Ecom Instruments Ex-Handy 05の取扱説明書

デバイスEcom Instruments Ex-Handy 05の取扱説明書

デバイス: Ecom Instruments Ex-Handy 05
カテゴリ: 携帯電話
メーカー: Ecom Instruments
サイズ: 1.12 MB
追加した日付: 12/24/2013
ページ数: 36



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Ecom Instruments Ex-Handy 05 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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多くの人々は画面表示ではなく印刷された説明書を読むほうを好みます。説明書を印刷するオプションも提供されており、上記のリンクをクリックすることによりそれを利用できます - 説明書を印刷。説明書Ecom Instruments Ex-Handy 05を全部印刷する必要はなく、選択したページだけを印刷できます。紙を節約しましょう。


次のページにある説明書Ecom Instruments Ex-Handy 05の内容のプレビューは、以下にあります。次のページにある説明書の内容をすぐに表示したい場合は、こちらをご利用ください。


Ex-Handy 05
Operating Instructions
Notice d‘utilisation
Istruzioni per l‘uso
Instrucciones de uso
Manual de instruçoes
US EX-HANDY 05.indd 1 01.10.2007 10:27:03 Uhr


Deutsch Seite 1 English Page 38 Français Page 71 Nederlands Pagina 105 Italiano Page 140 Español Página 175 Português Página 209 Svenska Sida 243 US EX-HANDY 05.indd 2 01.10.2007 10:27:03 Uhr


Table of Contents . Application 39 2. Safety information 39 3. Faults and damage 39 4. Safety regulations 39 5. Ex-Data 40 6. Specifications 40 7. Functional description / Operating instructions 40 8. Battery 64 9. Repair 67 0. Cleaning, maintenance and storage 67 .  Disposal 67 2  . Warrantyand liability 68 3 . EC Declaration of Conformity 68 4 . EC-Type Examination Certificate 69 Note: The currentoperating manual, the EC Declaration of Conform


1. Application The Ex-Handy 05is an intrinsically safe,splash water -,dust- and impact-resi - stant mobile phone for industrialapplication in areas with an increased riskof explosion in zones  and 2, in accordance with directive999/92/EC  (A TEX 37). 2. Safety information This operating manual containsinformation and safety regulationswhich are to be observed without fail for safe operationin the described conditions. Non-ob - servance of this informatio


- The covers for the SIM card and charging socketmust be closed inthe Ex-area. - Whenreplacing thebattery cover it mustbe ensured that the cover locksin place properly and that the rear is securedusing the six screws. - Itmust be ensured that the phoneis not taken intozone 0 or 20, 2 or 22! - Only accessories approved by ecom instruments GmbH may beused. - The mobilephone is not waterproof, therefore keep it dry! - Observe the corresponding laws


7.1 Your phone package - Accessories Whenyou open the box, check that all items listed below arepresent: . Mobilephone Ex-Handy 05 2. Battery Ex-AMH 05 3. Charger LGH05 4. Screwdriver 5. Userguide è 6. Software-CD é å ê ç ë Accessories Only use accessoriesthat are approvedby ecominstruments GmbH in order to guarantee optimal operating conditions and the safety ofyour phoneand acces - sories. Youcan also find (as anoption) ororder


Hold down: Switch on/off. In acall context: Reject a call -hang up Inmenus: Return to initial screen Long press: Activate/Deactivatehands-free mode (Warning: Inthis mode do not bring the phone up to yourear .) (This could cause damage to your hearing). In a call context: Call -receiving a call Right programmable key: In initial screen: two short presses: access to Inbox; long press: access tonetwork settings In menus: access to the selection shown on screen i


Hold down: In initial screen: Silent mode In call reception mode: Short press stops ring tone Inring tone setting mode: Activate/deactivate ring tone Zoommode (see Multimedia and WAPmenus) 2 to 9 A long press on thekeys 2 to 9directly displays the phonebook. 7.3 Navigation principles These basic principlesbring agreat intuitiveness to your phone. Validate by pressing the key or the navigation stick. Pressing will take you to the previouslevel. The thumbnails at t


7.4 Initial screen The initial screenmay contain the following information: 1 - The title bar icons: Batterie Calls forwarded Call(establishing the call) Call (hands free) Message (reception of a message, message memory full) FAX communication DATA communication Silent mode Message in answering machine WAP (@) communication GPRS Home zone Roaming Only emergencycall is possible Keypadlocking Protected WAP logon ProtectedW AP logon


WARNING This card must be handled andstored with care in order not to be damaged. Ifyou should lose your SIM-card, contact yournetwork provider or your SMC (Services Marketing Company)immediately . Please keepyour SIM-card out of reach of young children. First use: Installing the SIM-card . Open the lower cover carefullyon the Ex-Handy 05 to insert the SIM card. 2. Slide the SIM-card into the card holder until it locksin place. When doing this make sure th


WARNING If a wrongPIN number is entered three times in succession, your SIM-card is blocked. You must then: - Enter „**05*“. - Enterthe PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code provided by your operator and validate. - Enter yourPIN number and validate. - Enter yourPIN number again and validate. After 5or 0  failed attempts (depending on the type of SIM-card), the SIM-card is definitely locked. You must then contactyour operator or your SMC to obtain a new card. 7.6.1


Calling voicemail In the initial screen, press and hold down the  key. Receiving a call When you receive a call, the number ofyour correspondent is displayed when it is presented by the network. Press the keyor the key to answerand speak. To refuse the call, press the key or the key. Emergency services Depending on the operators you can obtain the emergency servicewith or without SIM-card or when the keypad is locked. It is enough tobe in an area ser - ved


7.8 Phonebook Using the phonebook Enter the Phonebook menu. The contacts list is displayed if you set upcontacts. When a contact is selected, an icon isdisplayed in the title bar: contact stored in theSIM card contact stored in the phone contact stored in the FixedDialling. See PIN2-Code and Fixed dialling in Security Menufor more details about this activation. You cansearch for a contact quickly by typing the firstletters (up to three). You can


My numbers You can create the entries corresponding to yourown numbers in order to con - sultthem when necessary. Select My numbers and validate. Enter the different detailsand validate. Mailing lists A mailinglist allows youto send a same message to several recipientsat the same time. - Select Mailing Lists andpress the navigation stick. The phone asks you to confirm the creation of a newlist. - Select thelist type (SMSor MMS) and press thenavigation


MMS are differently invoicedthan SMS are. Please contact your network provider to get more informationon their cost. Compose SMS On the Messages menu selectthe Compose menu and validate. Choosethe SMS option.The language used is the one selectedon the display of the phone. Ifthe language selected is not compatible withthe Easy Message T9™, the English languagewill be automatically selected. Whentyping a text, acounter showing the numbero


When composing a message: - key Deletes last letter - key Message options - key (longpress): Zoom mode(changes size of characters) - key (short press):Access to symbol table - key (long press): Uppercase Compose MMS On the Messagesmenu select the Compose menu and validate.Choose the MMS option. When the text has beenentered in the Message field, [Options] is used to accessthe functions offered. Saving the message Select Save. It is savedin


Messages are listed in chronological order, the latest onebeing displayed first. The quantity of Not Readand Not Retrievedmessages is shown. Not Retrieved and Not Readmessages are shown in bold. Outbox This menu displays themessages that have notbeen sent. You can send them again from thismenu. Sentbox If you activatedthe Store sent messages optionin the Options menu, the Sentbox menuis used to store all your sent messages. Toomany messages saved


- MMS server:to select another MMSprovider , or set the parametersof a new MMS provider. - Sender visibility: you choose to display or not your phone number onthe receiver’s phonescreen, with that message. Calling Voice Mail This function allows you to call your voicemail. On the Messages menu, choose the Call Voice Mail menuand [Select]. This numberdepends on theoperator . 7.10 Multimedia My Pictures This menu gives you access to the pictures you have do


7.11 WAP The WAP Menu The WAP navigator is under licence: TheW AP navigator and the software included are theexclusive property of Openwave. For this reason, it is forbiddento modify, translate, disassemble or evendecompile all or part of the software. You can activate the magnifying glass to increase the size of the characters by holding down the key . TheServices menu, a dropdown menu, can be accessed at all times when navi - gatingthrough WAP pages pressing the


Configuring WAP parameters Select the Advanced... menu and the Settings menu. Profiles is used to select or modify youraccess provider‘s logon parameters or configure theparameters of other access providers. (The active profileis prece - dedwith a asterisk). Configuration of GSM and GPRS parameters: All information to beentered in the parameters are provided byyour operator or service provider. On a profile in the list, press [Options] and select Modify. Thedifferent

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