Programmable Thermostat
Owner’s Manual
Part Number 33CSSP2-WC
DOWN ARROW button in Heating mode will adjust only
IMPORTANT: Read entire instructions before program-
the heating set points. The UP ARROW and DOWNAR-
ming the thermostat.
ROW buttons are also used in Programming mode.
OVERRIDE BUTTON — The Override button is used to
force the thermostat from Unoccupied mode into the Occu-
pied 1 mode comfort settings. The Override period will be
set at 30 minutes. T
While in Override mode, the Override icon and the Oc- cupied1iconwillbedisplayedonthethermostat.Thetime ofdayandtheminutesremaininginOverridemodewillal- ternate on the thermostat display. The set points are adjustable with the UPARROW and DOWNARROW keys during Override mode. NOTE:IfthethermostatisinOccupiedmodeandtheOver- ride button is pressed, the thermostat will go into Unoccu- pied mode immediately. The thermostat will remain in Un- occupied mode until the next Occupied start time. KEYPAD LO
6. The day of the week will be shown. Use the UPAR- • If the same start and stop times are programmed for an ROW and DOWNARROW buttons to change the day occupancy schedule, the thermostat will be in Occupied oftheweekuntilthedesiredstartingdayisshown.Pos- mode for 24 hours. sible choices are Mo-Fr (Monday through Friday), Sa • If one occupied period starts or stops within another oc- (Saturday),andSu(Sunday).PresstheModebuttonwhen cupied period, the lower numbered schedule has priority. the desi
OPERATION Fan Operation — If Fan On is selected, the fan will runcontinuouslyduringoccupiedschedule(exceptwhenMode The Mode button selects the operating mode of the ther- is switched to OFF).The fan will be off during unoccupied mostat.IfOFFisselected,thethermostatwillnotenterHeat- schedule except during heating or cooling operation. ing or Cooling mode. If HEAT is selected, the thermostat will only enter Heating mode (if the room temperature is IfFanOnisnotselected,thefanwillonlyoperateduring b
Copyright 1999 Carrier Corporation Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. Book 1 4 PC 111 Catalog No. 533-347 Printed in U.S.A. Form 33CS-11SO Pg 8 2-99 Replaces: New Tab 11a 13a