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Revision History No. Revision content Date of issue Manual code 1 First edition Octover 2007 NTS204X - The current edition of this Instruction Manual also includes some corrections of simple misprints, missing letters, misdescriptions and certain added explanations other than those listed in the above Revision History table.
Table of contents Chapter 1 Investigation of the inverter 1.1 Spesification label(Model name,manufacturing number:MFG) ················································1 - 1 1.1.1 Model name, ················································································································1 - 1 1.1.2 MFG number················································································································1 - 1 1.2 Precautions for Data Setting··············
Appendix Circuit Diagram····························································································································6 - 1 Internal block diagram ·················································································································6 - 2 Structure figure ····························································································································6 - 15 iv
1. Investigation of the inverter 1.1 Specification label(Model name,Manufacturing number:MFG) ・There is a specification label attached to the inverter as shown in Figure 1-1. Specification label Figure 1-1 Location of the specifications label ・Please confirm the model name and MFG number from the specification label as follows. Inverter model Model: SJ700-150HFF2 Maximum applicable motor capacity kW/(HP): 15/(20) Input/Entree: 50Hz,60Hz
1.2 Precautions for Data Setting The default display mode limits the screens (parameters) that can be displayed on the monitor. To enable the display of all parameters, specify "00" (full display) for the function code display restriction (b037). To enable the parameters to be changed while the inverter is operating, specify "10" for the software lock mode selection (b031). 1.2.1 Monitoring Mode Code Function name Monitored data or setting Default Note d001 Output frequency monitoring
Code Function name Monitored data or setting Default Note d025 User monitor 0 -2147483647 to 2147483647 (upper 4 digits including “-“) − d026 User monitor 1 -2147483647 to 2147483647 (upper 4 digits including “-“) − d027 User monitor 2 -2147483647 to 2147483647 (upper 4 digits including “-“) − d028 Pulse counter 0 to 2147483647 (upper 4 digits) − d029 Position setting monitor -1073741823 to 1073741823 (upper 4 digits including “-“) − d030 Position feedback monitor -1073741823 to 107
1.2.3 Extended Function Mode Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting Note _FF _FEF _FUF Frequency source setting 00 (keypad potentiometer) (*1), 01 (control circuit terminal block), 02 (digital A001 operator), 03 (RS485), 04 (option 1), 05 (option 2), 06 (pulse-string input), 07 02 01 01 (easy sequence), 10 (operation function result) Run command source setting 01 (control circuit terminal block), 02 (digital operator), 03 (RS485), 04 (option A002 02 01 01 1), 05 (option
Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting Note _FF _FEF _FUF A041 Torque boost method selection 00 (manual torque boost), 01 (automatic torque boost) 00 Torque boost method selection, A241 00 (manual torque boost), 01 (automatic torque boost) 00 2nd motor A042 Manual torque boost value 0.0 to 20.0 (%) 1.0 Manual torque boost value, 2nd A242 0.0 to 20.0 (%) 1.0 motor Manual torque boost value, 3rd A342 0.0 to 20.0 (%) 1.0 motor Manual torque boost frequency A043 0
Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting Note _FF _FEF _FUF A081 AVR function select 00 (always on), 01 (always off), 02 (off during deceleration) 02 00 00 200 V class: 200, 215, 220, 230, 240 (V) A082 AVR voltage select 200/400 230/400 230/460 400 V class: 380, 400, 415, 440, 460, 480 (V) A085 Operation mode selection 00 (normal operation), 01 (energy-saving operation), 02 (fuzzy operation) 00 A086 Energy saving mode tuning 0.1 to 100.0 50.0 A092 Acceleration (2) time
Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting Note _FF _FEF _FUF 00 (tripping), 01 (starting with 0 Hz), 02 (starting with matching frequency), 03 b001 Selection of restart mode (tripping after deceleration and stopping with matching frequency), 04 00 (restarting with active matching frequency) Allowable under-voltage power b002 0.3 to 25.0 (s) 1.0 failure time b003 Retry wait time before motor restart 0.3 to 100.0 (s) 1.0 Instantaneous power 00 (disabling), 01 (enabling),
Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting Note _FF _FEF _FUF b034 Run/power-on warning time 0. to 9999. (0 to 99990), 1000 to 6553 (10000 to 655300) (hr) 0. 00 (enabling both forward and reverse rotations), 01 (enabling only b035 Rotational direction restriction 00 forward rotation), 02 (enabling only reverse rotation) 0 (minimum reduced voltage start time) to 255 (maximum reduced voltage b036 Reduced voltage start selection 6 start time) 00 (full display), 01 (function
Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting Note _FF _FEF _FUF Cumulative input power data b078 Clearance by setting "01" and pressing the STR key 00 clearance Cumulative input power display b079 1. to 1000. 1. gain setting b082 Start frequency adjustment 0.10 to 9.99 (Hz) 0.50 b083 Carrier frequency setting 0.5 to 15.0 (kHz) (subject to derating) 5.0 Initialization mode (parameters or 00 (clearing the trip history), 01 (initializing the data), b084 00 trip history)
Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting Note _FF _FEF _FUF 01 (RV: Reverse RUN), 02 (CF1: Multispeed 1 setting), 03 (CF2: Multispeed 2 18 C001 Terminal [1] function (*2) setting), 04 (CF3: Multispeed 3 setting), 05 (CF4: Multispeed 4 setting), 06 (JG: (*2) Jogging), 07 (DB: external DC braking), 08 (SET: Set 2nd motor data), 09 (2CH: C002 Terminal [2] function 16 2-stage acceleration/deceleration), 11 (FRS: free-run stop), 12 (EXT: external trip), 06 13 (USP: unattende
Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting Note _FF _FEF _FUF C021 Terminal [11] function 00 (RUN: running), 01 (FA1: constant-speed reached), 02 (FA2: set 01 frequency overreached), 03 (OL: overload notice advance signal (1)), 04 C022 Terminal [12] function 00 (OD: output deviation for PID control), 05 (AL: alarm signal), 06 (FA3: set C023 Terminal [13] function frequency reached), 07 (OTQ: over-torque), 08 (IP: instantaneous power 03 failure), 09 (UV: undervoltage), 10 (
Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting Note _FF _FEF _FUF Low-current indication signal 00 (output during acceleration/deceleration and constant-speed operation), C038 01 output mode selection 01 (output only during constant-speed operation) Low-current indication signal Rated current of C039 0.0 to 2.00 x "rated current" (A) detection level inverter 00 (output during acceleration/deceleration and constant-speed operation), C040 Overload signal output mode 01 01 (ou
Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting Note _FF _FEF _FUF Rated current of C111 Overload setting (2) 0.0 to 2.00 x "rated current" (A) inverter C121 [O] input zero calibration 0. to 9999., 1000 to 6553 (10000 to 65530) Factory setting C122 [OI] input zero calibration 0. to 9999., 1000 to 6553 (10000 to 65530) Factory setting C123 [O2] input zero calibration 0. to 9999., 1000 to 6553 (10000 to 65530) Factory setting C130 Output 11 on-delay time 0.0 to 100.0 (s) 0.0
Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting Note _FF _FEF _FUF 00 (disabling auto-tuning), 01 (auto-tuning without rotation), 02 (auto-tuning H001 Auto-tuning Setting 00 with rotation) 00 (Hitachi standard data), 01 (auto-tuned data), H002 Motor data selection, 1st motor 00 02 (auto-tuned data [with online auto-tuning function]) 00 (Hitachi standard data), 01 (auto-tuned data), H202 Motor data selection, 2nd motor 00 02 (auto-tuned data [with online auto-tuning functio
Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting Note _FF _FEF _FUF H050 PI proportional gain for 1st motor 0.0 to 999.9, 1000. 100.0 H250 PI proportional gain for 2nd motor 0.0 to 999.9, 1000. 100.0 H051 PI integral gain for 1st motor 0.0 to 999.9, 1000. 100.0 H251 PI integral gain for 2nd motor 0.0 to 999.9, 1000. 100.0 P proportional gain setting for 1st H052 0.01 to 10.00 1.00 motor P proportional gain setting for 2nd H252 0.01 to 10.00 1.00 motor H060 Zero LV lmit f
Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting Note _FF _FEF _FUF Operation mode on expansion card P001 00 (tripping), 01 (continuing operation) 00 1 error Operation mode on expansion card P002 00 (tripping), 01 (continuing operation) 00 2 error Encoder pulse-per-revolution P011 128. to 9999., 1000 to 6553(10000 to 65535) (pulses) 1024. (PPR) setting P012 Control pulse setting 00 (ASR), 01 (APR), 02 (APR2), 03 (HAPR) 00 P013 Pulse train mode setting 00 (mode 0), 01 (mode