items models
Twin Halogen Light
247587 UT-5592-BZ
247583 UT-5592-WH
Questions or problems? Before returning to your retailer, call our 3. Connect the fixture wires to the junction box wires (black to black,
technical service department at 1-800-858-8501 (English speaking white to white, and junction box ground wire to green ground
only), 7:30 am to 4:30pm, CST , Monday – Friday. screw on fixture.). Secure with wire connectors provided.
4. Make sure th
articulos modelos Luces gemelas 247587 UT-5592-BZ 247583 UT-5592-WH Halógenas ¿Preguntas o problemas? Antes de devolver el producto al mino- 4. Asegúrese de que los conectores de cable y el cable estén dentro de rista, llame a nuestro departamento de servicio técnico al 1-800-858- la caja de empalme. Asegure el aparato con los tornillos suplidos. 8501 (sólo se habla inglés), de 7:30 am a 4:30 pm, Hora Estándar 5. Si no lo instala en una
articles modèles Luminaire à double 247587 UT-5592-BZ 247583 UT-5592-WH ampoule halogène Des questions ou problèmes? Avant de vous rendre chez le dé- 4. Assurez-vous que les connecteurs et les fils sont bien insérés taillant, communiquez avec le service technique au 1 800 858-8501 dans la boîte de connexion. Fixez le luminaire en place au moyen (en anglais seulement) du lundi au vendredi entre 7 h 30 et 16 h desvis fournies. 30,HNC,. 5.
FiVe year LimiTed W arranTy This is a “Limited Warranty” which gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state or province to prov- ince. For a period of five years from the date of purchase, any malfunction caused by factory defective parts or workmanship will be corrected at no charge to you. not covered - Repair service, adjustment and calibration due to misuse, abuse or negligence, light bulbs, batteries, and other expendable items are not cov