. FCCInformation For Your Safety :mI DI: . Thisdevicecomplies with Part15ofthe FCCRules. : Operation is subject to the following two The AC power plug is . conditions: (1)Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmful polarized(oneblade iswider (iJQ\ . interference, and (2)this device must accept any thantheother)andonlyfits ~ ~ . interference received, including interference that into ACpower outlets one ~ ~ ; . may cause undesired operation. way. If the plug will not go : In accordance with FCCrequirements, cha
~: Thisclockradioisequippedwith amemory Power FailureIndicator :IB 8iIiIiI. holding systemthat canbe poweredwith : 9V battery (not included). The power When the AC power is interrupted' . failureprotection circuitwill notoperate.. (disconnected)for a short period of time, . . unlessbattery is installed. both time and alarmsettingswill change' . When normal household power is (unlessoptional battery isinstalled).After interrupted, or ACcord isunplugged,the AC power is restored (reconnected),the b
theRadio EI: :IBI TV",NG .~ ~ Antennas . Tuning the Stations : 1. PressON to turn on the radio. AM Antenna - A built-in ferrite rod . 2. Slide the FM/AM switch to the desired antenna eliminates the need for an out- . broadcast band. side antenna for AM reception. Rotating. . Listening to compact disc Selecting play mode : 3. Turn the TUNING knob to select a the unit slightly may improve the recep- . 1. Start CD playback. . station. tion of distant AM stations. 1. Lift to open the CD compartment
, i I I , j . SleepMode Stopthe Napalarm 'r.r\'8I IEJ: : Insleepmode,the radio or CDwill turn Press NAPor follow "Turning off Alarm". :...- c:> ",.",'NA . off automatically. Simply: cDAM.. r:tJtf/ 1. Pressand hold NAP to cancelthe nap' setting. : 1. Listen to CD or radio. 2. Onlyalarm soundcanbeselected. . 2.While holding SLEEP, pressREV o:::::Jor ke PM'C'.C'C'wa 3. Nap alarm is equipped with GRAD-U- . . FWD [:::::0 to set the sleeptime. Thetime WAKEfeature. . range is from 1 minute to 2 hours.
-~.,"_.". . What your warranty covers: SecondsTi~e Display 11m: Snooze Alarm Operation ..Defectsin materialsor workmanship. :IB : This operation allows extra sleep time- Theunit maydisplayin seconds. . after the alarm ison. Thealarmwill turn : For how long after your purchase: . off by pressingSNOOZEuntil the snooze . .Oneyearfrom date of purchase. 1.Press REVo:::JorFWDr:::oto showsec- . Thewarranty periodfor rentalunitsbeginswith the first rentalor 45daysfrom dateof shipmentto the' : period is
I I ~. Limitation of Warranty: . ThomsonMultimedia Ltd.warrants to the purchaseror gift recipient that if any manufacturing defect ..". ..w: .THEWARRANTYSTATED ABOVEISTHEONLYWARRANTYAPPLICABLE TOTHISPRODUCT. ALL: . becomesapparentin this product within 1yearfrom the original date of purchase,it will be replaced :Mi8 free of charge,including return transportation. . OTHERWARRANTIES, EXPRESSOR IMPLIED (INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIESOF . : MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE