air enters a home BUILDING OR FIRE OFFICIALS ABOUT RESTRIC- through unsealed cracks and openings. Exhaust fans TIONS AND INSTALLATION


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater Prefabricated Chimneys What Kind of Chimney to Use These should be an internal diameter of 150 mm (6”) You must connect the Encore Multi-Fuel to a code-ap- and be of the twin wall insulated construction that has proved masonry chimney with a flue liner, to a relined been approved for solid fuel use (e.g. Rite Vent ICS of masonry chimney that meets local codes, or to a ICID Lite Chimney Systems). Diameters over 200 mm prefabricated metal chimney. (Fig. 3) The chimney


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater Flue Pipes with a spigot and socket joint should be sheet metal screws. The fitted with the socket facing upwards, to contain con- pre-drilled holes in the top densates and moisture within the flue. Joints should be of each section of chimney made gas tight using proprietary jointing accessories, connector serve as guides or, where appropriate, by packing joint with noncombus- when you drill 3 mm (1/8”) tible rope and fire cement. holes in the bottom of the Double


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater Without a thimble, a suitable length of chimney con- Chimney nector can be extended through the breech to the inner Flue face of the flue liner, and cemented securely in place. Elbow Flue Liner Additional pieces of connector are then attached with sheet metal screws. Fireplace Installations Slip Pipe Thimble The chimney connector may be connected to the Standard chimney above the fireplace opening or through the Connector Oval to fireplace. Round Adapter Above the


T Encore Multi-Fuel Heater • The fireplace damper must be sealed to prevent Always adhere to local building codes when installing a room air from escaping up the flue. However, it must wall pass-through. Figure 9 shows one recommended be possible to reopen the damper to inspect or clean method. the chimney. All combustible material in the wall must be removed around the single-wall connector to provide clearance Through the Fireplace that is three times the pipe diameter. Any material used


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater Costructional Hearth Dimensions as below At least 150 mm or to a suitable heat resistant wall Appliance Appliance Doors Doors Hearth Surface Free of Com- At least bustible Material 150 mm Perimeter should be Perimeter should be clearly marked e.g. clearly marked e.g. edge of superimposed At least edge of superimposed hearth hearth 300 mm a) Fireplace recess b) Free standing ST912 Fig. 10 Noncombustible hearth surface dimensions. Keep the Stove a Safe Distan


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater in section 2 of Document J, all installations must comply with these requirements or with the relevant National or local building standards. B Clearances to timber framed (studded) walls are in- cluded below. There are no specific minimum clearanc- es to solid noncombustible surfaces (e.g. the sides and rear of Inglenook fire openings constructed from solid A masonry) other than to allow safe access to the controls of the stove. For this reason minimum side clearances


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater Assembly Set Up Your Stove Cast iron stoves are heavy, and it will take two to four people to move your Encore MF into position. Wash the protective coating of oil from the griddle with soap and water. Dry the griddle thoroughly and apply a light coating of vegetable oil to season the surface and help prevent rust. Remove all packing materials from inside the stove. Spacers ST634 Install the Optional Bottom Heat Shield Fig. 15 Use spacers and screws to position the


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater Operation A Damper Directs Air Flow � � ������ Within the Stove �������������� The damper handle on the left side of the stove opens ������������ and closes the damper to direct air flow within the ������������������ stove. ������������ � The damper is open when the handle points to the back ����� ����� ���������� of the stove, enabling smoke to pass directly into the ��������������� chimney. The damper must be open when starting or reviving a fire, and whenever the


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater Two Ways to Add Fuel Infrared Reflective Glass Panels for Clear Fire Viewing The Encore’s griddle lifts for convenient top-loading of fuel, and is the easiest way to regularly add fuel. The inner surfaces of the infrared reflective glass panels are kept at a higher temperature than the outer In addition, however, the front doors open for adding an surface. This design, along with a preheated ‘airwash,’ occasional log to a fire. The Encore is not approved makes clear


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater on Page 17 to see how the size, type, and location of Your Encore will accept a duct to deliver outside air for your chimney will affect your stove operation. When combustion. thermometer readings drop below 175° C (350° F) it’s When first using the stove, keep track of the air control time to adjust the air control for a higher burn rate or to settings. You will quickly find that a specific setting will reload the stove. A temperature reading over 385° C give you a


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater burning wood, continue adding split logs of this size to the briskly-burning fire until there is a glowing ember bed at least 76 mm (3”) deep. If burning coal, begin adding small amount directly on the kindling to establish a burning coal pile. 5. Close the damper when the griddle temperature reaches 230° C (450° F). 6. Adjust the air control for your desired heat output. Refuel While the Embers Are Still Hot ST263 Always wear stove gloves to protect your ha


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater recommended only to add briquettes to the level of the front grate. 4. Close the damper. 5. When the surface temperature reaches 230° C Open (450° F), adjust the air control for the amount of heat you desire. Close NOTE: If the remaining coal bed is relatively thick and ST545 if wood fuel is well seasoned, it is possible to add fresh Fig. 27 Turn the handle to the ash pan compartment clock- fuel (smaller pieces first), close the door and damper, wise to open and


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater Draft Management A stove is part of a system, which includes the chimney, Flue Sizing the operator, the fuel, and the home. The other parts of the system will affect how well the stove works. When The inside size of a chimney for an ‘airtight’ stove there is a good match between all the parts, the system should match the size of the stove’s flue outlet. When works well. a chimney serves an airtight, more is not better; in fact, it can be a disadvantage. Hot gases


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater firebox, and avoid big loads of firewood. You should Creosote always see lively, dancing flames in the firebox; a lazy, smoky fire is inefficient, can lead to back-puffing, and Creosote is a by-product of slow wood-burning. It’s an can contribute to creosote buildup in the chimney. organic tar that can condense in the flue if it’s dense in the smoke, and slow-moving, and cools off to less than Draft Testing 143° C (290° F). Condensed creosote is volatile, and can generat


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater Maintenance Below you will find important information on general Removing the Glass care, inspection and maintenance of your Vermont Castings stove. Should it become necessary, use only The left door is slightly different from the right in that replacement parts recommended by your authorized one of its retainer clips is located under the door mani- fold. dealer Keep Your Stove Looking New 1. Remove the right and left door assemblies by raising the door until


Encore Multi-Fuel Heater 3. Tighten the lock nut. Keep the pressure screw from 3. Replace the doors on the stove. Remove the griddle turning as you tighten the nut. Re-test the damper. so you can reach in through the opening to posi- tion the manifold. Move the door manifold as high Lock Nut as possible without actually touching the upper air Damper manifold, and as far toward the center of the stove Pressure Adjust- as possible without hitting the door manifold on the ing Screw other do

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