272mm (10-11/16" (10.6875")
14mm (9/16" (.5625")
129mm (5-1/16" (5.0625") 129mm (5-1/16" (5.0625")
DJ ‘Professor K’ is your mentor, winning street territory, your mission. Cops want
you nailed, rival gangs want you dead, you’re the rollerblade tagger with a price
on your head. Your face is all over town, your name on every flyover and hitmans’
bullet. Keep those skates pumping and your head screwed on. Wheels are your
only way out, your spray can is your only weapon.
• Gr
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:18 Page 1 IG0240IE F r ont Cover
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:18 Page 2 SAFETY INFORMATION Table of contents ABOUT PHOTOSENSITIVE SEIZURES Using the Xbox™ Video Game System •••••••••••••••••• 2 A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed Using the Xbox™ Controller •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear Prologue•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:18 Page 2 USING THE XBOX™ VIDEO GAME SYSTEM USING THE XBOX™ CONTROLLER 1. .Set up your Xbox™ video game system by following the instructions in the Xbox Instruction Manual. 2. Press the power button and the status indicator light will light up. 3. Press the eject button and the disc tray will open. 4. Place the JSRF-Jet Set Radio FutureTM disc on the disc tray with the label facing up and close the disc tray. 5. Follow the on-screen instructions and r
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:18 Page 4 PROLOGUE Yeah!! This is DJ Professor K, But even in all this heat, baby, the master of mayhem, you know there's a group of young kids who've what I'm sayin'— bringing you another Tokyo been tearin' up the streets — I'm talking about the underground pirate radio broadcast from — Jet Set Radio! Rudies. These kids have set out to bury Tokyo in graffiti. I'm going to bust into your head through your cute little ears and blow And now they're all
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:18 Page 6 CHARACTERS I am the navigator of the underground pirate radio station Jet Set Radio, A private police force of Rokkaku DJ Professor K. With my sound and Group. You’ll be targeted if you’re talks, I’m going to turn the entire city in the way of Rokkaku Group’s of Tokyo into a dance hall, baby! activity, man. A psycho inspector of Rokkaku Police Division 0. Nothing good The leader and happens when you get involved Member of GG. She’s a founde
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:18 Page 8 CONTROLS VARIOUS ACTIONS Basic Moves Walk/Run Press the Left thumbstick lightly to JSRF-Jet Set Radio Future is a 1-player game for the main game, and up to 4 walk towards the direction pressed. players for the VS MODE. Connect the same number of Controllers as the Press all the way to run. number of players to play to the Xbox console. When turning the console power on, please do not move the Left and Right thumbsticks as well as the Left
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:18 Page 10 Trick Moves Grind Jump onto guardrails, handrails, power lines or the edge of half pipes to perform grinds. Spraying Graffiti At the circular mark of the Graffiti Air Point, pull the Right trigger to spray Build your speed and jump. graffiti. One spray can is spent for You can soar high in the air every Graffiti Point. If there are and perform an aerial trick. multiple Graffiti Points, hold the Right trigger continuously to spray graffiti
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:18 Page 12 STARTING THE GAME Game Display Main Game Screen This is the basic screen you will see throughout the game. During the Demo, press the START button to display the Main Menu. Use either the Left thumbstick or the 1 Stamina Gauge Directional pad to select the menu item, and press either 1 Decreases as you take damage. 2 the START or the A button to enter selection. 4 The game is over when this gauge is depleted. 3 2 Spray Cans Left You can sp
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:18 Page 14 Pause Screen During the game, press the START button to pause the game and display the Pause Screen. There are two kinds Roboy’s Garage Menu of Pause Screens: one for free skating mode and the other for the battle mode. At the Garage, talk to Roboy. The Garage Menu will be displayed. Use either the Left thumbstick or the Directional pad to select the menu item, and press •Pull the Left/Right trigger to switch the map. either the Start butt
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:18 Page 16 Graffiti Creating and Editing Graffiti Following commands are available for creating and editing the graffiti. You can select the graffiti illustrations to be used in the Spray game, as well as creating one yourself. For the amount of Spray color on the wall. Use the Directional disk spaces needed to save graffiti, please refer to p.1. pad to select the color, the Left trigger to adjust the size from 5 sizes, and the Left Pick graffiti to u
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:19 Page 18 Lettering Change View You can enter a word on your graffiti, up to Use the Left thumbpad qm to change the view of the 15 letters long. Use the Directional pad to letters. select the menu item, and press the A button to enter. The following submenu items appear. Change Design Lettering Use the Directional pad to select the letter (or select Enter a letter on your graffiti artwork. Use the Directional SELECT ALL for all letters), and the Left
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:19 Page 20 Spray Graffiti The ultimate goal of this game is to spray the entire city of Tokyo with GG’s graffiti. Naturally, how to spray graffiti is the most important element in this game. Flow of Spraying Graffiti What Else You Need to Know Collect Spray Cans Here are explanations to elements that need to be remembered in order to play To spray graffiti, you need to find and collect cans JSRF-Jet Set Radio Future. These are very essential to progr
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:19 Page 22 Here comes your rival! VS MODE On the streets, there are several characters other than You can play a multi-player battle with up to four players. Apart from multi-player the members of GG. At times they can be obstacles in the battle modes, you can also play against the CPU to practice. game, other times they may have important hints. Don’t be afraid to face them. During the main menu, select VS MODE. If a system file exists, the Load S
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:19 Page 24 Missions Team Combinations There are five different missions available in the VS MODE. On Multiplay Mode, you can only select the individual Read the rules of each to grasp its feature. battle with two players. If there are three or more players, you can select either the individual or the City Rush! team battle. Make three laps around the selected course. First to reach the goal wins the battle. The game of Ball Hog requires cooperative
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:19 Page 26 Item Chart Game Display The information shown on the VS MODE varies according to the mode you are Here is the list of items and their effects. playing. Know each feature and utilize them well to play to your advantage. City Rush!/Ball Hog 3 1 ITEMS EFFECTS 2 1 Stamina Gauge It decreases as you take damage. You can throw a grenade that explodes upon contact The game is over when it is reduced to zero. GRENADE (X1) with either the ground or
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:19 Page 28 SNABBSTART SÄKERHETSINFORMATION Användning av Xbox™ TV-Spel OM ANFALL ORSAKADE AV LJUSKÄNSLIGHET Skivfack En mycket liten andel av befolkningen kan drabbas av epilepsi-liknande anfall, som kan utlösas av vissa visuella bilder, inklusive blinkande ljus eller mönster som kan finnas i videospel. Även människor som aldrig tidigare har drabbats av liknande anfall eller epilepsi kan lida av en icke diagnostiserad åkomma, som kan utlösa dessa “lj
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:19 Page 30 SPELKONTROLL GRUNDLÄGGANDE RÖRELSER Jet Set Radio Futures huvudspel är avsett för 1 spelare, och upp till 4 spelare i Gå/Springa Tryck lätt på Vänster avtryckare för VS MODE (spelvariant med flera spelare). Anslut samma antal handkontroller att gå i den riktning du trycker. Tryck som det finns spelare till Xbox-konsolen. När du slår på strömmen till konsolen, ned knappen helt för att springa. rör varken Vänster eller Höger styrspak och inte
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:19 Page 32 PIKAOHJE TIETOJA TURVALLISUUDESTA Xbox™ -pelikonsolin käyttö TIETOJA VALOYLIHERKKYYDEN AIHEUTTAMISTA EPILEPTISISTÄ Levykelkka KOHTAUKSISTATIETOJA VALOYLIHERKKYYDEN AIHEUTTAMISTA EPILEPTISISTÄ KOHTAUKSISTA Hyvin harvat ihmiset voivat saada epileptisen kohtauksen tietyntyyppisistä visuaalisista kokemuksista. Tällaisia kokemuksia voivat olla esimerkiksi vilkkuvat valot tai videopeleissä esiintyvät kuviot. Jopa henkilöillä, joilla ei aiemmin ol
JSFR Manual Xbox GB (115/180) 15/02/02 17:19 Page 34 KOMENNOT PERUSLIIKKEET Jet Set Radio Future on yhden pelaajan peli mitä pääpeliin tulee ja jopa neljän Kävele/juokse Paina vasenta peukalosauvaa pelaajan peli VS MODE (versus mode, monen pelaajan peli) -toimintamuodossa. kevyesti kävelläksesi painamaasi Liitä Xbox-konsoliin sama määrä ohjaimia kuin on pelaajia. Kun kytket konsoliin suuntaan. Paina alas asti juostaksesi. virran, älä liikuta vasenta tai oikeaa peukalosauvaa eikä vasenta tai o