TELEX COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 12000 Portland Ave. South, Burnsville, MN 55337
In st ruc t ion Sheet
PN 803984
Gen era l De scri p t ion
The ACS-101 (An tenna Combiner Split ter 10 to 1) is an The an tenna split ter sec tion has broad band in put fil -
am pli fied and fil tered broadband split ter-combiner. It
ter ing and am pli fi ca tion to m ain tain sig nal lev els
allows up to 10 base sta tions to use only one trans mit
through the split
1 Connec tions, Fuses and In di ca tor s TM ACS- 01 RadioCom 1 R UHF Antenna Splitter/Combiner by Telex POWER - GREEN OVERHEAT - RED Fig ure 1 ACS-101 Front View 1. Power/Over heat Light - Green - The unit has power. Red - The unit has over heated and the com biner am pli fi ers have shut down. There is a sen sor on the combiner amplifier heatsink that senses if the heat rises above 75º C (167 F). 7 8 4 2 FUSE DC OUT 5A SLOW BLOW 12V 5A TRANSMIT TRANSMIT ANTENNA FUSE RECEIVE RECEIVE 5A SLOW B
Sys tem Con fig u r a tion Fig ure 4 il lus trates the typ i cal sys tem con f ig u ra tion us ing the ACS-101 to sup port 10 BTR-1 base sta tions. RECEIVE TRANSMITTER ANTENNA ANTENNA Rx Tx Rx Tx Power Power Rx Tx R Rx x T Tx x Power P Po ow we er r Rx Tx Rx Tx Power Power Tx Rx Rx Tx Power Power Rx Tx Rx Tx Power Power FUSE DC OUT 5A SLOW BLOW 12V 5A TRANSMIT TRANSMIT ANTENNA FUSE RECEIVE RECEIVE 5A SLOW BLOW ANTENNA DC OUT 12V 5A Fig ure 4 Sys tem Con figuratio n -3-
An tenna Re quir e me nts The ACS-101 may be used with a va ri ety of an ten - When us ing 1/2 wave an ten nas, we rec om mend us - nas. For best results, use a pair of ALP-450 di rec - ing the higher fre quency model when the re ceiv ers tional log pe ri odic an ten nas (See Fig ure 5) or, the op er ate in more than one band. If the re ceiv ers are more than one band apart, such as yel low and ALP-600 Bi-directional log pe ri odic an tenna (See Fig ure 6). white, we strongly rec om mend us ing
An tenna Plac e me nt Rack Mount ing for Op ti mum Range and Rack Mount ing Rack mount brack ets are sup plied with the · ACS-101. To at tach the brack ets, pro ceed as fol - For max i mum range and when rack mount ing, the lows: an ten nas must be re motely lo cated. Align the rack mount bracket with the holes on · The ALP-450 and ALP-600 an ten nas come com- the side of the unit. See Fig ure 8. plete with a va ri ety of mounting hard ware and 10 In stall flat head ma chine screws in two hole
ACS-101 Accessories and Replacement Parts ALP-600 ALP-450 480-800 MHz Bi-Di rec tional log pe ri odic an tenna 450-900 MHz Log Pe ri odic An tenna In cludes mount ing hard ware and 10 feet (3 me ter) In cludes mount ing hard ware and 10 feet (3 me ter) co ax ial ca ble with TNC con nec tors co ax ial ca ble with TNC con nec tors Or der No. 878896 Or der No. 71147000 R T elex ALP-450 THIS END TOWARD TRANSMITTER Telex Low loss co ax ial an tenna ca bles with TNC con nec tors 1/2 wave An tenna