2-DIN CAW-1142-02 Installation manual for: Hyundai Tucson Installation kit includes the following items: * 1X 2-ISO 100 mm. metal bracket * 2X Mounting plates * 2X Mounting spacers * 2X Radio removal keys * 4X Screws * 2X Cushion Kenwood DDX6029 Use this hole We advice to use the following positions. Other positions are also possible. Use this hole Use position 1 marked with a cross. Use position 6 & 8 marked with an arrow. Measured from left to right. Kenwood DDX 7025 We advice to use the
2-DIN CAW-1142-02 2-DIN 12.301142-02 12 Remove the screws at the location of the Use a plastic wig te remove the panel surrounding the gear lever. arrows. Remove the metal ring. 34 Gently remove the silver trim. This is Place the metal bracket and tighten the tighten by a click system four screws. Remove the orginal bracket which is indicated at the middle arrows You need to order one of the below mentioned panels. This can be ordered at the Hyundai dealer. 5 Place the headunit Order this