Carrier TP-NHPの取扱説明書

デバイスCarrier TP-NHPの取扱説明書

デバイス: Carrier TP-NHP
カテゴリ: サーモスタット
メーカー: Carrier
サイズ: 1.96 MB
追加した日付: 8/25/2013
ページ数: 64



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Carrier TP-NHP 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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AC / HP Thermostat
Installation Instructions
A07049 A07048
Programmable Control Non −Programmable Control
Designed and Assembled in the U.S.A.
NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual before starting the installation.
US patents: US7287709 B2, US20080147242 A1, USD582800 SI, US20060165149 A1, US6956463 B2.



TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 SYSTEM START −UP AND CHECKOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


INTRODUCTION Carrier’s 7 −day, 5/2 −day, 1 −day programmable and non −programmable Performance Series Thermostat Control is a wall −mounted, low −voltage temperature control in either a single unit or a two −piece unit. In two −piece configuration, the relays are located near the equipment and a two −wire connection is used between the Display Module and the Equipment Control Module. Single −piece installation requires more wiring and results in a higher profile. The Edge Thermostat has no need


INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS Power This control is powered by 24VAC only. It requires 24VAC (Rh and/or Rc and C terminals) of the low −voltage transformer to be connected to it for proper operation. It will not operate without these 2 connections. Rh and Rc are connected via PCB breakout jumper. See Fig. 1. For applications using two 24VAC transformers, one in the indoor unit and one in the outdoor unit, connect the common from each to the C terminal. Connect R from the indoor unit to the Rh term


A07052 Fig. 1 − PCB Breakout Jumper Models There are programmable and non −programmable models for all applications. They can be configured for AC or HP installations, allowing it to be used in place of all Carrier thermostats. Programmable thermostats may be configured as non −programmable if user desires. Outdoor Temperature Sensor The outdoor air temperature sensor is not included with the AC/HP Control. It is available as an accessory, part number TSTATCCSEN01 −B. Optimum performance is obta


dedicated sensor wires may be used for its connection. Details are provided in sensor instructions. Remote Indoor Temperature Sensor A remote temperature sensor may be used with the programmable heat pump and programmable air conditioner thermostats where it is desirable to install the thermostat in a limited access location while measuring the temperature in the living space. The remote room sensor may be used as a stand alone or average with local sensor. Two −Piece Thermostat Configuration Th


Wiring Wire length should be no more than 250 ft (76m). Use 22 AWG for normal wiring applications. Continuous wire lengths over 100 ft (30.5m) should use 20 AWG or larger. INSTALLATION Carton contains the following components. See Fig. 2 for programmable models or Fig. 3 for non −programmable models. A07754 Fig. 2 − TP −PAC / TP −PHP Carton Contents 1. Display Module 2. Stand −off for Equipment Control Module 3. Screws and pig tail 4. Equipment Control Module 6


A07755 Fig. 3 − TP −NAC / TP −NHP Carton Contents 1. Display Module 2. Stand −off for Equipment Control Module 3. Screws and pig tail 4. Equipment Control Module AC/HP Control Location AC/HP Control should be mounted:  Approximately 5 ft (1.5m) from floor.  Close to or in a frequently used room, preferably on an inside parti- tioning wall.  On a section of wall without pipes or duct work. 7


AC/HP Control should NOT be mounted:  Close to a window, on an outside wall, or next to a door leading to the outside.  Exposed to direct light or heat from a lamp, sun, fireplace, or other temperature −radiating objects which could cause a false reading.  Close to or in direct airflow from supply registers and return −air regis- ters.  In areas with poor air circulation, such as behind a door or in an al- cove. Installer should determine whether control will be installed as single −piece or


! CAUTION UNIT DAMAGE HAZARD Failure to follow this caution may result in equipment damage or improper operation. Improper wiring or installation may damage AC/HP Control. Check to make sure wiring is correct before proceeding with installation or turning on power. 1. Turn off all power to equipment. 2. If an existing thermostat is being replaced a. Remove existing thermostat from wall. b. Disconnect wires from existing thermostat, 1 at a time. c. As each wire is disconnected, record wire color


Two −Piece Installation The following steps should be followed for the installation of the two −piece configuration. NOTE: The 2 −wire pigtail is not intended to support the weight of the User Interface. Do not hang the User Interface from the equipment Control Module screw terminals. 1. Remove mounting plate from back of Display Module by pressing the two tabs on the bottom edge and pulling away. See Fig. 4 and 5. A07225 Fig. 4 − Press Tabs to Remove Backplate 10


A07226 Fig. 5 − Take Apart 2. Route wires through large hole in mounting base. Level mounting base against wall (for aesthetic value only—Display Module need not be lev- eled for proper operation) and mark wall through 4 mounting holes. To avoid unintended bending of wall plate plastic, use all 4 screws and an- chors. See Fig. 6. 11


A07165 Fig. 6 − Backplate Mounting 3. Drill two 3/16 −in. mounting holes in wall where marked. Thermostat may be mounted to a standard junction box, if desired. Hole pattern on ther- mostat mounting base matches junction box mounting holes. 4. Secure rear plastic mounting base to wall with 4 screws and anchors pro- vided. To avoid unintended bending of wall plate plastic, use all 4 screws and anchors. Make sure all wires extend through hole in mounting base. 5. Adjust length and routing of each


Control Module Wiring Gu Control Module Wiring Guide ide Re Rellays ays OAT OAT Rc Rc OA OAT / T / RRS RRS Rh Rh RR RRS S ret retu urn rn { { W / W / W1 W1 SR SRTN TN HUM HUM G G Y u Y us se ed d fo for r sing single st le stage age D1 D1 Y/Y2 Y/Y2 dr dry y cool cooling ing cont contact act D2 D2 C C con conn ne ec ct t V+ V+ O/W O/W2 2/B /B to u to us ser er Vg Vg inter interf fac ace e Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 u us sed ed f fo or r m mu ult lti-sp i-spee eed d cool cooling ing Y Y1 1 = st = s


A07166 Fig. 8 − Secure Wires to Terminal Strip A07167 Fig. 9 − Connect Pigtail Wires to Display Module 14


NOTE: The 2 −wire pigtail is not intended to support the weight of the User Interface. Do not hang the User Interface from the equipment Control Module screw terminals.  Red is V+  Black is Vg 7. Push any excess wire into wall and against mounting base. Seal hole in wall to prevent air leaks. Leaks can affect operation and cause incorrect temperature measurement. 8. Make sure to attach 2 −wire pigtail to Display Module mounting base. It is packed loose in the box from the factory. Then attach


10. Find suitable indoor mounting location for Equipment Control Module, either near or on equipment. See Fig. 11. IMPORTANT NOTE: Equipment Control Module should not be mounted to duct work or below any other controls or equipment (i.e. humidistat, humidifier, etc.) A07217 Fig. 11 − Equipment Control Module on Equipment 11. Route wires through rear of Equipment Control Module using either a clearance hole or supplied standoff. See Fig. 12. 16


A07227 Fig. 12 − Standoff NOTE: Standoffs are provided as an aid when installing Equipment Control Module on inside equipment or a solid wall. 12. Match and connect equipment wires to proper terminals of each connector block being careful not to over tighten the screws. Correct polarity must be observed when connecting the two wires from the Equipment Control Module to the thermostat mounting base. If wires are connected incorrect- ly, the Display Module will not operate. See Fig. 7, 8 and 9. 1


A07218 Fig. 13 − Cover on Equipment Control Module 14. Turn on power to equipment. On power up, all display segments will light for 5 sec. For the next 5 sec a 2 −digit code appears on large display which identifies AC/HP Control configuration. Refer to Option 33. a. AC — 1 −stage air conditioner, AC, with furnace or fan coil b. HP — 1 −stage heat pump, HP only with fan coil c. H — heating only system, furnace only or fan coil with electric heat only d. C — cooling only system, AC with fan coil

# 取扱説明書 カテゴリ ダウンロード
1 Carrier AQUAZONE 50QE900-250FS 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 0
2 Carrier 33CS250-01 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 319
3 Carrier 33CSIRRCVR-01 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 60
4 Carrier 53DFS250-FS 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 43
5 Carrier 33CS450-01 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 118
6 Carrier 33CS250-FS 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 21
7 Carrier 33CS400-01 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 76
8 Carrier 48/50TF 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 20
9 Carrier 48/50TJ 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 26
10 Carrier 49004DP21 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 8
11 Carrier APOLLO CONTROL 48/50HJ004-024 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 11
12 Carrier 53DFS250-SL 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 15
13 Carrier APOLLO CONTROL 50HJQ004-016 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 9
14 Carrier AQUAZONE 50QE900 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 49
15 Carrier APOLLO CONTROL 50TFQ004-012 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 5
16 Edelbrock 2116 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 0
17 A&D MF-50 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 8
18 A&D ML-50 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 8
19 A&D MS-70 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 15
20 Acu-Rite D1523 取扱説明書 サーモスタット 2