Innovations like the Exclusive
Sewing Advisor and the Exclusive
Sensor System are gems of at op-
Large GraphicDisplay
of-the-line Husqvarna Viking. Now,
the new Sapphire sewing machi-
As aH usqvarna Viking Sapphire owner, you are not only included in
nes bring you the ease and con-
ag lobal sewing family of dedicated dealers and sewers, you also get
venience of these timesaving fea-
access to aw ide range of helpful sewing accessories and notions.
tures at ap rice you can’t resist!
SapphiRe 85
HusQVarNa VIKING saPPHIre 850 aND saPPHIre 830 Features aND BeNeFIts: •e XCLUSiVe SeNSOR SYSTeM SapphiRe 850 FeaTUReS 15 Permanent ThRee ThReaD CUTTeRS –L ocated at Memories, each memory saves up to 40 stitches the bobbin winder, at the bobbin case for Auto •L ONGeST FRee aRM iN The or letters for at otal of 600. Sapphire 830 Thread Pick up, and convenient to the needle See all Sapphire stitches on our web site at www.husqvarnaviking.com! Here is as ample selection of decorative stitches, utilit
® ExcluSivE SEwiNg adviSor Guides your path to self-expression! ® The Exclusive Sewing Advisor feature sets the best stitch, stitch width, stitch length, and sewing speed. Simply enter the type of the fabric you are sewing and the technique you want to sew. Immediately the best stitch and settings are displayed on the large GraphicDisplay with the recommend ed presser foot, thread tension, and needle size and type. “From fabric to fashion.” Read the story behind the project and download sewing i
dual lightS Twice as bright! The Dual Lights on Husqvarna Viking Sapphire illumi- nate the needle and extended sewing surface to make sewing easy. The lights eliminate eye strain, especially when sewing fine details. “The twinkling little stars.” Read the story behind the project and download sewing instructions at www.husqvarnaviking.com
“a gift of long-lasting love.” Read the story behind the project and download sewing instructions at www.husqvarnaviking.com largE graphicdiSplay A clear view to perfection! Simply touch the selection buttons on the easy Touch Panel or step through stitches with the Navigator Arrows. Everything you need to know to sew is on the illuminated large GraphicDisplay. See the stitch, in its actual size, a nd any adjustments before you sew.
Choose your favorite Sapphire exclusive Sensor System, Dual Lights, extended Sewing Surface, Large GraphicDisplay and exclusive Sewing advisor. The 850 features al arger GraphicDisplay, more stitches and more memory capacity. Includes nine snap-on presser feet to make it easy to sew special techniques. •L arge GraphicDisplay •1 37 stitches, 2a lphabets +C yrillic and hiragana •15p ermanent memories