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And you thought we were the only
ones making all the noise.
ones making all the noise.
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Electronics magazine had to say
Electronics magazine had to say
about the new STROKER PRO
about the new STROKER PRO
For more information, visit us at www.cerwin-vega.com.
USA: Cerwin-Vega!, Inc. • 9340 De Soto Ave. • Chatsworth, CA • 91311 ©2005 Cerwin-Vega
Phone: 1-818-534-1500 • Fax: 1-818-534-1590 • Cerw
CERWIN-VEGA STROKER TEXT: VANCE DICKASON & ERIC HOLDAWAY PHOTOS: COURTESY OF MANUFACTURER PRO 15 MORE THAN A ONE NOTE WONDER — A FRONT-RUNNER FOR SOUND QUALITY AND SPL Since 1954, highly effective Faraday In addition to attenuating nasty eddy currents Cerwin Vega, one of the shield or shorting ring (a new produced by the woofer motor and lowering distor- oldest speaker companies around, patent-pending trick). The cut- tion, a large shorting ring also reduces motor tem- has had a major reputation
situation is more like hav- increased even-order distortion also increases the ing two gaps working in bass due to a psycho-acoustic phenomenon called unison. As the number of the missing fundamental (which produces percep- turns starts decreasing in tion of low bass from notes an octave higher). So, if one gap, the number of you want to go from very clean linear bass to an turns in the other gap altered warm bass sound quality, Stroker Pro increases so that the num- woofers come with a tool tha
3 sealed box with no fill material and symmetrical, broad and flat plateau with nearly manual, a 2.7ft 3 equal slopes in either direction. The displacement a 3.0ft ported box tuned to 36Hz with two 4” diam- eter vents and also with no fill material. The LEAP 5 at operating SPL near Xmax is nearly 0mm, so this is about as good as it gets. Bl can decrease to graph curves in Figure 3 show the SPL at 2.83 volts (black curves) in half-space, 2.83 volts in an aver- approximately 70% of its small signa
CERWIN-VEGA STROKER PRO 15 its paces on these pages with a stag- gering retail price of $1,699.00. INSTALLATION A quick call to Cerwin-Vega got me to Bob Diamond, CV’s senior design engi- neer. He recommended I use a sealed 3 enclosure with an internal volume of 2.7ft for the best overall sound quality. Jayson Olson, master installer at Speaker W orks, was enlisted to build this special enclosure. The enclosure would be constructed out of two layers of 3/4” MDF with internal bracing to add stren
CERWIN-VEGA STROKER PRO 15 in my truck. smooth and proper. That’s what’s so intriguing Pro 15 really got the job done. Each kick of the bass The acoustic about the Stroker Pro. There is nothing faint about drum was sharp, solid and deep. This track illus- match greatly the looks of this subwoofer, indicating that it could trated the performance gains that large format sub- improved and not be anything less than a brute, yet it had an artic- woofers have over smaller subwoofers. now we had a ulat