For use with models GXRV10, GXRM10, PNRQ15, PNRQ20,
PNRV12 (beginning on page 1) and PNRV18 (beginning on page 4)
• Use pipe thread_ealing rope (provided) on threaded • It is normal for tile GREEN light to flash on tile faucet monitor
when tile icemaker or dispenser calls for water (on some
• Tubing may be cot 1o desired length.
• Before installing the icemaker ki_ install the Reverse Osmosis
• When connecting Ihe kit to a ref
CONNECTING TO THE ICEMAKER FORMODELS GXRV10, GXRM10, PNRV12 2. Turoofficemakerwatersuppl_Disconnectdmwatersource L Locate the 3/8" robing that supplies file product water to ltle RID fauco. It will be bhm, gray or white, depending on tile tubing from dm reffigeralor. model. DOnot confuse the product water tubing with the drain 3. Connect lhe brass tubing adapter to tile flee end of the water tubing that also goes to the faucet (black or white on most 3Nfoot length of bhm tubing. Shorten tubing t
SANITIZING THE SYSTEM FOR MODELS PNRQ15, PNRQ20 9. See your Reverse Osmosis System Owner's Manual for complete Once tile system is drained, lure the l_ucel offand remove the Sanitization Instructions. canister and plugs by turifing to the left about 1/3 turn. Keep lhese in a safe place until needed tile next time. I. Turn off' the icemaker (if attached to the system). 10. If y_m are replacing the cmfisters, remove dm foil oil the mp 2. Turn off' the water supply to dm systeIn. of tile new replac
CONNECTING THE AUXILIARY TANK FOR MODEL PNRV18 I, Turn off tile water supply m 1tie Reverse Osmosis system by closing (clockwise rotation) tile water supply valve (Hg. 9). Shut off the waler from the Reverse Osmosis tank of tile posttiher hy closing Ihe RED tank shutoff valve (Fig. 10). Lift tile lever oil Ihe RO water faucet located oil Ihe sink or counlertop. Let water Fig. 10 drain from the s_tem. (lose file faucet when file water has stopped flowing. H H H H H H H H !! H valveWatcr suppl)_ T
CONNECTING TO THE ICEMAKER FOR MODEL PNRV18 I. Locate 3/8" robing I}lat suppfies file product water 1(7dm 4. Turn on file water supply to tile Reverse Osmosis systeIll. Check RO fsuco. At a couveuieut point hel_veen lhe fhucet mid tile lhe shumffvalve on top of the extra storage tank m ensure it is electronics box, cut tile robing aud iustall the 3/8" tee fitting. in tile open position. Smfifize the system (see next page). Conuect one end of tile 33 fi. leugth of 3/8" blue robing to tile 5. Chec
SANITIZING THE SYSTEM FOR MODEL PNRV18 Sanitize upon installation of the Reverse Osmosis system and after servicing inner parts of the Reverse Osmosis system, including replacement of prefilter, posffilter and Reverse Osmosis cartridge. It is important to wash hands with anti-bacterial soap before handling inner parts of the system. A CAUTION:ffiustallingunitinNewCoustruction, eusure house plumbingis flushed thoroughlybefore openingthe water supply valve.Also, before sanitizing, be sure to remov