We Make Cars More Li\10ble T oM.
150 Marcus Blvd., Hauppauge. New York 11788
Telephone (516) 231-7750
Cable Address: Audiovox Hauppauge, N. Y. / TWX: 96- 7794
These speakers have been designed for use with all car stereo systems and incorporate the
following deluxe features:
1. Modern, glare-broof cabinets blend well with any car decor.
2. Unique 5 inch round free edge speaker fully emphasizes .stereo effect, reproducing
both high and low tones in rich volume and with minimal distortion.
3. Mayb
Iy removed c. Wiring 1. When routing speaker wires, make sure they are not pinched or cut by any bare metal edges. 2. Splice the leads from the speakers to the output leads of the tape deck or radio, making sure to observe and maintain the polarities of the left and right channels. Cover all exposed wires with electrical insulating tape. 3. When attaching two speakers to one output channel, correct impedance matching must be maintained. between the speakers and the stereo or radio. Two 8 OHM spe
.fiWt.fie as jt( I. Remove Plastic Shipping Caps from Generator Components. Assemble Generator Components as illustrated below, EXCEPT the *STAMPED NUT (5/8-18). See Note I 2. You will need to work where the Vehicle Speedometer Cable is attached to the Transmission. If necessary. raise the vehicle. Chock Wheels. ,B~not get ~d~,r,~Yvehicle held~p by.ajacko,~~-,Us~Jack Stands or Ramps-, ":l:JI;eweb,9£,,a,~9~c~~teblockWiU ,n9{ car-,,'I)ONOT,RISK,YOUR LIFE! " " , "'"", ' ,I""", ",I" "" ' " ' " , 3.
4. Plug ExTENSION HARNEss into SIGNAL GENERATOR Lead. Select:proper plastic connector for system being installed and insert terhiinals of ExTENSIOl:l HARNEss Lead into plastic CONNECTOR as shown. For Cruise Control Systems using Signal Generator Harness to Main Wiring Harness connection, use HARNEss CONNECTOR and insert wires as shown. ~~:::s HARNESS CONNECTOR For Cruise Control Systems using Signal Generator Harness to Module connection, use MODULE CONNECTOR and insert wires as shown. MODULE CO