Split SS y tem Htea p ump
Cooling Caap City : 35,000 - 56,500 B/ tu H
up ot 18 SEER
Htingea Caap City : 33,600 - 56,400 B/ tu H
Standard Features
• R-410A chlor ine -fr ee r efr igerant
• T w o -Stage C opeland® Ultra T ech scr oll compr essor
• H igh- densit y f oam compr essor sound blank et
• C omf or tNet™ C ommunications S yst em compatible
• Expanded C omf or tAler t diag nostics built in
• S et -up capable with t w o lo w- v oltage wir es t o
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p oduC r t SC pe C ifi S tiona n C omen turela D S Z 18 036 1 A A C
1 2 3 4 5,6 7,8,9 10 11 12 B r a n d Engine e r ing
* D Goodman®
Br and Mino r
R e vision Pr o d u ct
Ca t eg o r y Engine e r ing
* S Split
S y s t em Major
R e vision
T ype Ele c tr ic al X Condenser
R-‐410A 1 208/230
V ,
Hz Z Hea t
R-‐410A 2 220/240
V ,
Hz 3 208/230
V ,
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p oduC r t SC pe C ifi S tiona SC pe C ifi S tiona DSZC18 DSZC18 DSZC18 DSZC18 0361A 0481A 0601A 0601B Cooling Capacity Nominal Cooling (BTU/h) 35,000 47,000 57,000 57,000 Nominal Heating (BTU/h) 35,000 47,000 57,000 57,000 Decibels 72 73 75 75 Compressor RLA 16.7 21.2 25.6 23.0 LRA 82 96 118 118 Condenser Fan Motor Horsepower (RPM) ⅓ ⅓ ⅓ ⅓ FLA 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 Refrigeration System Refrigerant Line Size¹ Liquid Line Size (“O.D.) ⅜" ⅜" ⅜" ⅜" Suction Line Size (“O.D.)
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — dSZC180361a */Ca *f3743*6**+txV/mBVC1600** — l wo Sgeat 4 www.goodmanmfg.com SS-DSZC18 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 24.8 25.7 28.1 - 24.2 25.1 27.5 - 23.6 24.5 26.8 - 23.1 23.9 26.2 - 21.9 22.7 24.9 - 20.3 21.0 23.0 - S/T 0.77 0.64 0.44 - 0.79 0.66 0.46 -
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — dSZC180361a */Ca *f3743*6**+txV/mBVC1600** — l wo Sgeat (Cont .) SS-DSZC18 www.goodmanmfg.com 5 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 25.7 26.2 28.0 29.9 25.1 25.6 27.4 29.2 24.5 25.0 26.7 28.5 23.9 24.4 26.0 27.8 22.7 23.2 24.7 26.5 21.0 21.5 22.9 24.5 S/T 0.95 0
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — dSZC180361a */Ca *f3743*6**+txV/mBVC1600** — H igH Sgeat 6 www.goodmanmfg.com SS-DSZC18 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 34.5 35.8 39.2 - 33.7 34.9 38.3 - 32.9 34.1 37.4 - 32.1 33.3 36.5 - 30.5 31.6 34.6 - 28.3 29.3 32.1 - S/T 0.76 0.63 0.44 - 0.79 0.66 0.45 -
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — dSZC180361a */Ca *f3743*6**+txV/mBVC1600** — H H ig Sgeat (Cont .) SS-DSZC18 www.goodmanmfg.com 7 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 35.7 36.5 39.0 41.7 34.9 35.7 38.1 40.7 34.1 34.8 37.2 39.8 33.2 34.0 36.3 38.8 31.6 32.3 34.5 36.8 29.2 29.9 31.9 34.1 S/T 0.95
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — dSZC180481a */Ca *f3743*6**+txV/mBVC2000** — l wo Sgeat 8 www.goodmanmfg.com SS-DSZC18 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 35.0 36.3 39.8 - 34.2 35.5 38.9 - 33.4 34.6 37.9 - 32.6 33.8 37.0 - 31.0 32.1 35.2 - 28.7 29.7 32.6 - S/T 0.76 0.63 0.44 - 0.78 0.65 0.45 -
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — dSZC180481a */Ca *f3743*6**+txV/mBVC2000** — l wo Sgeat (Cont .) SS-DSZC18 www.goodmanmfg.com 9 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 36.3 37.1 39.6 42.3 35.4 36.2 38.7 41.3 34.6 35.3 37.7 40.3 33.7 34.5 36.8 39.4 32.0 32.7 35.0 37.4 29.7 30.3 32.4 34.6 S/T 0.94 0
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — dSZC180481a */Ca *f3743*6**+txV/mBVC2000** — H H ig Sgeat 10 www.goodmanmfg.com SS-DSZC18 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 49.0 50.8 55.6 - 47.9 49.6 54.3 - 46.7 48.4 53.1 - 45.6 47.2 51.8 - 43.3 44.9 49.2 - 40.1 41.6 45.5 - S/T 0.75 0.63 0.44 - 0.78 0.65 0.45
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — dSZC180481a */Ca *f3743*6**+txV/mBVC2000** — H igH Sgeat (Cont .) SS-DSZC18 www.goodmanmfg.com 11 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 50.7 51.8 55.4 59.2 49.5 50.6 54.1 57.8 48.4 49.4 52.8 56.4 47.2 48.2 51.5 55.1 44.8 45.8 48.9 52.3 41.5 42.4 45.3 48.4 S/T 0.94
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — dSZC180601a */Ca *f3743*6**+txV/mBVC2000** — l wo Sgeat 12 www.goodmanmfg.com SS-DSZC18 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 41.6 43.1 47.2 - 40.6 42.1 46.1 - 39.7 41.1 45.0 - 38.7 40.1 43.9 - 36.8 38.1 41.7 - 34.0 35.3 38.7 - S/T 0.71 0.59 0.41 - 0.74 0.62 0.43 -
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — dSZC180601a */Ca *f3743*6**+txV/mBVC2000** — l wo Sgeat (Cont .) SS-DSZC18 www.goodmanmfg.com 13 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 43.0 44.0 47.0 50.2 42.0 43.0 45.9 49.1 41.0 41.9 44.8 47.9 40.0 40.9 43.7 46.7 38.0 38.9 41.5 44.4 35.2 36.0 38.5 41.1 S/T 0.89
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — dSZC180601a */Ca *f3743*6**+txV/mBVC2000** — H H ig Sgeat 14 www.goodmanmfg.com SS-DSZC18 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 55.4 57.4 62.9 - 54.1 56.1 61.4 - 52.8 54.7 59.9 - 51.5 53.4 58.5 - 48.9 50.7 55.6 - 45.3 47.0 51.5 - S/T 0.72 0.60 0.42 - 0.75 0.63 0.43
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — dSZC180601a */Ca *f3743*6**+txV/mBVC2000** — H igH Sgeat (Cont .) SS-DSZC18 www.goodmanmfg.com 15 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 57.3 58.6 62.6 66.9 56.0 57.2 61.1 65.3 54.6 55.8 59.6 63.8 53.3 54.5 58.2 62.2 50.6 51.7 55.3 59.1 46.9 47.9 51.2 54.7 S/T 0.90
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — SZC1 d 80601B / Capf4961d6*+V / tx mBVC2000 — a l wo Sgeat 16 www.goodmanmfg.com SS-DSZC18 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 40.0 41.5 45.5 - 39.1 40.5 44.4 - 38.2 39.6 43.3 - 37.2 38.6 42.3 - 35.4 36.7 40.2 - 32.8 34.0 37.2 - S/T 0.73 0.61 0.42 - 0.76 0.63 0.
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — dSZC180601B / Capf49616*+ d V / tx mBVC2000a — l wo Sgeat (Cont .) SS-DSZC18 www.goodmanmfg.com 17 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 41.4 42.3 45.2 48.4 40.5 41.4 44.2 47.2 39.5 40.4 43.1 46.1 38.5 39.4 42.1 45.0 36.6 37.4 40.0 42.7 33.9 34.7 37.0 39.6 S/T 0.9
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — SZC1 d 80601B / C4 apf 961d6*+V / tx mBVC2000 — H a igH Sgeat 18 www.goodmanmfg.com SS-DSZC18 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 54.6 56.5 62.0 - 53.3 55.2 60.5 - 52.0 53.9 59.1 - 50.8 52.6 57.6 - 48.2 50.0 54.8 - 44.7 46.3 50.7 - S/T 0.73 0.61 0.42 - 0.76 0.63
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p C odur t SC pe C ifi tionS a e andedxp Cooling d ata — dSZC180601B / Capf4961d6*+txV / mBVC2000 — H a H ig Sgeat (Cont .) SS-DSZC18 www.goodmanmfg.com 19 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65ºF 75ºF 85ºF 95ºF 105ºF 115ºF Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 56.5 57.7 61.6 65.9 55.2 56.4 60.2 64.4 53.8 55.0 58.8 62.8 52.5 53.7 57.3 61.3 49.9 51.0 54.5 58.2 46.2 47.2 50.5 53.9 S/T 0.
p C odur t SC pe C ifi S tiona p oduC r t SC pe C ifi S tiona e andedxp Htingea d ata DSZC180361A* / CA*F3642C6A*+TXV/ MBE1600**-1 — High Stage Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 60 55 50 47 45 40 35 30 25 20 17 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 MBh 44.5 42.2 39.7 37.1 35.4 34.3 31.9 29.4 27.5 25.4 23.4 22.0 21.2 19.1 16.9 14.7 12.6 10.3 ∆T 33.0 31.2 29.4 27.5 26.2 25.4 23.6 21.8 20.4 18.8 17.3 16.3 15.7 14.1 12.5 10.9 9.3 7.6 kW 2.81 2.75 2.69 2.63 2.6 2.57 2.52 2.46 2.43 2.37 2.32 2.28 2.26 2.20 2.14 2.08 2.02 1.9