Rockford Fosgate RFP-1408/1808の取扱説明書

デバイスRockford Fosgate RFP-1408/1808の取扱説明書

デバイス: Rockford Fosgate RFP-1408/1808
カテゴリ: 車載スピーカー
メーカー: Rockford Fosgate
サイズ: 0.26 MB
追加した日付: 6/16/2014
ページ数: 20



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Rockford Fosgate RFP-1408/1808 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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® ®
car audio


Dear Customer, Congratulations on your purchase of the world's finest brand of car audio speakers. At Rockford Fosgate we are fanatics about musical reproduction at its best, and we are pleased you chose our product. Through years of engineering expertise, hand craftsman- ship and critical testing procedures, we have created a wide range of products that reproduce music with all the clarity and richness you deserve. For maximum performance we recommend you have your new Rockford Fosgate product


TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................................. 1 RF Punch Woofer Contents ...................................................................... 1 Technical Design Features ....................................................................... 1 Stamped Basket .................................................................................. 1 PVA Cone ..................................................................


INTRODUCTION The RF Punch Woofers are a full line of low frequency drivers sized from 8" to 18" and are available in 4 or 8 ohm impedance. The RF Punch woofers were designed for use primarily in small, sealed enclosures. By utilizing the latest materials and construction tech- niques, we are able to offer a speaker with high output at low frequencies while requiring a minimum of operating space. RF PUNCH WOOFER CONTENTS RF Punch Woofer Installation & Owner's Manual TECHNICAL DESIGN FEATURES St


Aluminum Voice Coil Former The voice coil former is black, anodized aluminum for highly efficient thermal transfer. This allows winding high temperature copper wire in multiple layers for improved efficiency. THE RESULT: Improves power handling by efficiently dissipating heat Four-Layer Voice Coil Multiple layers of high temperature copper wire are wound on the Aluminum Voice Coil for efficient thermal transfer. The massive voice coil increases XMAX and adds to the moving mass of the speak


I ® ® N S T A L L A T I INSTALLATION O N Recommended Enclosures Punch 8" 3 Recommended Sealed .30ft (8.50L) W = 11" D = 8" (27.94cm) (20.32cm) Punch 10" 3 Recommended Sealed .75ft (21.24L) W = 15" D = 10" (38.10cm) (25.40cm) Punch 12" 3 Recommended Sealed 1.25ft (35.40L) W = 19-3/4" D = 12" (50.17cm) (30.48cm) Punch 15" 3 Recommended Sealed 2.5ft (70.79L) W = 25" D = 12" (63.50cm) (30.48cm) – 3 – H = 14" H = 14" (35.56cm) (35.56cm) H = 20" (50.80cm) H = 11" (27.94cm)


® ® I N S T A L L A Punch 18" T I O N 3 Recommended Sealed 4.0ft (113.27L) W = 32-1/2" D = 14" (82.55cm) (35.56cm) Building an Enclosure To work properly, the walls of the enclosure must be rigid and not flex when subjected to the high pressures generated by the speaker's operation. For optimum performance, we recommend using 3/4" MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) and internal bracing. The enclo- sure should be glued together and secured with nails or screws. MDF is porous; therefore, it is sugges


® ® I N S T A L Wiring Configurations L A T I O N Three configurations for connecting speakers to an amplifier are Series, Parallel, and Series-Parallel wiring. A Series con- figuration consists of two or more speakers wired in an string (end to end). A Parallel configuration consists of two or more speakers wired with the common terminals connected across each other. A Series-Parallel configuration is a combination of both methods. Determine which method will be compatible with your amplifier.


I ® ® N S T A L L A T I O N – 6 – SPECIFICATIONS Model RFP-1408 RFP-1808 RFP-1410 RFP-1810 RFP-1412 RFP-1812 RFP-1415 RFP-1815 RFP-1418 RFP-1818 Nom. Imped. 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 FS (Hz) 30 32 24 26 23 25 21 23 19 20 RE (Ohm) 3.6 7.2 3.6 7.2 3.6 7.2 3.6 7.2 3.2 6.4 LE (mH) 2.5 4 2.5 4 2.5 4 2.2 3.5 3.1 4.0 QMS 4.89 5 4.08 4.7 5 5.4 6.24 5.85 5.30 5.73 QES 0.32 0.33 0.27 0.29 0.42 0.47 0.38 0.44 0.43 0.54 QTS 0.3 0.31 0.25 0.27 0.38 0.43 0.36 0.41 0.39 0.50 VAS (cu.ft) 0.883 0.883 3.437 3.437 6.28


LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATION Rockford Corporation offers a limited warranty on Rockford Fosgate products on the following terms: • Length of Warranty 1 year on speakers 30 days on speaker B-stock (receipt required) 3 years on electronics 90 days on electronic B-stock (receipt required) 2 years on source units • What is Covered This warranty applies only to Rockford Fosgate products sold to consumers by Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealers in the United States of America or its possessions. Produc




LEA DETENIDAMENTE LAS SIGUIENTES INSTRUCCIONES DE INSTALACÍON DEL PRODUCTO. INTRODUCCÍON Los woofers RF son una gama completa de drivers de baja frecuéncia que comprenden diámetros de 8" a 15". Los Woofers RF fueron diseñados para su utilización en caja cerrada o bass-reflex mediana. Diseñada para ofrecer la máxima calidad, los Woofers RF ofrecen al entusiasta principiante en sistemas de car audio, la oportunidad para disfrutar de un bajo sólido en las bajas frecuéncias. Nuestros ingenieros han


ESPAÑOL CALCULO DEL VOLUMEN Para calcular el volumen sólo se han de medir las dimensiones en centimetros y aplicar la fórmula: Volumen du Alto x Ancho x Profundidad la caja = 1000 (en litros) Si dos caras opuestas son de diferente tamaño, súmelas y divida el total por dos para obtener el promedio. Usando esta técnica se ahorrara el cálculo por secciones. El espesor del material con que está construida la caja reduce el volumen interno, de manera quer ha de restarse de las dimensiones exteriores


VEUILLEZ LIRE LES INSTRUCTIONS SUIVANTES POUR L'INSTALLATION DE CE PRODUIT. INTRODUCTION Les woofers Punch sont une gamme complète de haut-parleurs de graves allant de 20 à 46 cm et disponibles en 4Ω ou 8Ω . Les woofer Punch ont été conçus pour être utilisé de préférence en enceintes closes. En utilisant les techniques et les matériaux de construction les plus récents, nous sommes parvenus à construire un haut-parleur fournissant un rendement élevé dans les graves tout en requérant un volume opé


FRANCAIS CALCUL DU VOLUME On calcule le volume en mesurant la dimension de chaque côté et en utilisant la formule suivante: Volume du Hauteur (cm) x Longueur (cm) x Largeur (cm) caisson = (Litres) 1000 Si les due côtés qui se font face n'ont pas la même longueur, additionnez les et divisez le résultat par deux pour obtenir la moyenne des deux longueurs. Utilisez le nombre ainsi obtenu dans la formule pour déterminer le litrage. Cette méthode permet d'obtenir le volume du caisson sans devoir fai


BITTE LESEN SIE DIESE GEBRAUCHSANLEITUNG ZUERST SORGFÄLTIG DURCH. DAS KANN SIE VOR FALSCHEM EINSATZ, AUSFALLEN ODER SOGAR BESCHÄDIGUNG DES PRODUKTES ODER IHRES FAHRZEUGES SCHÜTZEN. EINLEITUNG Die RF-Punch Woofer sind eine komplette Produktlinie von Tief- Frequenzlautsprechern mit Durchmesser von 20 cm bis zu 46 cm, erhältlich in der Impendanz 4 - und 8 Ohm (Die RF Punch Woofer wurden vorwiegend fur den Einsatz in geschlossenen Gehäuse konstruiert). Durch die Verwendung neuester Materialien und P


DEUTSCH VOLUMEN-BERECHNUNG Zur Volumen-Berechung benötigen sie die genauen Maβe und Dimensionen in Zentimetern. Gehäuse- Höhe (cm) x Breite (cm) x Tiefe (cm) Volumen = 1000 (Kubik Liter) Sollten zwei gegenüberliegende Seiten ungleich lang sein, so können sie die Maβe zusammen rechnen und durch zwei dividieren um den Durchschnitt zu erhalten. Dies macht Ihnen die Berechnung leichter und Sie müssen das Gehäuse nicht in Sektionen berechnen, die Sie danach wieder mühselig zusammen zählen müssen. Die


LEGGERE CON ATTENZIONE LE SEGUENTI ISTRUZIONI PRIMA DELL'INSTALLAZIONE DEL PRODOTTO. INTRODUZIONE I woofer Punch RF sono una linea completa di altoparlanti per basse frequenze con diametri che vanno da 20 a 46 cm e disponibili sia a 4 che a 8 ohm. (I woofer Punch RF sono progettati per il funzionamento principale in cassa chiusa.). Impiegando le piú aggiomate tecnologie e materiali, siamo in grado di offrire altoparlanti che possono riprodurre un'elevata pressione sonora alle basse frequenze man


ITALIANO CALCOLO DEL VOLUME Calcolare il volume é essenzialmente solo un poroblema di misurazione delle dimensioni in centimetri della cassa e di applicazione della formula: Volume della Alteza x Larghezza x Profonditá cassa = (litri) 1000 Se due pareti parallele sono di dimensioni diverse (prisma), semplicemente sommatele e dividete il risulto per due. Impiegando il risultato ottenuto potete calcolare il volume senza dividere la cassa i sezioni. Lo spessore del legno riduce il volume interno,


MADE IN THE USA This product is designed, developed and assembled in the USA by a dedicated group of American workers. The majority of the components used in the construction of this product are produced by American companies. However, due to the global nature of their manufacturing facilities and the loudspeaker parts industry in general, some parts may be manufactured in other countries. Rockford Fosgate Rockford Corporation 546 South Rockford Drive Tempe, Arizona 85281 U.S.A. In U.S.A., (602

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