U Us se ef ful ul Phone Phone Number Numbers s
SB-89Ci SB-89Ci
Europe 00-800-1810-1810
Australia +1-800-33-11-77 Mexico +1-800-234-1185
Canada +1-800-665-4339 United States +1-800-955-0959
Australia +61-3-8336-9700 Japan +81-(0)-3-5496-2401
Benelux +31-(0)-76-523-2090 Korea +82-(0)-2-3462-2844
Canada +1-905-475-6320 Malaysia +60-(0)-35122-1231
Deutschland +49-(0)-5131-49770 Polska +48-(22)-771-47-40
Espana +34-91-748-05-01 Singapore +65-6221-3811
France +33-(0)-1-30-06-86-80 U
A AUT UTO O WARRANTY / GARANTIE / GARANTÍA Our promise to you is quite simple. Fellowes shredders are built stronger, engineered to run longer, during the warranty period, your sole and exclusive remedy will be repair or replacement, at Fellowes’ resist jams and power through large jobs. The Fellowes worry free warranty described below covers option and expense, of the defective part. This warranty does not apply in cases of abuse, mishandling, the performance of the product, provides for pr
A AU UT TO O 15 A AU UTO TO 15 AUTO 15 AUTO 15 A AU UT TO O ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH NGLISH NGLISH GLISH GLISH LISH ISH SH H A. Model Model SB-89Ci SB 89Ci G. KEY ® A. SafeSense Technology F. Casters K. Overheat (red) P. Sheet capacity indicator B. B. Paper entry G. Disconnect power switch L. Bin open (red) Q. Auto correcting button (blue) C. See safety instructions H. Paper tray M. Bin full (red) R. Reverse C. ® D. CD/Card flap I. S
15 A A U UT T O O 15 A A U UT T O O 15 A A U UT T O O 15 A AU UT TO O 15 A AU UT TO O 15 A AU UT TO O 15 A AU UT TO O 15 A AU UT TO O 15 A AU UTO TO 15 A AU UTO TO 15 A AU UTO TO BASIC SHREDDING OPERATION PAPER OR CD/CARD 1 2 3 4 5 6 Continuous operation: 20-minute maximum Feed into paper To shred CDs rotate Hold CD/card at edge, When finished Press ( ) ON to disconnect power entry and release CD flap into place feed into CD/Card flap shredding set activate (blue) NO
15 A AU UT TO O A AUT UTO O 15 A AU UT TO O 15 A AU UT TO O 15 A AU UT TO O 15 AUTO BASIC PRODUCT MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH NGLISH NGLISH GLISH GLISH LISH SH SH H Model SB-89Ci Model SB 89Ci CLEANING AUTO-START INFRARED SENSORS Paper detection sensors are designed for maintenance free operation. However, on rare occasions the sensors may become blocked by paper dust causing the motor to run ADVANCED P